Very Impressed! (Full Version)

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OliversArmy -> Very Impressed! (5/28/2017 8:42:13 PM)

Having studied the ECW at University and continued the interest for 40 years I purchased this game not knowing what to expect. I came across it by accident and purchased in impulse.

I was daunted by the information and detail but by perseverance (hard for a techno phobic idiot) I came to realise the depth, historical accuracy and attention to detail that went into this game.

I have been totally absorbed by it and enjoy the quirks which so accurately reflect 17th century politics and warfare.

There are some errors but nothing that demonstrates a lack of understanding for the era.

Great game!

Be interested to know, which side those on this forum would have fought for back then, would you have pushed a pike for the King, or saddled up with Cromwell's Ironsides?

altipueri -> RE: Very Impressed! (5/28/2017 10:02:09 PM)

There are plenty of Malignants on this forum. Beware. :)

As a Brit I like this game because whilst I've played many war games covering Normandy, The Ardennes, Gettysburg, Stalingrad, Crete etc, this is home territory for me, and I have read more about the English Civil War in the last month or so than my school days.

But, as to your question, I don't know. I loath the frippery that surrounded the King. I loath the religious aspect of both sides, I think Cromwell would be a bore at the bar.

I fear that I would agree with whoever shoved a sword in my face.

Philippeatbay -> RE: Very Impressed! (5/29/2017 5:09:00 AM)


sol_invictus -> RE: Very Impressed! (5/29/2017 1:13:01 PM)

I don't have the game yet but will almost certainly buy it soon. I have really enjoyed the ECW battles in Pike and Shot, which is an outstanding game. As an American I don't really have a dog in this fight and I find both sides hard to really embrace completely. I guess it would all depend on what my social standing might have been during the time. I tend toward legitimacy and conservatism so would have probably leaned a bit toward the King but the Stuarts were so easy to loathe and Parliament did have a role in ruling the nation. I guess Charles' main problem was that he wanted to rule as if he were Louis XIV. Likewise, Cromwell had his appeal but was a bit of a religious fanatic and a good number of the Parliamentarians were outright Socialists; which I strongly oppose. I imagine many people of the time were torn when dealing with these issues and loyalties.

OliversArmy -> RE: Very Impressed! (5/29/2017 8:37:01 PM)

Ok! I can see which side you would have supported![:)]

OliversArmy -> RE: Very Impressed! (5/29/2017 8:54:12 PM)


ORIGINAL: altipueri

There are plenty of Malignants on this forum. Beware. :)

Thanks for the warning! Malignants on forums are like wasps, we know they are there, but not really sure why!

DEB -> RE: Very Impressed! (5/30/2017 5:08:09 PM)


ORIGINAL: OliversArmy


ORIGINAL: altipueri

There are plenty of Malignants on this forum. Beware. :)

Thanks for the warning! Malignants on forums are like wasps, we know they are there, but not really sure why!

The only Malignant I have noted on this forum to date is "altipueri" himself ; who is so in love with the game that he dislikes those fellow Brits who have pointed out the various Map errors that exist in it.

[ He presumes "we" are trying to put people off of the game, rather than trying to get reasonable corrections made to it. Go figure... ]

Volunteer -> RE: Very Impressed! (7/13/2017 4:59:09 PM)

Time to push a pike for Parliament and the Lord!

DEB -> RE: Very Impressed! (7/17/2017 5:03:17 PM)

God save the King !!!

spellir74 -> RE: Very Impressed! (2/16/2018 5:52:16 AM)

Always fight untermensch demagoguery. ...So that the neo cortex shall not perish from the earth. (A demagogue is NOT a demigod. [8|])

"I do it all for the ...people." [8|]

Parliamentarian-ism /democracy doesn't look like communism by virtue of its age. But it is, simply a few hundred yrs before modern comm wrote the manifesto (just like jesus cult was proto communism back in Rome).

And as they say, there is no fool like an old fool. ...ESPECIALLY when it comes to wimmin! (Actual communism is in many ways better than jesus cult and democracy/parliamentary-ISM at stopping untermensche demagoguery before it turns into AN OLD FOOL.)

@"Time to push a pike for Parliament and the Lord!"

How do you know what the lord wants?

Alan Sharif -> RE: Very Impressed! (2/17/2018 8:04:25 AM)

Parliament, assuming I was not a wealthy toff. [:)]

IslandInland -> RE: Very Impressed! (1/12/2019 3:43:56 PM)


ORIGINAL: spellir74

Always fight untermensch demagoguery. ...So that the neo cortex shall not perish from the earth. (A demagogue is NOT a demigod. [8|])

"I do it all for the ...people." [8|]

Parliamentarian-ism /democracy doesn't look like communism by virtue of its age. But it is, simply a few hundred yrs before modern comm wrote the manifesto (just like jesus cult was proto communism back in Rome).

And as they say, there is no fool like an old fool. ...ESPECIALLY when it comes to wimmin! (Actual communism is in many ways better than jesus cult and democracy/parliamentary-ISM at stopping untermensche demagoguery before it turns into AN OLD FOOL.)

@"Time to push a pike for Parliament and the Lord!"

How do you know what the lord wants?

^Some authentic frontier gibberish right there.

I would have fought for Parliament. One less monarch in the world have been better for everyone.

xj900uk -> RE: Very Impressed! (2/8/2019 12:05:07 PM)

Yes ut is a good game for sure, and there aren't many ECW games out there at all (FOG is the only one I can think of that comes close) but it still has a few glaring errors and bugs that need ironing out.
When is the new patch coming? Have been asking now for it for well over a year. THe WS is a definite problem and stopping me enjoying this game.

altipueri -> RE: Very Impressed! (2/15/2019 2:50:44 PM)

To fix the issue with captured war supplies not being added to War supply total amount ;

Go to ECW/settings
Open Gamelogic.opt
Look for
aseWSUorSteelinDB = 0
Change it to
aseWSUorSteelinDB = 1
Save and close.

Captured war supplies will be added properly for following battles.

Taken from the Ageod forum

Minipigs -> RE: Very Impressed! (2/16/2019 4:15:48 AM)

Can you edit battles to reflect tabletop games with wargaming figures?

salnickovvictory -> RE: Very Impressed! (2/20/2019 6:17:51 PM)

God with us)

Technopiper -> RE: Very Impressed! (3/26/2019 3:19:41 PM)

By legitimacy you mean the vajayjay which splurted one out was impregnated by the right schlong? And that's your best answer against socialism? To me they all look like characters out of Dallas. Who's more adorable? I can't decide.

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