JRichert -> (5/11/2003 9:33:28 AM)
I have been lurking around these boards for months, but I need to speak up now... First off, I have played several games of EiA to completion, mostly with France, but also with Austria. The reason I mention this is that it is absolutely necessary to include dominant status in the game. The ability to both gain it and lose it. The reason for this is simple, if GB or Fr really screw up, they need to be penelized. If any of the other powers perform extraordinarily well they need to be rewarded. It also makes for more strategic decisions. Does Prussia create Poland? Should Austria accept France's request for peace, or should she try and take Lombardy so she can form the KoI so she can become dominant? Also, when fighting on mainland Europe, even if Austria or Prussia do well in one war against France, chances are that in the next war they will be defeated and lose everything they had gained. Giving them the ability to go dominant can change that dynamic. Second, the New Political Combinations/Kingdoms from the original game should be included. I would imagine the coding for each of the different combinations would not be all that different. However, each of these combinations play a role in the game. Also, you need to make sure that the multi-district minor powers are treated as such (Denmark and Norway, Sicily and Naples). Third, another item I have not seen is GBs power to suck VPs from an opposing power during the Victory Point phase. GB wins the game if it goes the full length and no one has been declared the winner. She was able to use 1/3 of the VPs she was due that phase and could reduce the number of VPs another plaer had by that number. It could be a very powerful weapon, especially if someone overbid for a country. Fourth, as someone mentioned before, I request that the basic EiA rules be coded and implemented, and then the EiH rules be added as an option. While many loved the EiH rules, some did not. While this is a niche game, you do not want to alienate any players by forcing them to play with rules they may not like. I have not seen this addressed anywhere, but has any thought been given to playing with the UMP rules with fewer than 7 players? I know some people find them clunky, but I know some people that would prefer to play with those rules rather than an AI. Finally, I think it is great that some one is finally making a computer version of the what I consider the greatest wargame of all time.