DeriKuk -> RE: Barbarossa Vs. The Blitzkrieg Warsaw To Paris (1/17/2017 1:58:29 AM)
The Polish scenario is always tricky for the attacker. I think the German player has to adopt a real Blitzkrieg mentality. You have limited time . . . so spend the 25 points to buy two extra turns (12+2=14). Try not to get locked into solid fronts. The major aspect of the game is the race to the centre of Warsaw. The Poles will get there first, but when you get there, be sure that he did not get there with everything. In Warsaw it will be a bit of head bashing, but in the opening stages you have to use your fast units to get past the Polish fronts. Use your infantry to seal off the Poles. Do not get locked into battles of attrition. Avoid the tough terrain and forts. Where there is entrenched resistance (where you HAVE TO go), use artillery and air to reduce the entrenchment before you attack. Attack in echelon: Use just enough - usually slower troops - in the first wave - to dislodge/retreat the defenders. The second wave - panzers - move into or past the vacated hex, and then attack the demoralized retreated troops. The third wave moves even further, surrounding and isolating enemy units. Engineers to the blown bridges . . . A.S.A.P.! As mentioned, Warsaw is the major objective . . . including all the reachable objectives on the way there. In the south, take out what you need - usually Krakow and targets in its vicinity. Do not overcommit in terms of troops in the south. Unneeded troops are wasted resources. When you have achieved your secondary objectives (i.e. not Warsaw), stop attacking. Unnecessary attacks buy you nothing, and only incur casualties. Remember: Recon (R planes), Speed, Artillery, Air, Punch, Dislodge, Echelon, Shock!, more Speed, Isolate . . . repeat!