surrounded units (Full Version)

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jason oates -> surrounded units (6/25/2017 12:10:55 AM)

Is it correct that a unit that is surrounded and routs is still on the map close by. Admittedly with a rout label. Shouldn't they be destroyed and reformed in Germany?

Joel Billings -> RE: surrounded units (6/26/2017 3:53:33 PM)

They will generally fall back to a nearby location and remain on the map. If the unit is isolated (which is being cut off for one complete turn (both player-turns), then it will surrender instead of routing. These units are removed from the map, but may reform under certain conditions.

esc11974 -> RE: surrounded units (8/10/2017 7:03:22 PM)

[>:]German AI retreats best units to ports for denial to allies and sits there at 500 defense points for a month fighting off entire 12 divisions of 8th Army. Two German divisions at Naples defense strength 326 hold out six weeks against entire 5th Army(Off strength 450< 2 to1 odds). Same happened in France. (ahistorical and would never work in real world. [&o]Air support and ground attack have no impact on defense killing 30 50 per turn and 1 armored vehicle. At the same time a German armored Division and Para Regiment are siting in a prison camp in Sicily doing nothing. Sadly this game was rushed and the defense / fort system is not balanced. The AI wants to win but reacts like a Attack and burn out your Divisions by Christmas 44 sit and wait you lose and fall asleep. Question can war in the west be saved not sure. At least War in the East is fun and players can plan and successfully execute effective attacks and counter attacks. WITW alas is a failure as a game but provides a good history lesson non the less. Please don't tell me about air power and combined arms as I've tried it all. Most unbalanced strategic game I have ever player using the AI.too bad as its a beautiful piece of work.

Joel Billings -> RE: surrounded units (8/10/2017 9:29:40 PM)

Did you isolate the units in Naples by making sure you had control of the sea hexes (either with air interdiction missions or use of amphib HQs?). If you isolate the units in both player turns, they will suffer major penalties in combat. You won't be able to dig them out if not isolated, but once isolated, it is doable. Also, it is often best to use interdiction on the hex you are going to attack instead of ground attack. A high interdiction value causes disruption and damage to the defending force in ground combat as the units have to keep their heads down and cannot move local reserves as needed. Yes, it's hard to take out urban hexes, but port cities can be taken with the right tactics.

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