Another Seige glitch (Full Version)

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ravenflight -> Another Seige glitch (1/17/2017 10:29:24 AM)

Hi All,

Unless I'm mistaken, a besieged city cannot resupply unless by sea supply, and it cannot sea supply if it's blockaded.

I had Constantinople besieged and blockaded, but it went from 11 to 13 in one build phase.

In the end it didn't matter. Constantinople fell for the second time. Might as well re-name it Alexandria for all the times the Czar has been visiting.

pzgndr -> RE: Another Seige glitch (1/20/2017 5:39:19 PM)

For v1.21.04 I've added a additional checks in a couple of places for besieged cities using sea supply to verify no blockades. We'll see if this helps.

ravenflight -> RE: Another Seige glitch (1/21/2017 2:48:37 AM)

Sounds good.

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