twinkypillow -> Defeated? Now what.. (2/4/2017 8:31:23 AM)
So the Defeat screen popped up as I was playing my ancient Galaxy game and the kladians won dangit.. But now what? I just hit the X and keep playing? I can't seem to turn into the guardians.. What is the event that triggers it? I see the research screen but they say game event required.. And now that I'm defeated, will other events still happen and be triggered ? I keep blowing up the 100 planet destroyers the Shaktur keep sending at me.. What am I losing out on by continuing to play in " defeated" mode ? By the way, look at my fleets and how many ships are in them ... One fleet had 700 ships but I split it up .. [image]local://upfiles/43013/2C8731CD57FD4FB68FDFDC44B59B5B85.jpg[/image]