HeinzBaby -> RE: Keeping recon alive (2/1/2017 8:42:21 AM)
mm.. Recon Units..this is how I use em', no difference between NATO or WP ... My recce units will always move WITH, not out in front of my main advance route, To me, Recce units are too fragile to go swanning off all over map by themselves getting sniped off (death by Recon). My recce usually ending stacked with or adjacent to any big brother Armour Unit and with a 'Direct Command' arty command. If they're going to get hit, at least my recce has direct and indirect fire support. (Usually the whole Front will light up on recce and Armour lol, and then I'll know where everything is, not just one or two Bogeys.) I'll picket an occasional recce unit on Halt command in a town/urban hex on a quiet flank. Yes Hold command, - a Screen Command will cause the Recce unit to bolt and THEN get killed out in the open... my tactics, this is what I do. Recon units do have a short life expectantcy but don't let em' die in vain. From a book that I had read about the Normandy Campaign in 44, most in Brit Recce crews were blind drunk because of the 'Death by Recon' syndrome knowing they could be vapourised by a 88 anytime they turned a corner.