Shellshock -> Air Base Unit mod (1/28/2017 7:49:28 PM)
[img][/img] Hi all. If you are anything like me you may have once carelessly shoved what you though was an infantry unit into a gap in your lines only to discover later that you just stuck an airbase full of your latest front line fighters right into the maw of a Soviet Tank Army, and General Undo (your dumb move) has deserted you. All those Nato counters tend to blur together sometimes. This mod tries to alleviate the visual clutter of all those rectangular symbols by giving airbases a more distinctive round frame with an aircraft silhouette. [img][/img] First, best back up your current Units folder found in your WitE/Dat/Art directory as "original unit art" or some such. Then unzip the seven new Counter targa files in the attachment to your WITE Dat/Art/Units folder. They'll replace the Counter9x9 to Counter76x76 tga files. Happy flying.