RE: Star Wars (Full Version)

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Zecke -> RE: Star Wars (12/3/2017 3:19:57 PM)


ORIGINAL: rjord1

Some of the species seen in Rogue One and The Force Awakens have been added to the list of species going into the mod.


and yes¡..localizado.

rjord2021 -> Star Wars (12/3/2017 7:30:10 PM)

A possible scenario you could find in the mod.......

Princess Leia is on her corvette Tantive IV when the Death Star drops out of hyperdrive directly in front of them.

When the Death Star arrives in a system it may be accompanied by several Star Destroyers or several squadrons of Tie Fighters.

I am hoping to have a system in place where you do not know which of these will arrive with the Death Star.


rjord2021 -> Star Wars (12/4/2017 1:23:41 AM)

I was not happy with the Corellian Corvette in the prior post and have redone the ship and uploaded a new picture.

rjord2021 -> Star Wars (12/4/2017 5:25:40 AM)

Currently the default Distant Worlds Universe Race Families are:


As I am adding the races to the mod I am going through updating the race families as required.
For example Wookies and Zabraks do not belong to any of the above families.

With the new Race Families the Wookies will belong to the Mammals family and the Zabraks belong to the Near-human family as do the Dathomirian and Iridonian races.

The Hutt for another example are added to the new family Slug-like.

When you play the mod the bias between each family will be random.

rjord2021 -> Star Wars (12/4/2017 7:17:42 AM)

The first 10 races have been added to the mod , though there is still more work to do for these 10 races such as completing adding in the characters and ships for the specific races.

The races added are:

01. Rebel Alliance
02. Galactic Empire
03. Wookie
04. Zabrak
05. The Hutt
06. Twi’lek
07. Togruta
08. Rodian
09. Mon Calamari
10. Sullustan

rjord2021 -> Star Wars (12/4/2017 7:48:05 AM)

Started adding the next 10 races to the mod and race number 11 are the Neimoidian.

The Neimoidian race was seen in Episodes 1 to 3 and in my opinion they were used by Palpatine to end the Jedi was the case with Jar Jar Binks.

I have added the Neimoidian into the mod as they are in the top 28% of most liked aliens in Star Wars and it would be interesting to show what they have been up to since the Jedi were wiped out.


rjord2021 -> Star Wars (12/4/2017 9:05:11 AM)

Adding the Geonosian race required me to create a new addition to the race family files.
As you can see below the Geonosian are considered semi-insectoid.....

After adding the Geonosians I then added the Gamorrean and for this race I create another race family called porcine humanoids which Gamorreans belong to.


rjord2021 -> Star Wars (12/4/2017 5:45:17 PM)

The first 22 playable races have been added to the mod and the number is expected to double over the next week.

The Crolute towards the end of the list is the first race added that was seen in Episode VII

-Rebel Alliance
-Galactic Empire
-The Hutt
-Mon Calamari

rjord2021 -> Star Wars (12/4/2017 6:24:15 PM)

Unkar Plutt of the Crolute species was seen on Jakku in Episode VII and this actully brings up an interesting question.

Unkar Plutt's homeworld is the planet Crul which is predominantly covered by lagoons and shallow seas. Keeping this in mind you can see in the picture below that the Crolute are Aquatic Humanoids.

It is therefore interesting how Unkar Plutt as an Aquatic Humanoid, as you can see by his skin, is on the desert world Jakku where water would be scarce.

The picture of Unkar Plutt was created in photoshop.


rjord2021 -> Star Wars (12/4/2017 6:30:15 PM)

The planet Jaaku will be in the mod with the non playable races Uthuthma and the Teedo being the native species you will find there.

A native species on Ahch-To will also be added to the mod and may be playable.
I am not mentioning them here as I do not want to add a spoiler for Episode VIII.
They will be the first species from Episode VIII added to the mod.

btd64 -> RE: Star Wars (12/4/2017 7:33:47 PM)


ORIGINAL: rjord1

Unkar Plutt of the Crolute species was seen on Jakku in Episode VII and this actully brings up an interesting question.

Unkar Plutt's homeworld is the planet Crul which is predominantly covered by lagoons and shallow seas. Keeping this in mind you can see in the picture below that the Crolute are Aquatic Humanoids.

It is therefore interesting how Unkar Plutt as an Aquatic Humanoid, as you can see by his skin, is on the desert world Jakku where water would be scarce.

The picture of Unkar Plutt was created in photoshop and his appearance in the time of Episode IV suggests the Crolute have a long life span.


Wouldn't a marsh type planet be better?....GP

rjord2021 -> RE: Star Wars (12/4/2017 7:46:01 PM)




ORIGINAL: rjord1

Unkar Plutt of the Crolute species was seen on Jakku in Episode VII and this actully brings up an interesting question.

Unkar Plutt's homeworld is the planet Crul which is predominantly covered by lagoons and shallow seas. Keeping this in mind you can see in the picture below that the Crolute are Aquatic Humanoids.

It is therefore interesting how Unkar Plutt as an Aquatic Humanoid, as you can see by his skin, is on the desert world Jakku where water would be scarce.

The picture of Unkar Plutt was created in photoshop and his appearance in the time of Episode IV suggests the Crolute have a long life span.

Wouldn't a marsh type planet be better?....GP

I will be tweaking the characteristics of the races to fix little issues like this... but agree a swamp world would be more suitable.

I will be looking at whether I can add some additional planet types into the mod but it may be hard coded into the game.

rjord2021 -> Star Wars (12/4/2017 8:53:22 PM)

While adding the Aqualish who are the 25th race in the mod I am looking at how to add the sub-species.

With the Aqualish race there are 3 sub-species

- Aquala
- Quara
- Ualaq

I am planning on adding all sub-species for all races in the mod with the sub-species not actually being playable as a race but appearing as a sub-species for each race and shown in the different characters.

For example I have 3 different pictures for the Aqualish sub-species on top of the picture for the race itself so when an Aqualish character appears on screen it will be one of 3 different character looks.

rjord2021 -> Star Wars (12/4/2017 9:33:18 PM)

Some people don't like the Gungans...... and that was either the way Jar Jar Binks looked or the way he talked.

I actually think his role in Episodes I to III was brilliant as his goofy character was used by Palpatine to become Emperor and in a deleted scene of Revenge of the Sith Palpatine actually thanks Jar Jar Binks for putting him in power. This was the tragedy of the day.... Palpatine manipulating Jar Jar in order to become Emperor.

Anyhow, for those who cant stand the Gungans they have been added as race number 26 but you will not hear Jar Jar Binks and the Gungans have a look which will be more pleasing and should perhaps have been a better look for the Gungans in the movies.

Work needs to be done on the Gungans as seen in the picture below where it shows by default the Gungans live on a desert world which clearly needs to be changed before the mod is released.


rjord2021 -> Star Wars (12/4/2017 10:49:28 PM)

Good news!!!!
The Star Wars mod is almost here..........

Considering how fast I am going through this mod development, the "Early Preview version" of this mod should be released in the next 12 days before "The Last Jedi" comes out.

I have made some changes to the first post on page 1 in preparation for adding the links for downloading my mod when it is ready.
Please keep an eye on that first post on page one for more updates in next week or so.

The Title of this Topic will count down to the date of release.

Hattori Hanzo -> RE: Star Wars (12/5/2017 3:52:17 AM)

sounds GREAT.. [X(]

rjord2021 -> Star Wars (12/5/2017 2:17:02 PM)

Another example of the images created for the mod.

The Klatooinians were seen in Jabba the Hutt's court in Return of the Jedi as well as in the episodes I to III.


rjord2021 -> Star Wars (12/5/2017 4:58:07 PM)

I am hoping to get as many well known playable races into this mod as possible.
At this stage I have 35 races in the mod and this will probably get to 50 by end of tomorrow.

Below is a list of the races in the mod so far.
If anyone has a Star Wars race they want added to the mod please let me know.


rjord2021 -> Star Wars (12/5/2017 6:36:40 PM)

Another 5 races added to the mod bringing us to 40 playable races seen in the Star Wars galaxy.
The latest 5 races added are:


rjord2021 -> Star Wars (12/5/2017 7:42:57 PM)

Bias between races and bias between families are determined by 2 text files where the level of bias is determined by a value between -50 and +50.
I use a random generator to change the bias between the races and families so no game is ever the same.

Sometimes The Hutt support the Rebel Alliance...other times they may hate the Rebellion.
Same with the species that Yoda belongs to where they may love or hate the Empire.

I am still deciding what to do with the Wookies as I can setup them to always have a negative bias to the Empire and a positive bias to the Rebel Alliance.

Bias values by default are -15, -10, 0, +5, +10 or +15.

My bias values which will change weekly could be -43, 12, 33, -26... anything between -50 and +50.

rjord2021 -> Star Wars (12/5/2017 7:53:57 PM)

Default Distant Worlds Universe has 7 different families a race can belong to

- Humanoid
- Ursidian
- Insectoid
- Reptilian
- Amphibian
- Rodent
- Machine

At this stage my list of families that can have different levels of bias at another family are

- Humanoid
- Mammal
- Near-human
- Slug-like
- Reptilian
- Amphibious humanoid
- Semi-insectoid
- Porcine humanoid
- Hammerhead
- Craniopod
- Fly-like humanoid
- Aquatic humanoid
- Avian
- Pachydermoid biped
- Insectoid

More families may be added over the coming days but this broader list of families will make bias between these families interesting.

rjord2021 -> Star Wars (12/5/2017 8:32:15 PM)

The Chagrian of the homeworld Champala are amphibian humanoids who spend their time in the oceans or rain forests of Champala.

I created the picture below of one Chagrian in the rain forest.

The Chagrian are playable species number 41 in my mod


rjord2021 -> Star Wars (12/6/2017 3:09:23 PM)

I have tickets to the midnight screening of "The Last Jedi". At the moment it is almost 3am Thursday morning here in Sydney and this time next week I will have finished watching "The Last Jedi".

I have set a deadline for the "Early Preview" release of this mod to be on the same day as when Episode VIII screens next week. Hence the countdown is currently 7 days.

I have rewatched one of the trailers for Episode VIII and one scene I watched I did not actually realize what I was looking at. It suddenly dawned on me what it was and I now believe Episode VIII will be a huge movie in the Star Wars saga.

Not going too much into it but I will simply say that there has been a new addition to my mod.

The Force itself.


rjord2021 -> Star Wars (12/6/2017 5:01:25 PM)

The mod now has 49 playable races to choose from.....
The recent additions are

-From Episode VIII #1
-From Episode VIII #2

rjord2021 -> Star Wars (12/6/2017 5:32:16 PM)

So which race will be in position number 50?

There are still many races that can be added but I will wait until early next week before announcing which race makes number 50.

Now the fun begins because a lot of work is ahead putting in the characters for each of the 40 playable races, adding the home planets, adding the ships and so on.

Yoda's Species has never been named nor has their home planet been named.
I intend to keep the mystery of who they are and where they are from.

I do however have an idea of how to add them to the mod while keeping their origins in mystery.

rjord2021 -> Star Wars (12/6/2017 6:25:33 PM)

One of the important changes made to the mod is that Continental planets have been removed and replaced by a new classification.
Terrestrial planets.

This will fit planets in my mod which are not deemed continental and do not fit any other planet classifications.

Volcanic, Desert, Ocean, Marshy and Barren Rock Planets can also be classified as Terrestrial however they too have been changed so that they are sub-classifications within the Terrestrial classification.

Why am I making this change?

If you look at Tatooine for example you would classify it as a desert world.
Technically this is not correct.

Tatooine is classified as a terrestrial planet with primary terrain made up of Desert, canyons, rocky bluffs and 1% surface water. It is classified in my mod as a Terrestrial Desert World.

Looking at Coruscant under the existing planet classifications in Distant Worlds it doesn't fit anywhere as it's terrain is an ecumenopolis which is a city encompassing an entire planet or moon. However Coruscant is a Terrestrial planet and can be added as such in the mod.

Endor is another planet which cannot be classified as Continental as it only has 8% surface water and with terrain of Forests, savannas and mountains it cant be classified as a Marshy Swamp Planet, Desert Planet, Ocean Planet, Ice Planet, Volcanic Planet, Barren Rock Planet, Gas Giant Planet or Frozen Gas Giant is a Terrestrial planet.

rjord2021 -> Star Wars (12/7/2017 1:31:13 AM)

I noticed that if you have the Twi’lek and Zabrak races in the map you will find both of them in the same system in the Quelli sector. If the 2 races are negative towards each other that could be an interesting development to see which race gets vital resources in the system first.

The Zabrak actually have 2 homeworlds with one of them sharing the same system with the Twi’lek.

rjord2021 -> Star Wars (12/7/2017 7:22:48 AM)

Another area of possible conflict in the mod will be in the Kashyyyk system where the home planets of both the Trandoshans and the Wookies is located. Due to their location in the same system there has been bitter animosity between the two species.

This will be seen in the mod if there is negative bias between the two species.

rjord2021 -> Star Wars (12/7/2017 5:27:34 PM)

Work in progress in determining which sectors, territories and systems will be in the mod.

To determine this I looked at the location of the homeworld for each of the 49 races in the mod.
For each planet I also get the region and sector that planet is in.

All other systems in those regions and sectors will then be added to the mod.

At this stage I can say my map will cover worlds in the Outer Rim Territories, the Mid Rim, the Core Worlds and the Deep Rim.


rjord2021 -> Star Wars (12/7/2017 5:48:46 PM)

Today I am going through each of the Star Wars movies to check that the planets and systems in those movies are on my list of planets going into the mod.

As you may have noticed this mod will be released in 6 much work to finish by then.

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