Sheist -> Crash - but this is a funny one. (3/19/2017 1:54:51 PM)
1800 scenario, Corporal level. January 1811. Napoleon occupies London after destroying/capturing the last remnants of the British fleet. A small retreated British army occupies Wales, while the newly-formed British militia of 9 units occupies Central Britain. London has been occupied only briefly. I attempt to play the card for the USA to declare war on the British, and the game crashes instantly. It does so on repeated attempts. Funny, since there are no naval units that can be removed, and the army is on the ropes already, so there is no real point in trying to get the card to work at this point, but here is the crash anyway. Napoleon Version 1.0.1 Build 74 Napoleon crashed at: Sun Mar 19 03:09:44 ICT 2017 OS = Windows 7 Architecture = x86 OS Version = 6.1 Free heap space is 4932792 Total memory is 259350528 Size config = 3 Details of the crash: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0 at java.util.ArrayList.rangeCheck(ArrayList.class) at java.util.ArrayList.remove(ArrayList.class) at fgb.a( at rfb.a( at vhb.a( at r1.a( at e5.a( at e5.b( at a.x( at a.p( at Index: 0, Size: 0 <end of report>