leaders (Full Version)

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wktr8222 -> leaders (1/7/2017 6:51:33 PM)

Sometimes when i assing corps leader, hes skills are reduced, admin for example. can someone explain me why, and how can i prevent it? i guess its something with the rank. thanks!

EwaldvonKleist -> RE: leaders (1/7/2017 7:08:59 PM)

I think this can only happen when you assign new army or AG leaders?

Telemecus -> RE: leaders (1/7/2017 7:32:10 PM)

In the manual on leaders promotions and dismissals it says it is for Corps\Army commanders who need a promtion to command the unit - and only if they fail a ratings check. If you\ AI appoint someone who already has the necessary rank or, I assume, for a higher position than army you should see no change.

No idea -> RE: leaders (1/7/2017 8:41:20 PM)


ORIGINAL: wktr8222

Sometimes when i assing corps leader, hes skills are reduced, admin for example. can someone explain me why, and how can i prevent it? i guess its something with the rank. thanks!

It depends on ranks. If you assign a general to a post he doesnt have the rank for, then he might lose one (or two?) points in a random ability.

gmtello -> RE: leaders (1/8/2017 4:09:29 PM)

In my opinión ( may be wrong) corps léaders are most imp because the dice play against smaller. Numbers. So it is better to have very good inf or Mech level in the corps level. If they faill the dice the cv is halved and a other dice is casted this time with double odds and with the Army léaders rating inf or mech. If they fail against then the inf or mech rating in the army group is casted against a number double than the prior dice. If they fail again another dice is played against the inf mech level of the leader of okh but with double prop of failing for ex leader corp inf with 6 army 7, ag 8 . Okw 9 . the dice of the corp is played 6 against a number ( Think is between 11 and 15 ) dice days 7 checks faills and cv is halved. After Army dice against a Number between 22 or 30 the dice Gets minus than 7 then no more dice and Only suffers one penalty for Not passing corps checks

EwaldvonKleist -> RE: leaders (1/8/2017 6:17:49 PM)

Look in the manual for the equations.
There were some things added, but the basic system is described there.

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