warspite1 -> RE: Ridley Scott To Direct A Battle of Britain Movie (4/4/2017 5:31:17 PM)
ORIGINAL: JReb There is a lot of room to explore with this movie besides just the air combat alone. The psychological effects on the pilots, the bombing effects on the citizens taking cover in the subway tunnels, the fatigue of mission after mission after mission, what happened to pilots shot down over land and water, volunteers from other countries, fire fighting after the raids, role radar played. Lots to explore here. If there is to be a heavy focus on the air to air battles, lets hope Scott has some new, innovative ideas on how to film the scene where the action is comprehensible to the watching audience. Its hard to follow the action in a dog fight scene for too long and 90-120 minute movie is a lot of time to fill. warspite1 Interesting that all of what you list was covered (to a greater or lesser extent) in the 1969 film. I agree, there is tons to explore in this period and every chance of another damn good film.