Dan109 -> RE: Time on Target Missile Strikes (6/10/2017 6:34:02 AM)
I was playing around with this, and I think I can write a script to do this. It would actually be easier for an airstrike versus a missile strike. For an airstrike, mission planner would be used in most cases for large strikes, so the total number of aircraft (and if 1/3 option is set) assigned is well known. LUA can modify the unit.course values, hijacking it to add atleast 4 sets of coordinates to make a loiter pattern. Once the last craft has launched and entered flight pattern, all of the aircraft would have their unit.course modified again to remove the flight pattern and have the only remaining courses be the original course plots from strike mission (retaining multi-axis approaches, etc). For missiles, its a bit more difficult - well, atleast I don't use a strike mission when launching cruise missiles at a ship. Well, I would if striking an airbase. The point is, unlike an airstrike mission, a missile strike mission wont' have a nice structure in the mission data to see which missiles are queued up for launch You can check aircraft which are assigned to the mission, and check their unit.condition to see if it is not airborne, but a missile is not a unit, until it is launched. I imagine one could get a count from the WRA Doctrine. I'd like to make a method that works with manual missile attacks as well. There are some new fields for the unit object in the current LUA-Beta documentation, but I'm not sure if they contain what I would need. I'd like to have access to the same data when you click on F1 manual attack - weapons deployed, weapons allocated, to a specific target. The ultimate test I'm personally interested in would be say an Ohio SSGN attacking say another USN Fleet comprised of a carrier (high value target) and CGN and a few DDs. That's quite a lot of missile defense, and between the CG/DDs, they would most likely have enough missiles and TIME, to shoot down all 154 of the cruise missiles launched by the SSGN. But if all 154 showed up on their radar at the SAME time, wow, I really doubt they would have the time to shoot them all down. Well, heh, that's why it should be simulated. Right now, when an Ohio shoots all 154 CMs at a base, you get a string of missiles +100nm long....not ideal. But if I knew exactly how many missiles were being launched, the launch rate, then a pre-defined loiter pattern specific to each missile could be pre-fixed to its course set by the LUA.