DM729 -> Divided Ground Scenario for CS Middle East (6/6/2017 10:21:28 PM)
Hi All, Here is Ashqelon Research Center. This scenario depicts a hypothetical Arab assault on a suspected Israeli nuclear weapons facility a few years after the end of the Yom Kippur War. Originally created by Will Leister, it was heavily revised by Alan R. Arvold. I've enjoyed playing it in Divided Ground and figured I'd convert it for CSME. Mr. Arvold's work speaks for itself and his work on Divided Ground is truly excellent. Since the OOBs in Divided Ground differ from Middle East, some adjustments were necessary. In Divided Ground helicopter gunships can carry more troops than in CSME so I used them as escorts instead. Otherwise, I have tried to keep the scenario as close to Alan's version as possible. His notes are also included. Thanks to Will Leister and Alan R. Arvold for their work. I hope you enjoy this scenario. -Don