West Berlin 2.0 (Full Version)

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Plodder -> West Berlin 2.0 (6/1/2017 1:24:31 PM)

I've been using QGIS for a while now while making the Situation Maps for CO2 and I'm in love with it. I've decided to abandon my hand made map of West Berlin and try and build a new version completely in QGIS. I'm using William's excellent tutorial to generate the fp9 data. I may have to do the finishing touches using PSP but I'm going to try and beautify it using QGIS. It's actually got some great options. Here's the initial map with the Berlin Wall. This would have taken me months to do by hand but I did this in an evening. I still need to adjust the water ways and delete the modern buildings.


MikeJ19 -> RE: West Berlin 2.0 (6/1/2017 2:37:33 PM)

Wow, looks really neat. Good luck. An urban battle sounds like a very good challenge!

harry_vdk -> RE: West Berlin 2.0 (6/1/2017 2:53:40 PM)


Is this useful? Somethig around 1990


CapnDarwin -> RE: West Berlin 2.0 (6/1/2017 5:40:29 PM)

Looks like a great map in the making. Welcome back Plodder!

WildCatNL -> RE: West Berlin 2.0 (6/1/2017 7:28:18 PM)

Great stuff, Plodder.
Southern Storm's map scanning also will make a less effort to go from a QGis map to map values, automating the detection of water/rivers.


zakblood -> RE: West Berlin 2.0 (6/1/2017 8:06:33 PM)

sounds interesting and looks great, hope it goes well and thanks for sharing the shots

kipanderson -> RE: West Berlin 2.0 (6/2/2017 7:28:15 AM)


fantastic.. congratulations on an outstanding map.

All the best,

Mad Russian -> RE: West Berlin 2.0 (6/4/2017 12:43:22 PM)

Looking good Plodder!!!

Nice to see you back!!

Good Hunting.


TheWombat_matrixforum -> RE: West Berlin 2.0 (6/16/2017 10:27:51 PM)

Cool. Lived in Berlin twice during the Cold War (worked at Marienfelde 690th ESW Det 1 the last time). Be overestimating to see what goes on with this map, and hopefully a scenario.

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