Strange Seiges (Full Version)

All Forums >> [New Releases from Matrix Games] >> Empires in Arms the Napoleonic Wars of 1805 - 1815 >> After Action Reports


ravenflight -> Strange Seiges (1/15/2017 8:26:30 PM)

Hey all,

So, Turkey declared war on me. ME, the peace loving Ruskie. I know right?

So, after several months I'm finally making my drive on Constantinople on sea supply. Constantinople is FULLY garrisoned. It's a 5 spire 2 fleche city. This is going to take a while. I'll need a 6 to breach, and chances are I'll be defeated (break) once or twice, as while I have a fairly large force (about 50 factors), a 5-1 isn't going to do 25 factors unless I'm lucky. In the mean time, over in asia minor, I've been besieging a 1 spire no fleche city for 3 months and just can't starve the little 'I can roll 1 every month until the end of the game' types.

So, back to Constantinople... breach on day 1. Break the enemy. Turkey unconditionally surrenders on day 2.

Great day to be Russian.

DCWhitworth -> RE: Strange Seiges (1/16/2017 3:59:49 PM)

Such are the fortunes of war. I've seen plenty of people over the years express curses at the random number generator in the game.

ravenflight -> RE: Strange Seiges (1/16/2017 6:56:23 PM)



Such are the fortunes of war. I've seen plenty of people over the years express curses at the random number generator in the game.

I'm not really bothered by it. I've seen equally strange die rolls in ftf friendlies.

When playing World in Flames once as Germany, I orchistrated a massive Barbarossa invasion inc an attack on Leningrad which would mean I could only NOT take Leningrad on the first turn of Barbarossa on a single bad die roll (I don't remember the specifics, but I think it was on a roll of 1). I rolled that numver.

ajksr -> RE: Strange Seiges (1/7/2018 1:49:42 PM)

May I ask how your game is going?
Battle On...

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