Last We Heard... Pitaman (Axis) vs. M60A3TTS (Sov) (Full Version)

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M60A3TTS -> Last We Heard... Pitaman (Axis) vs. M60A3TTS (Sov) (2/24/2017 3:20:24 AM)

Last we heard from Pitaman, there was this war going on...

It's been 3 months and no updates. Doing AARs is no easy thing and can take a lot of time, so if someone drops it, there's nothing wrong with that.

I've decided to do a little catch-up reporting. There's an 8-month gap to cover, and I'm not going to try for a lengthy or creative write-up. I don't even have pics for quite a few turns and haven't decided how long this AAR will go, as I hadn't planned to write it in the first place! [:D]

M60A3TTS -> RE: Last We Heard... Pitaman (Axis) vs. M60A3TTS (Sov) (2/24/2017 3:37:33 AM)

In the Summer and Fall of 1941 the Red Army had three objectives

1. Remain a viable fighting force until severe winter conditions arrive in December.
2. Protect Moscow and prevent its capture.
3. Maneuver in support of the industrial evacuation plan.

Through week 12 in Pitaman's report, all 3 objectives were fulfilled. Outside of the Lvov Pocket, there had been no serious losses due to German breakthroughs. Army Group Center made fair progress but already there were indications that they were at risk of being bogged down. The industrial evacuation plan went well, as Southern Front had pulled back to allow evacuation of a sufficient # of the factories in the Stalino area, while Southwestern Front shielded Kharkov. The Crimea remained fully in Soviet hands.

During week 13-14 Pitaman in the north advanced to the Neva to threaten Leningrad. In the south, his heavy concentration of panzers changed direction from east to north and created his first substantial pocket in many weeks. About 200,000 men of Southwestern Front would be taken prisoner.

M60A3TTS -> RE: Last We Heard... Pitaman (Axis) vs. M60A3TTS (Sov) (2/24/2017 4:00:49 AM)

By week 15 he was over the Neva and Leningrad was almost certainly a lost cause. But his price was high, with his panzers failing to disengage from the area. There would be no help driving to Moscow with these units in the final clear weather turns.


His southern panzers which had swung north had cleared the area east and west of Kursk and forced the evacuation of the IL-2 factories at Voronezh. Fuel consumption was high and his gasoline reserves running out as he was already constrained driving so far from his railheads only now reaching the Dnepr. This would mean these divisions too would not be in a position to help with Moscow.

In the center, two panzers corps worked to assist 4th and 9th Armies in working towards Moscow. That was essentially all the armor that would be in a position to drive on Moscow until winter.

It was also interesting to note that already, the Rumanians were forced into the front line, north and south of the German 11th Army in the vicinity of Stalino.

M60A3TTS -> RE: Last We Heard... Pitaman (Axis) vs. M60A3TTS (Sov) (2/24/2017 4:11:56 AM)

The end of summer saw Leningrad clinging to life as the Axis forces failed to take the city.

An unexpected sight was seeing a single German panzer corps with infantry forces moving in the direction of Vyshny Volochek. This wasn't in the direction of Moscow and was a rather vulnerable salient.


Ground losses

M60A3TTS -> RE: Last We Heard... Pitaman (Axis) vs. M60A3TTS (Sov) (2/24/2017 4:29:48 AM)

As the rains came, it was quite clear that Moscow would not be a front line city come winter.

In the south, with the Rumanians holding their position, Red Army cavalry began moving closer.

As snow arrived, two panzer corps emerged south of Lake Ilmen. It is unclear if this was some desperate attempt to pocket the Soviet troops in the Valdai. It seemed unlikely as the 47 Panzer Korps was already disengaging further south with blizzard weather coming soon.

M60A3TTS -> RE: Last We Heard... Pitaman (Axis) vs. M60A3TTS (Sov) (2/24/2017 4:44:51 AM)

The first weeks of snow meant the end for Leningrad as it fell under the control of the Germans. This was their last significant victory for some time as the blizzard was about to arrive.

The Red Army takes position






M60A3TTS -> RE: Last We Heard... Pitaman (Axis) vs. M60A3TTS (Sov) (3/2/2017 2:33:05 AM)

Week 25

Since this is mild blizzard, there will be a limited amount of activity in the more difficult terrain of the north.


It's good I am starting west of Rzhev.


A fair # of panzers in the Bryansk area.


The most vulnerable Axis units are in the open south. That is where most all of my cavalry corp go.


Easy wins to farm with weak Axis allies about.


In most of these screenshots you see few tank brigades. Half of them are back in the rear with Volga and S. Urals MD gaining experience. Of the remainder, some are sitting on fort hexes and only about 15 are for the offensive. I need 9 guards by the end of winter so they can be the lead brigades for corps formations. That will give me 9 guards tank corps for the start of summer.

Week 26

A few German low CV divisions can be driven back near Orel-Bryansk.


Two turns into blizzard and at Belgorod-Kharkov already some Axis allies appear ripe for the picking.


At Stalino, more Rumanians are feeling the heat.


Earlier tank brigade wins coupled with new opportunities means being well on the way to my goal.


M60A3TTS -> RE: Last We Heard... Pitaman (Axis) vs. M60A3TTS (Sov) (3/2/2017 3:10:35 AM)

Week 27

Progress is made east of Bryansk by Southwestern Front.


Closing on Kursk from the east.


Making good progress on the Orel-Kharkov line.


The Rumanians are on their heels southeast and northwest of Stalino.


Casualties on both sides are not insignificant. Pitaman has mentioned how the +1 rule worked against him, but I like the higher casualties that at least get both sides closer to historical values. Only 3 weeks into blizzard and I've lost 3.3 million.


Week 28

Pretty quiet in the north. German panzers still linger about with the Finns although not clear on the purpose.



Not a great deal of action at Rzhev-Vyazma.


Southwestern Front continues on in the Bryansk-Orel sector. Orel is now a front line city.


No real defensive position by Axis forces in the south. Just freezing to death and fighting a renewed Red Army.

Kharkov seems ready to go down without a fight.

Situation continues to be favorable around Stalino. The Rumanians can't hold at all.



Production. Note the healthy truck pool, almost 240k.

Guards Tank Brigades right on schedule.

M60A3TTS -> RE: Last We Heard... Pitaman (Axis) vs. M60A3TTS (Sov) (3/5/2017 3:57:07 AM)

Week 29

Kursk is now a front line city. Kharkov is liberated.


The advance at Stalino continues as troops of the Transcaucasus Front begin to arrive.


Tac air supports the southern efforts. No piecemeal deployment of aircraft here.


Week 30

Kursk is being surrounded.


Several cavalry corps are west northwest of Stalino but the German 11th Army continues to hold the city and the area to the southeast. More troops from the Transcaucasus Front are coming up.


M60A3TTS -> RE: Last We Heard... Pitaman (Axis) vs. M60A3TTS (Sov) (3/11/2017 8:21:45 PM)

Week 31

Finns and Germans launching sporadic attacks in the north


While Volkhov Front attacks along...the Volkhov.


Multiple attacks in the area of Bryansk-Orel


Progress is made west of Stalino as the German 11th Army clings to the area around the city.


The Axis have many units on the front lines that would otherwise be on city garrison duty. This makes our partisans happy.




Week 32

Chuikov's 47th Army of the Transcaucasus Front links up with Red Army cavalry that turned southeast to complete the encirclement of the German 11th Army.


ericv -> RE: Last We Heard... Pitaman (Axis) vs. M60A3TTS (Sov) (3/12/2017 6:30:54 AM)

A couple of tactical retreats beforet the blizzard started to shorten the lines would have made life so much more easier for Pitaman. He still would have been in a bad situation, but no where near as bad as what's happened now! No wonder he stopped playing

M60A3TTS -> RE: Last We Heard... Pitaman (Axis) vs. M60A3TTS (Sov) (3/12/2017 2:37:25 PM)

Nothing to report for week 33. No screenies taken.

Week 34

11th Army meets its demise.






The butchers bill


M60A3TTS -> RE: Last We Heard... Pitaman (Axis) vs. M60A3TTS (Sov) (3/12/2017 3:00:05 PM)

Week 35

A smaller northern offensive along the frozen Volkhov results in Novgorod being liberated at least temporarily.


The Red Army occupies Sumy and continues to advance to the west of Kursk


With 11th Army disposed of for the moment, consolidation and minor movement westward takes place.


Week 36

Blizzard is coming to an end shortly so attention starts to focus on Kursk. Perhaps there will be some tank action there in the summer? [;)]

All independent anti-tank brigades are brought to this area and some reinforcing tank brigades start to gather.


M60A3TTS -> RE: Last We Heard... Pitaman (Axis) vs. M60A3TTS (Sov) (3/12/2017 3:37:29 PM)

Week 37

End of blizzard is at hand. The few coming winter weeks there are no screenshots as very little happened.

Front line trace without units







At week 40, I'm looking to downsize the level bomber force of the VVS. From the below group of SB-2s, a lot will be disbanded as the entire force only requires 30 or so LB air regiments.
They will go on 7 BAD airbases and some of these will be a combination of B-25D and A-20B lend lease aircraft. So domestic production is barely needed. Since the factories cannot be shuttered entirely, they will simply be railed about to keep production in low single digits. In the meantime, the tactical air forces will do their thing to gain experience. All IL-2 plants are intact and cranking out more than enough airframes. The plan is come summer to have 13 tactical air divisions to go along with the 7 level bomber divisions. They will be supported by 30 fighter divisions. By the following summer, most if not all LBs should be replaced with IL-2s.


Coming up on the mud turns, this is a front line trace of the Kursk-Kharkov region. The presence of the panzer corps and large air groupings would provide an early indication of something brewing there, but that could change in the coming weeks. My air recon regiments will be very active during mud turns keeping track of where his panzers are located.

Note 1st Shock and 34th Armies in reserve are cavalry armies and will be incorporated into larger scale cavalry-mechanized groups I will form for the upcoming summer campaign.


Nix77 -> RE: Last We Heard... Pitaman (Axis) vs. M60A3TTS (Sov) (3/13/2017 8:43:10 AM)

What kind of air regiment commitment do you have in each division (airbase)? Are they full or just 6-8 regiments? I don't yet have experience on full scale Soviet air war in '42-'43, so it'd interesting to know for example how many Sturmovik regiments can one airbase fully supply when they're on active duty? Or what kind of air doctrine to use to keep the fighters in the air effectively?

I've been trying to remember to keep the "% required to fly" high enough during my own turn, then lower it a bit for the opponent turn, to save some fighters and bombers for ground support and interdiction.

M60A3TTS -> RE: Last We Heard... Pitaman (Axis) vs. M60A3TTS (Sov) (3/13/2017 12:18:38 PM)

6 regiments for fighter and tac air divisions. 4 for level bombers. 3-4 for transport and/or recon. If you max out at 9 regiments, when you get to expand the size of regiments, a number of aircraft are lost due to operational causes.

% required to fly always stays at 50%

Nix77 -> RE: Last We Heard... Pitaman (Axis) vs. M60A3TTS (Sov) (3/13/2017 2:55:29 PM)



6 regiments for fighter and tac air divisions. 4 for level bombers. 3-4 for transport and/or recon. If you max out at 9 regiments, when you get to expand the size of regiments, a number of aircraft are lost due to operational causes.

% required to fly always stays at 50%

Ok, have to keep an eye on the airbases when the regiment upgrade is due in Dec'42. Does that happen only when you have too many regiments on the airfields?

I think you're not even noticing any fuel or ammo shortages with 50% %rtf and conservative number of regiments committed on the airbases?

I'm guessing you're using the 50% in '42 when you have a comfortable number of airframes in use? I feel I need to resort to lower percentage at least in the start of the campaign when I need to get some more punching power from a smaller force of viable craft. I'm fiddling with percentage to spare some airpower for the opponents turn as I said before, just lowering it a bit before the end of my own turn.

Thanks for the replies, and sorry for interrupting the AAR. Keep up the good work!

M60A3TTS -> RE: Last We Heard... Pitaman (Axis) vs. M60A3TTS (Sov) (3/16/2017 5:22:25 PM)

Since German 11th Army is temporarily down, I keep the initiative through snow for the most part. The Red Army arrives outside Poltava and D-Town but the limit of advance has been reached and in a couple spots exceeded.

Week 41 battles in the south


No troops shown, but there were some tasty fortified zones to munch on west of the Dnepr. The position isn't tenable for anything but the upcoming mud turns so a pullback is in order here.


Here is the rail network. I added some RR construction brigades just before blizzard to help keep up with the anticipated advance. A healthy railnet, very limited level bomber deployments, combined with not throwing too much armor forward during the blizzard/snow period makes for a healthy truck pool.


Returning to the north, my advance over the Volkhov was efficiently beaten back. Novgorod will hang on for a few weeks at least.


Week 42

Mud begins. Time to build some tank corps starting with the lead guards brigades for guards tank corps. Note that after the first 20 brigades or so, there was little to no combat for the remaining 70. The remainder sit back and stay out of trouble.


But do we have enough AP? It appears so. (It's called planning ahead)


And since Nix77 mentioned air doctrine:


M60A3TTS -> RE: Last We Heard... Pitaman (Axis) vs. M60A3TTS (Sov) (3/25/2017 5:21:27 PM)

Weeks 44-46 Mud Turns

Air recon is particularly important and intensified during this period in order to attempt to gain insight into the Axis strategic intent. This will mean a net loss of recon aircraft during this phase, but it is trivial given the vital information they provide. The location and identification of the enemy's mobile divisions and air concentrations is of paramount importance. As divisions are identified, they are matched against previously tracked German panzer corps to determine their approximate strength and leadership before the battles are even fought. Soviet operational and strategic reserves are then brought in to respond to the various threats.

Cavalry-Mechanized Groups are being organized along the following lines:

Group Bobkin
34th Army w/ 3 cav corps and 1 tank corps
4 Shock Army (Krylov) w/3 Gds tank corps 1 Cav Corps

Group Zhadov
1st Shock Army w/ 5 Gds cav corps
2nd Shock Army (Kovalev) w/3 Gds Tank Corps

Group Sokolovsky
10th Gds Army w/5 Gds cavalry corps
5 tank corps Volga MD

Group Rokossovsky
3rd Gds Army w/5 Gds cavalry corps
3rd Shock Army (Chernyakhovsky) 3 Gds Tank Corps 1 Gds Cav Corps

These groups are typically much larger than the historical CMGs, but will be important in disrupting the Axis offensive operations. Even a 2-3 week delay can be important when assessing the final results of the 1942 summer campaign.

Additional strategic reserves are organized, consisting of 2nd and 9th Guards Armies under Generals Vasilevsky and Bagramyan that will in the summer each have 5 guards rifle corps. They've also been given additional artillery SU assets.

24 motorized brigades have been raised that will eventually form 8 mechanized corps.

Here is the OOB for turn 45, along side the starting numbers for the 1942 campaign game.


Front line trace w/o troops


Various areas of concern where German mobile formations are known to be lurking




Air Commands and distribution of aircraft


M60A3TTS -> RE: Last We Heard... Pitaman (Axis) vs. M60A3TTS (Sov) (3/25/2017 5:36:05 PM)

Week 47

The first clear weather turn. There is minor action in the far north and east of Smolensk.



First Artillery Army lends its weight to the counterattack.


West of Kursk, the German panzers are on the move.


The enemy also pushes in the south on the road to Stalino


Air losses are heavy on both sides, but the Germans catch the worst of it with a series of un-escorted bombing missions.


Ground losses


M60A3TTS -> RE: Last We Heard... Pitaman (Axis) vs. M60A3TTS (Sov) (3/27/2017 7:58:40 PM)

Week 48

Mud returns. Up to 5 panzer corps are identified in the Smolensk region. A push on Moscow may be in the offing.


In the Kursk-Sumy region, four panzer corps are identified. Only slight adjustments are required at this stage. Sumy will be an important city to hold in the early going in order to anchor the southern approaches to Kursk.


Two panzer corps are identified operating along the Zaporozhye-Stalino axis. Cavalry-Mechanized Groups Rokossovsky and Sokolovsky are initially assigned to this area.


M60A3TTS -> RE: Last We Heard... Pitaman (Axis) vs. M60A3TTS (Sov) (3/29/2017 3:59:50 PM)

Week 49 - Part 1

Clear weather returns.

East of Smolensk at Yelnya, the Germans are ejected from the town. It is more important to note is that the panzers in this area have entirely disappeared. They have a new venue it seems.


At Kursk, the 1942 summer offensive is definitely unfolding as part of the Smolensk panzer grouping appears in this area. German attacks along the Seym River indicate an attempt to cut off elements of the Southwestern Front. A total of four STAVKA armies (39th, 48th, 60th, 61st) along the route of the German northern advance are slated to become the Voronezh Front when it forms in two weeks. The STAVKA's 39th Army which was formed from para brigades are now guards rifle divisions and will be needed to help blunt the German advance.


At Kharkov, a similar grouping of guards rifle divisions that make up a guards army are designated as STAVKA strategic reserves awaiting commitment. These are different from STAVKA operational reserves that will be parceled out to fronts to plug holes and replace destroyed or depleted units.


Since mud is expected next week, cavalry-mechanized group Bobkin is committed to put the German southern pincer in supply difficulties. 39th Army moves in from the northeast to try and slow the German advance here. This army can be reinforced later with Konev's 48th Army that is also heavy in guards rifle divisions. Forces defending Sumy and the difficult terrain in the immediate area will anchor the south. The Southern Front's 6th Guards Army with more guards rifle divisions will assist here. Southwestern Front reinforced with all ten of the anti-tank brigades hold the center.


EwaldvonKleist -> RE: Last We Heard... Pitaman (Axis) vs. M60A3TTS (Sov) (3/29/2017 5:19:20 PM)

It will be interesting how much Pitaman can still do in the Summer, you have more space than historical to trade for time before Stalingrad. Based on the low AFC number I assume that he has fought a lot with his armoured forces during the blizzard?

M60A3TTS -> RE: Last We Heard... Pitaman (Axis) vs. M60A3TTS (Sov) (3/29/2017 5:39:27 PM)


ORIGINAL: EwaldvonKleist

It will be interesting how much Pitaman can still do in the Summer, you have more space than historical to trade for time before Stalingrad. Based on the low AFC number I assume that he has fought a lot with his armoured forces during the blizzard?

It does not appear that he wintered in any of his panzer or motorized divisions, or refitted them back in Germany.

M60A3TTS -> RE: Last We Heard... Pitaman (Axis) vs. M60A3TTS (Sov) (4/2/2017 4:28:37 PM)

Week 49 - Part 2

Von Mackensen's III Panzer Corps and Von Arnim's LVII Panzer Corps attempt a dagger thrust in the direction of Stalino.


This appears to be a risky move as he invites a counterattack that could cut him off against the Sea of Azov. The loss of these forces would be a major disruption of his summer plan. They would come back soon enough, but be largely combat ineffective for months. The important question is if the necessary Red Army strategic reserves are shifted to this area, can our forces in the Kursk region hold on long enough against almost all the remaining panzer corps to allow the job in the south to be done? Four factors influence the decision, first is the weakened state of the panzers and second are the arrival of numerous guards rifle corps in the very near future. Third, there are no apparent German reserves in the immediate area and lastly there are two weeks of mud coming to completely seal off the two panzer corps from the rear. The decision is made, we launch the counterattack. An important part of this effort is locking down the ground immediately adjacent to Zaporozhye during the next two turns. It means that any potential rescue force cannot rail over the Dnepr and instead must cross the river from the west in mud and will cause additional strain on fuel and increased fatigue.


For another week, the Luftwaffe comes in for serious punishment.


And a look at ground losses.


HardLuckYetAgain -> RE: Last We Heard... Pitaman (Axis) vs. M60A3TTS (Sov) (4/3/2017 2:30:31 AM)

Very nice counter attack. That will leave a mark for sure ;-).

WTH is he doing with the German Air Force? Or should it be asked, "What are you doing to the German Air Force". That is some crazy loses.

bigbaba -> RE: Last We Heard... Pitaman (Axis) vs. M60A3TTS (Sov) (4/3/2017 9:59:45 AM)

damnd. i face something similar in my game against hortlund. i used a panzerkorps to lock all industry in voronesh and this korps is fighting for its life since 3 turns and lost 1 division so far.

one can easily underestimate the soviet ability to isolate units with division soam even in 41. good luck getting the guys out but i see no hope.

topeverest -> RE: Last We Heard... Pitaman (Axis) vs. M60A3TTS (Sov) (4/3/2017 1:00:51 PM)

I don't get this kill ratio - can you show your air doctrine setting and discuss your airframe strategy?

I am more like 6-7 to 1 and struggling to find a better way



For another week, the Luftwaffe comes in for serious punishment.


HardLuckYetAgain -> RE: Last We Heard... Pitaman (Axis) vs. M60A3TTS (Sov) (4/3/2017 1:26:31 PM)


ORIGINAL: topeverest

I don't get this kill ratio - can you show your air doctrine setting and discuss your airframe strategy?

I am more like 6-7 to 1 and struggling to find a better way



For another week, the Luftwaffe comes in for serious punishment.


Did you see the previous Air Combat Loses Topeverest for the Germans? 828 German Aircraft lost. The German player has to be flying a ton of unescorted bombing mission (which shows incompetence on the use of airpower) or M60 has a good bombing campaign going, or both.

HardLuckYetAgain -> RE: Last We Heard... Pitaman (Axis) vs. M60A3TTS (Sov) (4/3/2017 1:37:47 PM)

Unescorted bombing missions are just stupid in my opinion if that is truly what he is doing. Doing this as a German does nothing but build up Soviet Air Morale and experience which eventually leads to parity with the Germans in the Air. Not to mention a morale boost to the Soviet player playing that side. Heck if I opened up a turn with those type of losses to the Germans as a Russian player I "would not" have to take Viagra.

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