Crackaces -> RE: A Complicated Game (3/7/2017 6:36:13 PM)
ORIGINAL: rs99z28 I have found that attrition will work, but not at first. you are right you want to spread the rebs out as thinly as possible. and don't send that massive stack against only one territory, spread them between as many as you can, you will probably lose a couple battles but you will be chipping away. improper scouting will lose you a battle every time. I am good enough to whoop on the AI without too much trouble but I have been up against some beasts of players, most all of whom don't play anymore unfortunately Ok .. I think a failure on my part (Union vs AI) is causing too many Union casualties given my results vs. the South forcing a second draft and further an inability to reach 1000 PP. I have in my 3 games forced "Strategic" victories but not at a time with enough PP's. The scouting is sooooo important .. one thing is a lack of cavalry at first .. and a second constraint is the timing of initiative . that is getting cav there but before I could effectively scout .. I have the one chance to engage .. then again a 3rd problem is that the Rebels can pull forces for hinder in places impossible to scout ..In fact I think that is a key strategy for the Rebels a token enough force to stop an overrun but enough unscounted forces to bring up quickly .. From a strategic standpoint I think there are 2 games in 1 .. Game one is fully disclosed leaders .. I have not played the Rebel side yet so from a Union perspective in that game the player sorts out the best attackers and defenders .. picks a respective front .. sorts out depending attributes and focuses on that front .. I believe the game gives the best change for the Union to focus on Tennessee to attack while defending the Washington ... and using small forces to Amphibiously land .. Game #2 is random leaders which forces the Union to figure out first the inf/art/ attributes found out trying to move tactically then the attack defense attributes after engagement .. it does produce in my opinion the situation where as the Union is forced to fight just to figure out who can before 1863 .. I am focused on figuring out Game #1 [8D] One thing I have noticed .. let us assume there are about 43 turns from April 61 to the Beginning of Nov 64. Let us assume say Grant has about a 33% probability to gain initiative .. (Theater Commander will increase this probability but let us assume for abstract purposes) that means on average 13-14 times Grant per se can engage meaningfully other Generals much less .. The Union has to maximize these opportunities the majority of the time they do not have Initiative. I am not sure I am maximizing my opportunities yet. One thing I have been using my initiative opportunities to take what the Rebels will give me but the areas in the end do not have the political points to support that 1000 PP threshold in 11/1864 given what I have spent to get there .. Just one comment . I have found that Fort Monroe takes level 2 forts, some leaders good at defense, guns, and about 40,000 men to defend a full onslaught of the Army of Virginia ..depending on a react from DC might be disastrous as it was my last game ..however .. the South did have a lot of units attired by occupying Fort Monroe [8|] [:)] So that is my thoughts to this point .. I want to play one more game vs. the AI before trying against a live opponent .. maybe kick up some interest in the forum again ..and support for the game .. One thing I think would give the game a better feel is the thought of sieges .. that is allowing opposing forces to remain in the same area if the defense has forts ..increasing supply costs. attrition by disease .. defense cannot resupply from the grid ..thus New Orleans, Vicksburg, Petersburg become possible on many levels .. including the South having to deal with a possibility of siege .