RoryAndersonCDT -> RE: The new features of Chains Of War: Cargo, amphibious and airdrop operations (5/20/2017 3:41:53 AM)
ORIGINAL: Dan109 What about transporting a small vehicle with a recon team, but no paradrop. Example, I want to fly in undetected, a recon team on a V-22. But, I also want to deploy the M1161 Growler with them so they don't have to walk. No landing fields where I want to go. Would it require something like a LUA Script to create a "runway-grade taxiway, 450m, Med Aircraft" whenever a heli/Osprey hovers at min altitude for say 1 minute? The 450m prevents I think any aircraft besides helos and VSTOL from landing there. If this at all possible, then I am looking forward to when munitions and fuel can be considered as cargo. FARPs can be a reality - munitions brought in by CH-53s, V-22s bring the gas, to either refuel F-35s in the air, or transfer their fuel to FARP fuel stores. Airlift in some 155s and some land and air security, and now you have a firebase! :) Oh, back to the paradrop, if you haven't seen this, its priceless. Is there a small % chance of failure on the paradrop?? This video says there should be: Yes, helicopters / tiltrotors will hover and descend to 0AGL in a cargo mission to disembark infantry / small vehicles.