Getting Prompted for "Serial Key" on launch (Full Version)

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DerTroof -> Getting Prompted for "Serial Key" on launch (4/26/2017 7:41:44 PM)

Why does this happen when I hit PLAY from the launch screen? How do I turn this off?!?!?

Don't want to have to enter the serial keys every time I play the damn game!


zakblood -> RE: Getting Prompted for "Serial Key" on launch (4/26/2017 8:03:57 PM)

site or steam version?

as never had it happen once yet tbh

install as admin from a admin account, run the game as right click run as admin, full permission are then given

install to the default installation and always makes sure your version is upto date

Captain_Orso -> RE: Getting Prompted for "Serial Key" on launch (5/7/2017 7:22:41 AM)

Normally during installation your key is requested. But if it's not been verified yet, run the Settings program and enter it there.

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