Japanese full campaign without industry management (Full Version)

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Kokubokan -> Japanese full campaign without industry management (1/14/2017 12:05:14 PM)

Hi, guys.

It's possible to play a japanese full campaign without industry management?

Any mod maybe?

Thanks in advance.

Puhis -> RE: Japanese full campaign without industry management (1/14/2017 12:14:47 PM)


ORIGINAL: Kokubokan

It's possible to play a japanese full campaign without industry management?

No. If you don't manage the industry, you're totally screwed.

Alpha77 -> RE: Japanese full campaign without industry management (1/14/2017 12:21:53 PM)

Well one can disregard some aspects eg. managing ship builds (just let them build as designed do not stop or accelerate) as well research: All planes will arrive at pre-defined dates then....

Puhis -> RE: Japanese full campaign without industry management (1/14/2017 12:29:53 PM)

You have to manage ship building too, because Japan is producing more and more ships as the game advances, and shipyard points run out unless players halt some ships or expand shipyards.

Japanese player have to manage plane production too, for example Japan is not producing any carrier torpedo bombers when the game starts...

Kokubokan -> RE: Japanese full campaign without industry management (1/14/2017 12:38:50 PM)

Thanks to all for the responses.

Revthought -> RE: Japanese full campaign without industry management (1/14/2017 4:20:46 PM)

I'm thinking of trying to teach myself Japan against the AI. Are there any digestible noob Japanese tutorial AARs out there I should read, or documentation on the Japanese economy? I found the planning spreadsheet; however, I prefer not to learn it by following someone else's "plan" exactly.

Lokasenna -> RE: Japanese full campaign without industry management (1/14/2017 6:52:50 PM)

You could make a mod with production off, and defined replacement/production rates and dates for all of the aircraft... as well as every single LCU device and arrival dates for every single ship.

GetAssista -> RE: Japanese full campaign without industry management (1/14/2017 8:25:04 PM)

Playing Japan without industry is pretty easy click-wise. One can leave things as is, not touch yards or factories, with the exception of building engine/airframe factories when they become available, and go through the campaign. Ships will be built, troops will be filled.
It will leave aside a huge part of gameplay in the form of long-term planning, and forego all possibilities to make Japan more competitive, but is doable from the get go. The end will creep sooner, so what

PaxMondo -> RE: Japanese full campaign without industry management (1/15/2017 12:03:57 PM)



You have to manage ship building too, because Japan is producing more and more ships as the game advances, and shipyard points run out unless players halt some ships or expand shipyards.

Japanese player have to manage plane production too, for example Japan is not producing any carrier torpedo bombers when the game starts...

Actually, it isn't too bad if you leave it alone. That means no accelerating any CV's etc.

You'll run into a few periods of bottle necks in 42/43, but nothing too serious.

If you wish to run a hand's off game on the economy you can. The only real thing you will want to do is once the Ha-45 is available, build some more factories or you will not be able to build anywhere near the number of Franks that were actually built.

For the other aircraft, you will be chronically short compared to history because you will find the AI is FAR more aggressive with air combat compared to most players, which is already greater than historical figures ... so it will be a tough game ... enjoy.

geofflambert -> RE: Japanese full campaign without industry management (1/16/2017 12:55:03 AM)

Logistics is pretty central to this game, and for the Japanese production as well. It's hard for me to imagine developing a winning strategy that does not involve making major decisions about what you would do differently than they did historically in terms of ships and planes. I know there aren't enough explosions for some in this game and there's no sex whatsoever unless you're looking at the American plane art. Just knuckle down and bury yourself in production, both for ships and planes. The rest, LCU devices and stuff like that is pretty simple and you can set it up at the get go then forget about it.

PaxMondo -> RE: Japanese full campaign without industry management (1/16/2017 1:59:42 AM)


ORIGINAL: geofflambert

Logistics is pretty central to this game, and for the Japanese production as well. ...


rustysi -> RE: Japanese full campaign without industry management (1/16/2017 8:46:47 PM)

I know it can be difficult to learn how to manage the Japanese economy, but without it you 'lose' an entire aspect of the game. Keep in mind that even if you ignore the economy you still need to haul its inputs back to the HI.

RFalvo69 -> RE: Japanese full campaign without industry management (1/17/2017 11:41:38 AM)

I never played a Japanese full campaign due to the need of managing the production (admittedly, I do that and more in Hearts of Iron III, but because other parts of that game are simpler; the same with the boardgame version of World in Flames).

I'm reading this thread with interest, and I could give a whirl to the Japanese. Having said that, some of the suggestions here could have been automated by an AI (not a Mod, I think that the thing would need to be hard-coded) and offered to the Japanese player as an option. Obviously against a human player you need all the help that you can get, but, personally, I think that an added layer of difficulty when playing vs. the AI (you have to fight with what you get) would be welcomed.

My 2 cents [:)]

Chickenboy -> RE: Japanese full campaign without industry management (1/17/2017 12:39:05 PM)


ORIGINAL: geofflambert
and there's no sex whatsoever

Kind of goes without saying. Those that buy the game can say goodbye to many different aspects of their 'normal' life. This one is scarcely different.

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