BillRunacre -> RE: What happens if (when?) Moscow falls? (5/25/2017 2:59:24 PM)
ORIGINAL: Leadwieght When I lost Moscow in a recent game, I was surprised that Soviet MPP production didn't drop all that much. I was still taking in 600 MPPs (not counting convoys from GB and USA which brought it up to about 800). But my opponent had put everything into taking Moscow and Leningrad, and I still held much of the Donets basin industrial area and the Caucasus oilfields (Maikop, Grozny and Baku). I also noticed that the Western Allies seemed to be sending extra convoys to the Soviets after the fall of Moscow, without me seeing a DE. Hi Leadwieght When Moscow falls you'll lose the production that it provides, but the capital will move so there is no extra MPP penalty above that. Morale will take a big hit though. I'm not sure what extra convoys you might be referring to, as the fall of Moscow doesn't trigger anything like that. Maybe the growth in the UK's income through Industrial Technology research triggered an increase in the amount they could send via convoy? Or it coincidentally coincided with the US sending supplies via Persia or Vladivostock? Bill