KeathZerstorer -> Error during generating battle (4/30/2017 8:38:50 PM)
Hi, I have some issue with Campaign series: When I try to generate battle sometimes I get an error. For example, for Italy vs. America June 1944, Mediterranean, Division, all other settings are default, I get this: West Front.exe: [ERROR ID 1000] (UnitAllocator.cpp, line 949, CUnitAllocator::BuildForce()) for nation Italy, level Division, unable to get starting org But I was able to start with those settings for Battalion, Regiment and Corps. There are divisions for Italy 1944 as well in OOB editor. Could you tell me what's wrong and how to fix it? Windows 10, installed as admin into default folder, updated via launcher. All major exe files (West Front.exe, Rising Sun.exe, East Front.exe) are marked as admin-only launch.