asl3d -> RE: My experience of Toth (2/18/2017 4:30:26 PM)
I'm not trying to correct you. I just want to add a reflection on the dice roll: 1.- The dice is a way of introducing chance when playing with a board. 2.- It is a solution accepted by all, but it is only a way to reflect a concept. 3.- At times, weapons are malfuntion, a vehicle is bog, a shot at point blank does not produce the expected effects, a desperate shot produces a critical hit, an elite unit breaks at the first opportunity of combat, etc. 4.- It is chance. Sure that AI takes it into account. I do not doubt it. 5.- So, why do we want to see the result of the dice?. 6. A "DR" measures only the effect of chance and not the effect of a successful tactic or an error. 7.- A double 2 or a double 6 does not justify the errors. Only consoles our bad luck or reflect our great luck. Nada more. 8.- I think that see the "DR" does not bring anything. Regards [image]local://upfiles/56084/EB016D5D48CD42EC910FA0294FFD37C4.jpg[/image]