New Steel Panthers? (Full Version)

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Speedysteve -> New Steel Panthers? (2/8/2017 5:54:12 PM)

Hi Guys,

A fair while back I remember reading about a discussion about the potential of a new Steel Panthers game. I still love the original and am trying to play SPWAWGE at present. Any news on IF a new game is in the offing?


budd -> RE: New Steel Panthers? (2/8/2017 5:57:11 PM)

yup, it was posted a new game is in the works....Steel Tigers, i believe its using Slitherines new engine.No eta given that i heard.

here's a link to an interview with Joel Billings, you can also search the forums using Steel Tigers for your search term.

Speedysteve -> RE: New Steel Panthers? (2/8/2017 6:05:09 PM)

Cool. Thanks. Any posts or info on it?

PipFromSlitherine -> RE: New Steel Panthers? (2/8/2017 8:31:21 PM)

Work is ongoing, and the guts are progressing well. We want to be sure to both fulfill the expectations of both the hardcore SP fans, as well as bring the game into the modern era with regards to the look and UX. It's an exciting project, but one that is moving forward.



Matt R -> RE: New Steel Panthers? (2/8/2017 8:47:16 PM)

Pip.. this is fantastic news. Way early, I know.. but is a post-WW2 combat version a possibility for the future? Either way, your reply has made my day.

budd -> RE: New Steel Panthers? (2/8/2017 9:11:33 PM)

is there a map size limit in the new engine? Steel Panthers was all about maneuver, that and pounding the crap out of the enemy with arty.I ask because the Santus Reach maps dont look that big.

PipFromSlitherine -> RE: New Steel Panthers? (2/8/2017 10:36:33 PM)

The limits are gameplay related. The current engine, if it exists of course, allows for much larger maps :)



Major_Mess -> RE: New Steel Panthers? (2/9/2017 2:28:38 AM)

It's like pulling out a tooth with pliers trying to get any info about this Steel Tigers project.

It has been a year and a half since

ORIGINAL: Erik Rutins _______________ 6/26/2015 8:47:21 AM
The way to look at this is that it's a full court, full company press. We are giving this our all ....


- Erik

Just saying ....


Speedysteve -> RE: New Steel Panthers? (2/9/2017 5:46:32 AM)


ORIGINAL: PipFromSlitherine

Work is ongoing, and the guts are progressing well. We want to be sure to both fulfill the expectations of both the hardcore SP fans, as well as bring the game into the modern era with regards to the look and UX. It's an exciting project, but one that is moving forward.



Amazing. Thanks. Can't wait. Are mega campaigns going to be a part of it? I love them!

E -> RE: New Steel Panthers? (2/9/2017 11:48:27 AM)


ORIGINAL: PipFromSlitherine
Work is ongoing, and the guts are progressing well. We want to be sure to both fulfill the expectations of both the hardcore SP fans, as well as bring the game into the modern era with regards to the look and UX. It's an exciting project, but one that is moving forward.

Does that "We" include Gary Grigsby?

If so, I think that technically, this would be another update of "Panzer Strike" of which, Steel Panthers was an update.

If not, what's the point?

(And what is an "ux?" ...The illegitimate offspring of a beast of burden?).

PipFromSlitherine -> RE: New Steel Panthers? (2/9/2017 3:23:40 PM)

UX is User Experience. The combined effect of the UI, flow, and feedback that makes the way the user experiences the game, for good or bad.



ErissN6 -> RE: New Steel Panthers? (7/6/2018 4:45:06 PM)


ORIGINAL: PipFromSlitherine
The limits are gameplay related. The current engine, if it exists of course, allows for much larger maps :)

I had bought the ShrapnelGames version, however I almost don't play it, for, even the game can be launched in a big resolution, it is in fact worst: writings are tiny.
So, the very few I play, even I bought it, is only in the free version, small resolution.

leonette -> RE: New Steel Panthers? (7/6/2018 11:44:09 PM)

The limits are gameplay related.

leonette -> RE: New Steel Panthers? (7/6/2018 11:46:42 PM)

Any posts or info on THIS ?

zasgard -> RE: New Steel Panthers? (7/19/2018 8:26:59 PM)

Yea, what's the skinny on the development of Steel Tigers? 2019 release? 2020?

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