jjweatherby -> RE: Yes another OOB question (7/17/2017 3:10:20 AM)
Historically sticky. What happened was over time panzer divisions got smaller. So the 1936 PZ dropped to half size before Poland (fewer PZI, more PZII and some PZIII/IV or czech tanks for some divisions). After France the number of panzer battalions per division were again halfed. So in 1941 you find the same number of tanks with twice the divisions. Likely the game is compensating because the size of the tank corps are the same. This is problematic in that while half the numbers the doubling of divisions allowed the same amount of tanks to cover more ground with similar firepower from the PZ I, PZ II majority with some PZ III and early PVIV tanks in Poland. By 1941, it was smaller numbers of more modern PZ III and PZIV tanks. The czech tanks were soon to be phased out too for better PZIII tanks. So it isn't incorrect numbers wise to have the same number of PZ corps but it is incorrect corps and what distance they can cover. In games like AH's Third Riech/Advanced Third Riech it doubled the tank corps for 1941 with the same power to show the newer tanks had about the same relative firepower with fewer tanks.