zakblood -> RE: new board game on steam, yes steam (3/11/2017 11:33:59 AM)
atm it's on EA, so early access so not all the features on in, but it's a board game in all ways, with the same layout and options, but plays like the Drive On Moscow game in many ways, just a different battle in scale and scope. programmed in Java, it's fast and plays very well, hot seat mode only atm, but price is low, but quality is high, one to watch and see how it develops over time in EA. [image]local://upfiles/43185/C8817B0680EA427284A4C82E3FBC016B.jpg[/image] i'd recommend it to anyone who enjoys Drive On Moscow and that sort of level of game play, as while some stuff is covered, others are abstracted atm, no idea if it will be added later or not, so FOW isn't atm, but LOS is, but not sure on ZOC either, so WIP on all counts tbh...