Support units won't stay with HQ ? (Full Version)

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gladiatt -> Support units won't stay with HQ ? (12/31/2016 2:07:26 PM)

i am very surprised : i did assign a lot of Arty units to HQ dépending of the 8th Army in Italy (and had already done the same thing for troops in England awaiting for Overlord), and most HQ had between 6 or 7 artillery units.
But next turn, all HQ returned to 3 Arty supports units [X(][&:]

So i made once again attachement of these units to the HQ i choosed.

But next turn, once again the number of arty unit attached to each HQ was 3, to my displeasure.

So is there a kind of limitation on number or time of support unit attached to HQ ?
Is a attachement of unit for just one turn ???
Or did i missed something ?

Thnaks ofr any answer that could help me to manage these units.
It is annoying to know that allied HQ can have more Arty unit assigned than their ennemies counterpart, and not having these in effect.

(no particular screen to show, sorry)

FireDog -> RE: Support units won't stay with HQ ? (1/1/2017 4:48:22 PM)

Hi, I'm sure there are some people who understand it better than I do, but I think I can help. I believe you can get control of that by changing the "Support Level" on the Elements tab of the HQ. The computer will attempt to provide the number of each type of support units that you set it for or you can lock it. There are more details on page 81 of the manual.

gladiatt -> RE: Support units won't stay with HQ ? (1/28/2017 6:50:01 AM)

Well, sorry for the very late reply, i had big trouble with my wife health.

So, thanks for the reply. I finally found the trick, with the cursor on the HQ or combat unit, indicating the number of support level. Putting it on Lock allow me to give support unit without these supports leaving on next turn. Thanks

FireDog -> RE: Support units won't stay with HQ ? (1/29/2017 4:20:38 PM)

Sorry, to hear about your wife's health. I will pray for her!

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