wie201 -> RE: Round Two - This Time Its Personal (6/30/2017 2:13:53 PM)
Hi tog34 - we should have 2 more turns done tonight and I have re-thought my position and may take a run at the Royal Navy. Regarding an Allied come back, I am sure many others feel the same way! Almost everyone wants to see a back and forth conflict because it is simply much more entertaining to follow. And while I can feel badly for my opponent, and I don't 😊 I have no intention of stepping off the accelerator. Obviously you are not calling for this, but the one thing I've learned in my loooooooong history of boardgames and computer wargames is that no matter what the situation currently looks like, it can always change suddenly and dramatically (particularly in computer wargames with true fog of war). Mark has built something he’s hiding somewhere in Russia that he intends to use to foil my plans. As I told Vonik, I haven’t been able to sniff it out yet, but something must be there as he had to utilize his MPPs. If I can capture my primary 1941 objectives, Moscow and Leningrad, I will advance far enough to give the Axis Powers some breathing space and also to consolidate my gains. Then, in my 1942 offensive, I will advance in good order and good supply. Trust me when I say that Mark in no way feels like he has lost the War yet, although he may have to treat me to my favorite pub based upon our little wager (he must win before 1944). And remember that this is our first run as these powers – I have never played Germany and he never the Allies until this game, and we are not running parallel games. So mistakes abound! I think this fact makes it more fun for everyone and, fortunately, neither Mark nor I embarrass easily 😊