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ravenflight -> Peace (1/6/2017 2:09:22 AM)

Hi All,

I've played a couple of tutorials and have managed to get the AI to unconditionally surrender to me on two occasions. In the surrender tabs I'd selected 1/2 repatriations, cede 3 provinces and extra peace time, yet once I'd surrendered, I got no provinces (or any territory at all actually) or money... I didn't check the peace time.

Something I'm doing wrong?


pzgndr -> RE: Peace (1/8/2017 1:27:20 PM)

I recently got into the separate peace issue and made a fix. There is a lot of complex code that I'd like to review one of these days for the next update to ensure all surrender conditions are working. For the provinces there is the provision that: "The province must be either adjacent to the victorious Major Power’s controlled territory and/or contain one or more of the victor’s corps." So perhaps this was not the case? Also, you need to designate which provinces you want and keep this updated as you approach victory, because once the enemy sues for peace the game goes into satisfying the pre-selected conditions and that's it. For the most part I believe the surrender conditions themselves have been working OK but if we can confirm any specific bugs then I'll have a better idea what to look at.

ravenflight -> RE: Peace (1/8/2017 8:20:15 PM)

Yes, I worked it out, Thanks.

Just an observation, tho, it makes it nearly impossible for the formation of the Grand Duchy of Warsaw., but to be honest, I don't know if the French had troops in Warsaw at the time of surrender.

Talking about a minor glitch (or bad AI play?), I kept getting attacked by the British Cavalry corps across Lille. 1 effing corps with 1 factor in it. My one corps protecting Lille won EVERY battle. That's +1 point and the loss of 2MP points which the British can't really afford. During a long peace just for giggles I put Napoleon in charge just to get the additional +1 :)

Not exactly fair, but I was just mucking around learning how to play.

TBH, I'm less bothered with poor AI play in this game. It bugs me in other games, but this one is meant to be PBEM for the most part, so am less worried.

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