Special Game (Full Version)

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Nesr5 -> Special Game (5/21/2017 8:08:20 PM)

Since there's no general discussion on this forum, I figured I'd say here that I think Forge of Freedom is a pretty special game. Thank you to anyone involved in making it. Tactical games are much too rare, and the combination of strategy and tactics is almost non-existent (these days anyway; it used to more common, say, twenty years ago).

I don't know if anyone reads these threads anymore, but in case someone does, I have two questions: 1. Is there any chance of seeing FoF on Steam? I think that would revive the game. 2. Are there any other combined strategy/tactics games for other wars? I enjoy tactics most, but I find it unsatisfying to win just one battle isolated from the rest of the war.

Nimrod 9th -> RE: Special Game (5/23/2017 1:42:20 PM)

Have you looked at Crown of Glory? Forge of Freedom was based on it's engine. Strategic and Operational movement with the option of fighting tactical battles. CoG's economic system is a little more complex. But if you have mastered FoF's you should be able to handle CoG's with some work/experience. Graphics are not as good as FoF but good enough if you're interested in game play and graphics are not a priority.

Nesr5 -> RE: Special Game (5/24/2017 2:09:58 PM)

Cool! I'll look into it.

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