Fatal Setup (Full Version)

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Vanman -> Fatal Setup (6/11/2017 2:51:21 PM)

Nothing fixed in this regard with 2.5.1. Did the setup for USA and USSR, saved game. Now opened it and as you can see
things are totally screwed up. Cannot end the USSR setup (even though all units placed) and apparently the Germans cannot help
themselves and invaded the Soviet setup and won. Brilliant Axis strategy to pre-emptively win the game but since they never
took any resources Hitler would be displeased as well. Autarky failed. Please fix so we can play again. Thanks.

Vanman -> RE: Fatal Setup (6/11/2017 4:07:35 PM)

Started from scratch, went through setup and in this case something similar. USA and USSR setup fine. Then we come to Italy, units to enter do not show up and green light to end phase is on.

Joseignacio -> RE: Fatal Setup (6/12/2017 8:43:38 AM)

Same thing I had, Steve has it on the "to do list", but by the moment we need to keep waiting to start testing anything because he is obliving these basic primary problems of the netplay, absolutely critical to start any possible testing, because of his belief (or forum members pressure) that solving problems that affect gameplay (not setup!) in both solitaire and netplay need to be prioritized (¡!)

DQ2004 -> RE: Fatal Setup (6/13/2017 9:11:01 AM)

We had the same issue today. Whilst the bugs that we did have in the previous version weren't huge, and we could work around them, this one has unfortunately stopped us from being able to continue playing.

AllenK -> RE: Fatal Setup (6/13/2017 4:27:13 PM)

I've experienced similar problems when trying to restore the game from the Auto-Save files "Setting Up CW/France...etc.

We've found the best way is to set up a country but save the game before hitting the green button to end the phase. The file is then E-mailed to our opponents, who first end the set-up, then proceed to the next country. Doing it that way, no problems so far like this. I've repeated this method once with 2.5.1 with no problems.

I have the Initiative save file if anyone wants to see it.

Joseignacio -> RE: Fatal Setup (6/14/2017 8:08:06 AM)

You mean you email the files even when using netplay or only in PBEM? If in netplay, then you do the scrap and deploy and then email it without recording (green button), and then..? Sorry didn't get it.

Shannon V. OKeets -> RE: Fatal Setup (6/16/2017 3:42:12 AM)



Started from scratch, went through setup and in this case something similar. USA and USSR setup fine. Then we come to Italy, units to enter do not show up and green light to end phase is on.

The problem is with Head-to-head play. I have fixed this and will be posting a Hot Patch in the next hour.

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