Scenario wish list (Full Version)

All Forums >> [New Releases from Matrix Games] >> Flashpoint Campaigns Series >> Requested Features and Ideas


npsergio -> Scenario wish list (5/16/2017 9:35:13 PM)

1. Russian attack in the Baltic States
2. Middle East (Israel, Iran-Irak, Syria, etc)
3. India vs Pakistan
4. Ukrania
5. Grozny
6. Korea

CapnDarwin -> RE: Scenario wish list (5/17/2017 4:05:16 PM)

We have discussed in-house doing a Modern Era game engine to handle the post Cold War era thru near future battles. That would help cover a number of your wish list items. We are interested in covering the Mid-East conflicts of the Cold War era as well. That will be a function of where in our timeline we can work it in. WE need to get Southern Storm out next year and then can can start looking at these other times and places. [8D]

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