Hortlund -> 8 player multiplayer game - SIGNUP THREAD (2/28/2017 7:31:49 PM)
So, the idea is to have a large multiplayer game with several players on each side. Combined with two AAR-threads this could be both interesting and fun while we wait for WITE2. This will only work if the players who join are committed to seeing the game through and since the orders will be given in the respective aar-thread (see below) it will only work if the players are honorable and not cheaters. So please, if you want to sign up, only do so if you know that you can play without snooping in the other sides aar. Otherwise this will just be a huge waste of time for everyone involved. Also, please do not sign up if you think its ok to reload from time to time to try that attack one more time. What is required of participants: First of all, this is supposed to be fun. If you want to join and be a part of this game you should also be looking for a historically plausible game. Reloaders will be shot. Players should be able to do a turn per day. Players will need to get dropbox in order to be able to send and recieve savefiles. Who controls what: Player G1: Commander. Gives orders to other players and controls OKH and Luftwaffe. Decides on AP usage. Decides on leadership Player G2: Commander of army group north, as well as all axis minors. Player G3: Commander of army group center Player G4: Commander of army group south Later arriving army groups are allocated to players by the commander. Player S1: Commander. Gives orders to other players and controls Stavka and the reserve fronts as well as the airforce. Decides on AP usage. Decides on leadership changes. Player S2: Commander of North and northwest fronts. Player S3: Commanter of Western and Bryansk fronts/MDs. Player S4: Commanter of Southwestern, south and Transcaucasus fronts/MDs. Later arriving fronts are allocated to players by the commander. Sequence of play: 1. Player G1/S1 opens the turn and does his stuff (airforce,reinforcements, changes in the order of battle, leadership changes, allocates APs, allocates rail capacity etc) 2. G1/S1 posts screenshots in the respective AAR thread and gives orders IN THE THREAD. 3. Player G2/S2 takes the turn, reports in the thread when he is done and has uploaded the file into dropbox. 4. Player G3/S3 takes the turn, reports in the thread when he is done and has uploaded the file into dropbox. 5. Player G4/S4 takes the turn, reports in the thread when he is done and has uploaded the file into dropbox. 6. Player G1/S1 takes the turn, clicks on the end-turn, uploads the file to the separate commanders drop-box and informs his counterpart that the turn is ready. Houserules: 1. No soviet resupply of partisans before turn 10. 2. Naval invasions and paradrops ARE allowed. As for paradrops, there are two limits. a) May only drop within 10 hexes from an in-supply soviet unit b) Only one target (which may consist of several units dropping in several connected hexes) per 3-month period. Basically the idea is not to exploit this feature, while at the same time forcing the German player to take the threat of paradrops into consideration when it comes to rear-area security units. 3. No finnish units may move outside the no-attack-zone unless Leningrad has been captured by Germany. 4. No unit may deliberately move forward into isolated status (defined as being more than 99 MPs from a railhead). Units that are isolated due to being surrounded may only move towards supply. The only exception to this rule is air-landed units which may move in any way. 5. The game is supposed to be fun and historically plausible, they players agree to play accordingly and not try to exploit the game engine or do ”gamey” stuff. 6. If one side feels there is a violation of rule 5, the issue will be discussed and decided on a case-by-case basis by the two commanders.