welk -> WISH FEATURE IN EDITOR (4/20/2017 7:56:16 AM)
I have now a few time and I began to explore the editor It's a very good tool, but I think the following feature in editor would be great : at this time, to unactivate permanently a script in a scenario, we have to intervene in the content of the script file (to erase it or to unactivate it with special values). Editor should allows users to simply set permanently scripts "on/off" at the same ways as in game, with a "cross system" : cf attached images) Whis this feature, users would have simply to place a "cross" (setting permanerntly a script "on"), or to remove the cross (setting permenently script "off"), then they will save the campaing and the concerned scripts will be permanently unactived or actived : we will not have to active/unactive them each time we begin a new game with the concerned scenario Sorry for poor english[8|] Other feature woulb be good : when you double clik on the description of a script in the list(éditor), the script file where this script is contained should open automaticaly at the precise place where the script is written : it would be more fast and easy to modify it [image]local://upfiles/22329/7B893B4430E14CA39387596AF4A791F2.jpg[/image]