poaw -> RE: Groups of units remaining autodetectable. (5/31/2017 3:04:28 PM)
Ok I realize that my initial file doesn't replicate the behavior so I made another that did and played around with it a bit. Initially 3 of the bases had units that were autodetected in them. After I released my oversight I disabled autodetection for them (by selecting all of them in unit view and using the "Editor" tab to go into "Unit Actions" and disable it). Even after doing so they will still be autodetected if the scenario is run. I then created a test group using the same units, but disabled autodetection for all of them before grouping them and running the scenario. This "fixed" the problem, the test group isn't autodetected if the scenario is run. I also created a test side, which doesn't detect any of groups when the scenario is run. I hope this is more helpful.