darbycmcd -> RE: Back into the frey. Allied opponent GC wanted. (3/24/2017 10:29:12 PM)
Hey there. I just finished a campaign as Japan, I mean all the way to the end. It is.... not really enjoyable for the last year or so! But if you are up for a game I would like to play as Allies. I have played for a while so there are some folks around that could probably give me a good recommendation. I like to play competatively but friendly; players in this game are fellow travellers for quite some time. I am not too worried about HRs, other than the PP to cross borders. I like night bombing at 15,000 feet, but I am not wedded to it. I try not to do anything 'gamey', and if there is something you don't like I am usually willing to work it out. Like I said, we are opponents for a long time together! Let me know if interested. Darby