jackdoom -> Idiot Bourbons and NM Blowout (2/22/2017 9:17:15 AM)
Just picked up WON and was playing through the first 6 months of 1805 as France; it’s a beautiful game. No problems smacking the continental powers around, but I did notice a huge problem with my Spanish ally's behavior. For some unknown reason, Spain keep sending small fleets out to challenge the British at sea. Needless to say, that didn't turn out so well. The end result was a decimated Spanish fleet and a free gift of 60 NM points to England. Yeah, not so good; it seems one can’t control allied forces in this game. And thus my question: while playing with Athena, is it possible to keep your allies from committing national suicide and throwing away your game? Tags: closer lyrics, first love lyrics