How does one invade Malta? (Full Version)

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Steves762 -> How does one invade Malta? (1/16/2017 7:17:49 PM)

I've read through the manual, and using an amphibious transport to invade looks pretty simple, but I cannot figure out how to invade Malta. I have my Italian corps in Sicily, I load them into an amphibious transport, waited a turn so they could reach Malta, I am at war with the Allies, and I can left click on Malta and have the amphibious transport attack Malta, but the troops don't unload onto Malta. Is there some trick that I am missing?

Any help would be appreciated!



crispy131313 -> RE: How does one invade Malta? (1/16/2017 7:38:06 PM)

Surprisingly Wiki has the answer.

The Axis resolved to bomb or starve Malta into submission, by attacking its ports, towns, cities, and Allied shipping supplying the island. Malta was one of the most intensively bombed areas during the war. The Luftwaffe (German Air Force) and the Regia Aeronautica (Italian Royal Air Force) flew a total of 3,000 bombing raids over a period of two years in an effort to destroy RAF defences and the ports.[10] Success would have made possible a combined German–Italian amphibious landing (Operation Herkules) supported by German airborne forces (Fallschirmjäger).

Basucally Bomb it until the occupier is destroyed and then either amphibious assault a unit onto the island or drop a paratrooper in.

DeriKuk -> RE: How does one invade Malta? (1/16/2017 7:45:39 PM)

With this straight-jacket script game - which gets old in a hurry - there is no way to invade Malta. Instead, gain naval superiority in the Med, and put one or two Italians BBs on a rotation bombardment program to beat Malta down. Do not allow it to recover.

Is it just me, or is this game really getting to be a snore-fest of repetition? [>:]

Steves762 -> RE: How does one invade Malta? (1/16/2017 7:51:52 PM)

Odd that I can use the amphibious transport to attack the island, but can't land troops on it because it's occupied by a single AA unit. Has anyone tried an airborne assault onto it? Probably wouldn't be pretty for the airborne unit, but I can't believe I can't invade the island. Makes me wonder how a Pacific theater version added to this game would function with no invading of central Pacific islands ;^)

crispy131313 -> RE: How does one invade Malta? (1/16/2017 7:54:24 PM)

I've only played the main title once during beta so I can't agree or disagree. I loosened the strings since day 1.

DeriKuk -> RE: How does one invade Malta? (1/16/2017 7:57:03 PM)

Airborne? Been there, tried that . . . the script wouldn't allow it; then I moved on. I'll spend my scarce time on VR's 'Decisive Campaigns' instead . . . far more depth and value. [:)]

crispy131313 -> RE: How does one invade Malta? (1/16/2017 7:59:48 PM)

I'm pretty sure the anti-air unit is a representation of the island defence and not meant to suggest the island has no occupants. And if amphibious assault required the amount of bombing that it did historically without victory why should it be easier in the game?

Steves762 -> RE: How does one invade Malta? (1/16/2017 9:09:15 PM)

I'm not arguing whether or not invading should be easier or harder depending on bombardment, I'm willing to sacrifice many Italian lives for this island ;^) It just appears that I am not allowed to unload the troops no matter what I tried, that's why I posted this question. I appreciate the replies, as I am new to this game, and I guess I will just have to keep pounding on the island to keep it from interfering with my supplies to Libya.

crispy131313 -> RE: How does one invade Malta? (1/16/2017 9:57:02 PM)

Try taking the supply down with Strategic Bombers or Naval Bombardment to reduce the units abilty to reinforce.

bobarossa -> RE: How does one invade Malta? (1/16/2017 10:00:20 PM)

Your attempt to unload troops is actually an attack on the AA unit. Use bombers and BB's to damage the unit severely and lower supply to 0. If you want the amphibious attack to actually damage the unit, use an Army instead of a Corps, and research amphibious assault to raise your attack factors. Paratroops will never work if there is a unit left in Malta because dropping them is not considered an attack. I have successfully taken Malta (without the Amphib research) by using two bombers and the entire Italian fleet. It took quite a while.

sPzAbt653 -> RE: How does one invade Malta? (1/16/2017 11:00:28 PM)

I just happen to be taking Malta as we speak, so you might want to check this out:�

bo -> RE: How does one invade Malta? (1/16/2017 11:23:48 PM)

Wow Malta cant be taken [;)]good lord people easiest part of the game, bombard the island with the Italian navy, put at least 6 German tactical bombers on Sicily with a German Hq.

Have your German Para's on Sicily set to drop in for a beer as soon as the the AA gun is destroyed. Only once in four games I did not take Malta on the first attack, second attack BOOM!

Now a comment about the reprecussions of doing nothing with North Africa or capturing it. If you wan't all of North Africa and kick the British out you had better take Malta because when you get to be near Cairo your supply most likely will read zero.

If you decide not to fight the Brirish in North Africa do not land the Afrika Corp of course, but Italy can expect an invasion as soon as the British take Tunisia. If that happens make sure your engineers build fortifications across the leg of Italy in front of Rome.

Again I apoligize if I have offended anyone who thinks Malta can't be taken, just trying to help [;)]


bo -> RE: How does one invade Malta? (1/16/2017 11:32:52 PM)


ORIGINAL: hjalmar99

With this straight-jacket script game - which gets old in a hurry - there is no way to invade Malta. Instead, gain naval superiority in the Med, and put one or two Italians BBs on a rotation bombardment program to beat Malta down. Do not allow it to recover.

Is it just me, or is this game really getting to be a snore-fest of repetition? [>:]

The [>:] is perfect for you, to make a statement like you just made makes me thing you are from Canada [:D] Please read my post or sPzAbt653 post, you just might change your mind [:(] I have yet to snooze playing this pretty good game.


sPzAbt653 -> RE: How does one invade Malta? (1/17/2017 12:29:11 AM)


Again I apoligize if I have offended anyone who thinks Malta can't be taken, just trying to help

To be fair, when we are just beginning and learning the mechanics of the game, Malta is impossible [;)] I had to ask for help when I started.

And stop spelling Tactical as Tactile !! lol.

bo -> RE: How does one invade Malta? (1/17/2017 12:50:13 AM)




Again I apoligize if I have offended anyone who thinks Malta can't be taken, just trying to help

To be fair, when we are just beginning and learning the mechanics of the game, Malta is impossible [;)] I had to ask for help when I started.

And stop spelling Tactical as Tactile !! lol.

People asked for help I gave it to them ok, some said it could not be done, Just wanted to correct that, LOL [;)] As for tactical or tactile I am from South Philly, you want everything perfect.

DeriKuk -> RE: How does one invade Malta? (1/17/2017 2:09:44 AM)


If you wan't all of North Africa and kick the British out you had better take Malta because when you get to be near Cairo your supply most likely will read zero.

I find that taking Malta is a waste of resources. Just keep it beaten down, and it will no longer bother you. I know this, because Rommel usually gets to Teheran, and the Italians take out Saudi Arabia . . . and the Turks join the Axis. Of course, this does nothing to prevent D-Day '43 . . . repeatedly.

Ironclad -> RE: How does one invade Malta? (1/17/2017 4:15:50 AM)

Not taking Malta or even bothering to bomb it has not stopped me from conquering Egpt when playing The Axis. The extent of further advances beyond into Iraq, Persia and the Caucasus have then usually depended on the state of play in the Western Med especially whether Spain/Gib have come on side. In view of this Malta never seems worth the effort.

sPzAbt653 -> RE: How does one invade Malta? (1/17/2017 6:31:31 AM)


I am from South Philly,

I'm right downy skreet in Balmer.
[translation - I'm right down the street in Baltimore].

Klydon -> RE: How does one invade Malta? (1/17/2017 12:36:22 PM)

I took Malta in 1940. Basically I came close to following what sPZAbt653 did in his link above. I moved most of the Luftwaffe to Sicily for a show down with the Royal Navy. I also sent an extra U-boat as soon as I could to the Med to help with the blockade. Some of the keys are to have the Italian battleships ready in the southern ports and some naval recon available while using the subs to blockade. Sooner or later, the Royal Navy is going to show up and the first target is their carrier. After that, between your air power and being able to run out, hit and return to port, you should be able to dispatch the Royal Navy in the Med. After that, it is just a matter of time to put Malta out of supply and destroy the defender.

The one issue I see is that if you employ a paratrooper unit, it is going to be there for awhile since you have to wait for the ports to be repaired in order for it to move again.

The other benefit is that with Malta in Axis hands, instead of hurting the Axis supply situation in Africa, the Allies suffer supply penalties while Malta is in Axis hands.

Steves762 -> RE: How does one invade Malta? (1/17/2017 1:24:20 PM)

So it can be done! It sounds like you have to destroy the defender first though? Since this is my first attempt at an amphibious invasion, does the game not allow you to land on an occupied hex and fight it out? I haven't found anything in the manual that says you can or you can't do that.

Malor -> RE: How does one invade Malta? (1/17/2017 1:54:20 PM)

The game lets you attack an occupied hex from sea via amphib assault, but the battle does not resolve to a "fight to the end result". It is simply another hex to hex attack with each unit taking loses as the random die rolls generate. Thus your attacking unit may lose 3 points and still be available at sea the next turn to try again, but unless you reduced supply, the defended will be able to replace any loses and be at full strength the next turn. So unless the amphib assault actually kills the defender, it's probably not worth it to try unless you want to throw multiple units into the attack. That method is probably not worth it either when it is less costly to eliminate the defender by air after supply is down to zero. Takes more time, but at a lessor cost if done correctly.

Steves762 -> RE: How does one invade Malta? (1/17/2017 2:24:00 PM)

Ok, that makes sense. But the problem I was having was I didn't even get the option to try to attack. I could attack Malta with the transport, but when I right-clicked on the transport, there was no option for the troops to attack or unload. When I turned the unit around and went back to Sicily, I was then given the option to unload. That's why I was confused. But I'm new to the game, so I still have a lot to learn about how it works ;^)

bobarossa -> RE: How does one invade Malta? (1/17/2017 3:23:44 PM)

The attack with the transport IS the attack with the unit. I was confused by this my first time too. I'm curious if the attack strength varies with the unit loaded. I never checked. I know the amphibious research option increases attack strength.

bo -> RE: How does one invade Malta? (1/17/2017 4:02:25 PM)


ORIGINAL: Steves762

Ok, that makes sense. But the problem I was having was I didn't even get the option to try to attack. I could attack Malta with the transport, but when I right-clicked on the transport, there was no option for the troops to attack or unload. When I turned the unit around and went back to Sicily, I was then given the option to unload. That's why I was confused. But I'm new to the game, so I still have a lot to learn about how it works ;^)

Hope you are enjoying the game Steve, I am trying to understand about the transport comment, now I am sure there are people who understand this game better than I do, IMO you cannot attack a enemy hex from a transport even an empty one, so even if the AA unit on Malta was destroyed by tactical bombers, you must still invade that hex using amphibious assualt, or a Para drop from Sicily.


Steves762 -> RE: How does one invade Malta? (1/17/2017 4:13:01 PM)

Bo, when I say "transport" I meant the actual ship icon. From the manual:
"To help soften up the target before a landing is made, Amphibious Transports can themselves attack an enemy unit occupying a coastal hex, before the unit they are carrying is landed. This feature enables amphibious units to attack small defended islands, such as Malta".

I could do that, but I couldn't unload the actual unit, that was my original question. I did embark my corps as an amphibious transport, not a regular transport. So I guess my confusion is can an amphibious transport unload it's unit onto a hex that is occupied by an enemy unit and have the two fight it out for possession as they would any other hex?

bo -> RE: How does one invade Malta? (1/17/2017 5:23:48 PM)


ORIGINAL: Steves762

Bo, when I say "transport" I meant the actual ship icon. From the manual:
"To help soften up the target before a landing is made, Amphibious Transports can themselves attack an enemy unit occupying a coastal hex, before the unit they are carrying is landed. This feature enables amphibious units to attack small defended islands, such as Malta".

I could do that, but I couldn't unload the actual unit, that was my original question. I did embark my corps as an amphibious transport, not a regular transport. So I guess my confusion is can an amphibious transport unload it's unit onto a hex that is occupied by an enemy unit and have the two fight it out for possession as they would any other hex?

My bad Steve, I misunderstood the word transport, so my best guess is you cannot land in the same hex as an enemy unit, I would like to see an airborne unit be able to land on top of a unit and fight it out though.


Malor -> RE: How does one invade Malta? (1/17/2017 5:25:24 PM)

The AV transport can only unload on an empty hex but you can attack an occupied hex with it. IF the defender is destroyed or retreats, you can then land the same unit in the empty hex on the same turn if action points permit it. If the defender survives, you either attack with another unit or wait until next turn.

This functionality is the same as the ones used to resolve land and naval combats. In this game two units cannot occupy the same hex so you as attacker cannot move into a hex until the defender is destroyed or retreats.

Yes, it is actually that simple but it took be a few tries myself and a read through of the manual to figure that out. I too was expecting a fight to the death scenario when invading an occupied hex. I'm not sure I like the current method, but it is how the game was designed and the combat function is consistent everywhere. Any changes would probably not be possible without a lot of coding to rewrite combat functions.

I've learned that if I want to land a unit unopposed so it can be used to fight inland fast, that it is necessary to use air and naval first to weaken or destroy the defender. A weaken unit is easy to defeat or force retreat with a unit in AV mode, thus clearing the hex.

Another thing to remember is to attack with combat units. HQ, anti-air and artillery make more assault forces. [:-] Make sure that the unit you choose for the assault is actually a tank or infantry unit. In a sea of many AV units, it is easy to get confused as to what everything is so make sure to check the info panel at the bottom first. Ask me how I learned this. [:@]


sPzAbt653 -> RE: How does one invade Malta? (1/17/2017 5:52:41 PM)

It's like the first thing I put in that post. How'd you miss it, lol ?

Units conducting an Amphibious Assault cannot move onto Malta unless it is vacant. Paratroops cannot land on the hex unless it is vacant. In order to capture Malta, the Allied unit located there must be eliminated.

Steves762 -> RE: How does one invade Malta? (1/17/2017 6:54:04 PM)

I saw what you typed, and that helped. I was just trying to answer Bo's question. But looking at my reply, it appeared I was still confused...that will teach me to reply to posts and try to work at the same time ;^)

Steely Glint -> RE: How does one invade Malta? (1/18/2017 5:47:44 AM)

I have never had the slightest problem taking Malta as the Axis. You have to completely reduce it before you can take it, but if you reduce it properly it falls easily.

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