InfiniteMonkey -> RE: What’s your preferred monitor resolution for WitP:AE? (5/20/2017 3:44:57 PM)
ORIGINAL: offenseman witpqs- could you please give me your switches? I just tried that and ended up with a smallish, non-adjustable, square window. WitP:AE is not dynamically resizable. You set the size you want it to be in the -pxf1080 -pyf1080 switches and that is the size it opens at. In order to change size, you have to quit the app, change the sizes, and restart the app. "-pxf1080" sets the width (x) to 1080 pixels. To make it as witpqs describes, you would use -pxf1920 in place of -pxf1080 in the switches I listed. "-pyf1080" sets the height (y) to 1080 pixels. To make it as witpqs describes, you would use -pyf1018 in place of -pyf1080 in the switches I listed. So change your shortcut's target: "C:\Matrix Games\War in the Pacific Admiral's Edition\War in the Pacific Admiral Edition.exe" -skipVideo -wd –cpu2 –multiaudio -pxf1920 -pyf1018 -altFont -dd_sw I actually have several shortcuts that vary the size of the window. When I am taking screenshots, or doing a lot of writing where I do not want to see a massive witp window, I run in 1080 x 1080. My big screen (on a 4k display) is this: "C:\Matrix Games\War in the Pacific Admiral's Edition\War in the Pacific Admiral Edition.exe" -skipVideo -wd –cpu2 –multiaudio -pxf3000 -pyf1500 -altFont -dd_sw If I want to run in portrait mode: "C:\Matrix Games\War in the Pacific Admiral's Edition\War in the Pacific Admiral Edition.exe" -skipVideo -wd –cpu2 –multiaudio -pxf1080 -pyf1400 -altFont -dd_sw etc. etc. Pick the resolutions you want and fill in the numbers. Also, in windowed mode, get used to using "Win-plus", "Win-minus" and "Win-Esc" keys to use Windows Magnifier to magnify the area around the cursor. The "win" key is between the Ctrl and Alt. If you hold it and press the plus key, it starts magnifier (or if magnifier is already started it increases magnification). If you hold the Win key and press the Esc key, it cancels magnifier. This gives you the best of both worlds: Lots of map to see plus the ability to magnify areas that are harder to see. Example screenshot of magnifier in actions: [image]local://upfiles/55090/6E2132888FDD4A9DB442B6AC3D0C61C2.jpg[/image]