Scenario for Testing - Sanitizing NORLANT (Full Version)

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Randomizer -> Scenario for Testing - Sanitizing NORLANT (5/29/2017 5:27:28 PM)

The Cuban Missile Crisis beckons many a CMANO Cold Warrior and recently we have seen Apache85 upload his Seven Days in October and Butch4343's Fire from the Heavens with an RAF slant. At the risk of inducing CMC scenario fatigue, here is another take on the crisis with the focus on activity in the northwest Atlantic. Here American resources were slim with resources and assets diverted to the Caribbean in support of President Kennedy's quarantine and as in the actual crisis the USN got enthusiastic Royal Canadian Navy and Air Force cooperation from a reluctant government to hunt Soviet SS with some SSB and perhaps an SSBN thrown in for "interest".

You are Commander, Anti-Submarine Warfare Atlantic Fleet (COMASWLANT), now designated Commander Task Force-83 and based at Norfolk Naval Base. Your mission will be to locate, track and if necessary prevent Soviet submarines from closing the US east coast. Most of the escort ships and long-ranged aviation that are usually available have been allocated to or reserved for ongoing operations against Cuba as the Navy prepares contingency plans to blockade the island. The possibility of escalation to air strikes against the Soviet nuclear-armed missiles discovered there is very real. Therefore it is absolutely essential that the Red Fleet submarines, particularly the ballistic missile boats are located and tracked.

While the scenario is based on the actual crisis operations and uses platforms available or probably deployed in the event, it's not strictly historical nor is it intended to be and there are relatively extensive details and context provided in the Scenario Description and Player Briefing. This is an ASW scenario that develops over some time as the crisis unfolds outside Player control so don't expect any instant but gratifying action immediately.

Feedback and suggestions for improvement welcome. Thanks in advance.

See end of thread for latest version.


Jorm -> RE: Scenario for Testing - Sanitizing NORLANT (6/1/2017 7:58:04 AM)

on the list to give ago

AlexGGGG -> RE: Scenario for Testing - Sanitizing NORLANT (6/8/2017 3:46:57 PM)

First thing I see, if I have contact changes enabled in the log, the log gets polluted by somebody detecting my sonobuoys (hundrends of lines like Contact Whatever Jezebel LOFAR #NNN has been positively identified as Whatever Jezebel LOFAR #NNN, determined as Unknown). It is probably some allies detecting the buoys? Can that be changed by adjusting information exchange so they can autoidentify my units?

Oh I have just looked at the time remaining, 1 week 1 day, uh oh. ASW = Awfully Slow Warfare, hehe.

Would you please check what it is in the save file, I can't quite figure out what my patrol aircraft tries to ID near Dartmounth / HMCS Shearwater? I worked around it by limiting aircraft to their patrol area, which is well, but I still suspect it is some unintended side effect.

Randomizer -> RE: Scenario for Testing - Sanitizing NORLANT (6/8/2017 5:05:11 PM)

First off, thank you for the test, it is certainly long but hopefully not an ordeal. One of the issues with modelling events like the CMC is that they played out over many days and jumping into the middle of a crisis can be most unsatisfactory from a scenario authors perspective. Understood going in that lengthy ASW scenarios have a limited appeal, particularly when old tech is involved.


Would you please check what it is in the save file, I can't quite figure out what my patrol aircraft tries to ID near Dartmounth / HMCS Shearwater?

There are reinforcements in HMC Dockyard Halifax (others are also present in Nofolk Naval Base), HMCS Restigouche, HMCS Terra Nova and HMS Aldernay but they are side Neutral until the event fires that allocates them to the Player. This is done changing sides from Neutral to WESTLANT and is a design tool that I elected to use rather than teleportation or spawning via Lua script.

Not sure what's spamming the sonobuoy reports, you should only receive SOSUS reports twice a day (~0005Z and ~1205Z) because side SOSUS is only friendly to the Player at certain, limited times. I had logging contact changes "Off" during development, my bad.


AlexGGGG -> RE: Scenario for Testing - Sanitizing NORLANT (6/8/2017 6:45:11 PM)

Well, maybe we can have these specific units auto-identifiable before they get switched to our side? or the entire neutral side auto-identifiable? Or maybe make them special "Reinforcements" side, and have that side autoidentifiable? Because having to ID them kind of breaks the patrol missions slightly, and with ASW missions which are weapons-free on submegred contacts by default, I just almost run into a blue on blue accident.

As far as log goes, "SOSUS report starts/ends" events also flood the log, generated every second. Not a problem per se, but is that intended?

Randomizer -> RE: Scenario for Testing - Sanitizing NORLANT (6/8/2017 7:05:59 PM)

Points taken. After writing the events and scripts it occurred that side named Reinforcement was more appropriate than side Neutral. However by that time changing all of the scripting would have created many opportunities for errors to be introduced as my Lua skills are at best vestigial. Auto detection for the units in port works and will adopt this change.

The SOSUS reports every second is not intended. Have no fix off hand but will see what I can do.



- Have changed side Neutral's posture to be Friendly to the player so the reinforcements' contact ambiguity are no longer a mystery.
- Have reduced the SOSUS reporting time to 5-seconds from 10-minutes only but still twice per day. Could not find a Lua script to negate the report spamming every second but am really open to ideas and suggestions.

Updated version is not yet uploaded.

AlexGGGG -> RE: Scenario for Testing - Sanitizing NORLANT (6/10/2017 5:53:05 AM)

At about 4 days to go, I'm detecting some subs, including by their emissions. You should probably change EMCON for soviet subs so they dont' emit. As it is now (I'm still playing original version), I got B-77 because it surfaced to recharge and I picked up radar emissions.

Randomizer -> RE: Scenario for Testing - Sanitizing NORLANT (6/10/2017 5:02:17 PM)

New version below, change log follows:

- SOSUS now a Player asset but the number of arrays is reduced. This should cure the report spamming in the Log.

- Player reinforcements in Side Neutral are now friendly to the Player. This should eliminate the spurious contacts in Halifax and Norfolk navy yards.

- Soviet submarines emitting radar when surfaced or snorkelling. This is actually correct behavior in peacetime and happens because the Player's side posture is Unfriendly to the Soviet submarines. A scripted action has been added to the hostilities event that should make the Soviet Navy radar silent.

- Merchant shipping is no longer auto-tracked by the Player.

- Events and actions relating to the now defunct SOSUS scheme have been deleted.

Thanks to AlexGGGG for the feedback, revised scenario is below.


- Player subsurface ROE now Weapons Tight - unless hostilities fire when it becomes Weapons Free.


AlexGGGG -> RE: Scenario for Testing - Sanitizing NORLANT (6/10/2017 6:57:11 PM)

With the revised version, are you sure ASW doctrine should be locked in "weapons free"? Makes it kind of difficult not to shoot, so I'm playing the revised version and it is now "sink submarines on sight".

SOSUS array works good but not too much good, just enough to bring in some fun. Edited to clarify, I meant to say it is good you made it my side, brings fun but does not make things too easy. I like the change.

Randomizer -> RE: Scenario for Testing - Sanitizing NORLANT (6/10/2017 7:36:15 PM)



With the revised version, are you sure ASW doctrine should be locked in "weapons free"? Makes it kind of difficult not to shoot, so I'm playing the revised version and it is now "sink submarines on sight".

SOSUS array works good but not too much good, just enough to bring in some fun. Edited to clarify, I meant to say it is good you made it my side, brings fun but does not make things too easy. I like the change.

AARRGGHH! They should have been locked Weapons Tight but I never reset the ROE after testing the script. If war starts the ROE becomes Weapons Free with Nuclear Release. Updated version above, just overwrite the previous files. Thanks for catching this, it was a dumb error to slip by for an upload. Sorry.


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