Semi OT: Musings of a Rookie Allied Admiral.. (Full Version)

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Macclan5 -> Semi OT: Musings of a Rookie Allied Admiral.. (1/5/2017 6:45:58 PM)

Well its one year since I obtained this treasure of a game.

(Santa brought it to me)

My personal thanks to Matix Games, and especially this community at large for helpful advice, incredible historical and military knowledge, rekindling my hobby both in computer gaming and historical reading.

Not to be understated; very good humor of all types. Direct and indirect, satirical, high and low brow.

This is a great hobby.


About 6 months ago I posted some random musings as a rookie; here is my updated list:

(Meant to be humorous) [8D]

The IJN should have made an entire class of Cruisers based the CA Tone; I have bombed, torpedoed, and sunk her at least four times and inevitably get the message “previous intelligence reports inaccurate” and/or spot her again.

CV3 Saratoga should have been properly christened CV3 Torpedo Magnet.

If John D Edwards deserves a destroyer named after him; so does Samuel Adams – famous Boston based brewer.

The Old US Battleships should not have been considered the “High Seas Fleet”; rather the “Dock yard job security” Navy.

After the first time through this game you realize you will be/should be far more excited about the arrival of PBY4 Liberators (Recon range 31) than F6F Hellcats.

I watched the movie “Midway” over a 100 times I suppose. Now I think the movie was crappy…

When you think you are a master of amphibious assault two words; Iwo Jima.

Victory Disease is exactly emulated in this game and imposed on the computer user after one successful large size operation/opponent Carrier sunk.

Victory Disease is the exact opposite of SLCD (Sudden Loss of Carrier Disease); however the cure is exactly the same. Have a drink, and reload (if possible) or re-plan (if not).

btd64 -> RE: Semi OT: Musings of a Rookie Allied Admiral.. (1/5/2017 7:07:29 PM)

Enterprise use to be my torpedo magnet. She became a reef in 4 out of my 5 first games back in 2009 and 10. Funny you should mention Sam Adams, I had a Destroyer with his name in a mod of mine about 2 to 3 years ago. THe older BB's do make very good Amphib TF escorts and they bombard pretty good too....GP

Anachro -> RE: Semi OT: Musings of a Rookie Allied Admiral.. (1/5/2017 7:15:04 PM)

Saratoga is the unsinkable and most-decorated "Big S" of my main allied game...for now.

Macclan5 -> RE: Semi OT: Musings of a Rookie Allied Admiral.. (1/5/2017 7:25:31 PM)

I likely suppose that ships names vary... [:D]

Sara caught two or three random torps in my game. None that have sank her. However she spent as much time in dry dock as at Sea till August 44.

Saratoga is my "anti- Tone" so to speak.

BBfanboy -> RE: Semi OT: Musings of a Rookie Allied Admiral.. (1/5/2017 8:27:00 PM)


ORIGINAL: Macclan5

I likely suppose that ships names vary... [:D]

Sara caught two or three random torps in my game. None that have sank her. However she spent as much time in dry dock as at Sea till August 44.

Saratoga is my "anti- Tone" so to speak.

The torpedo magnet trophy goes to Prince of Wales in my games. Never had one where she did not eat torps before mid-Dec. 1941. I my current game vs the AI she dodged all the air dropped ones but then intercepted the covering force for the Kota Bharu landings at night, smacked Kongo and Haruna rather heavily and was just starting on the CAs when the long lances came.

She managed to limp to Singers and get the flooding stabilized before going on to Columbo where she occupied most of the shipyard for 9.5 months. I credit her survival to having replaced her captain on turn one. She is back now and fortunately most of the Japanese TBs, subs and Long-lance capable ships are gone.

dave sindel -> RE: Semi OT: Musings of a Rookie Allied Admiral.. (1/5/2017 8:52:12 PM)




ORIGINAL: Macclan5

I likely suppose that ships names vary... [:D]

Sara caught two or three random torps in my game. None that have sank her. However she spent as much time in dry dock as at Sea till August 44.

Saratoga is my "anti- Tone" so to speak.

The torpedo magnet trophy goes to Prince of Wales in my games. Never had one where she did not eat torps before mid-Dec. 1942. I my current game vs the AI she dodged all the air dropped ones but then intercepted the covering force for the Kota Bharu landings at night, smacked Kongo and Haruna rather heavily and was just starting on the CAs when the long lances came.

She managed to limp to Singers and get the flooding stabilized before going on to Columbo where she occupied most of the shipyard for 9.5 months. I credit her survival to having replaced her captain on turn one. She is back now and fortunately most of the Japanese TBs, subs and Long-lance capable ships are gone.

My "Torpedo Magnet" award goes to CL Raleigh. I'm at June 1943 in my PBEM, and she's been in the yard at least three times. The last time she was two days out of Sydney when she got tagged again and had to limp back for more repairs.

rustysi -> RE: Semi OT: Musings of a Rookie Allied Admiral.. (1/5/2017 9:55:19 PM)


I watched the movie “Midway” over a 100 times I suppose. Now I think the movie was crappy…

Ha, exactly.[:D]

Yaab -> RE: Semi OT: Musings of a Rookie Allied Admiral.. (1/6/2017 5:56:13 AM)

The movie was OK, but the rehash of "Tora, Tora, Tora" footage was unfortunate, to say the least.

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