What games are you currently into? (Full Version)

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qxcvbnmy -> What games are you currently into? (6/30/2017 1:54:59 AM)

I love type of RPG system as it allows me to make the character I want to play,I am currently playing hunter x hunter online,It features a side-scrolling view of the gameplay and has Anime-style graphics with vivid colors, and beautiful special effects for each character’s unique set of skills and powers.

zakblood -> RE: What games are you currently into? (6/30/2017 4:52:15 AM)

sounds more like an advert and plug than a random comment on a mainly war gaming site

aaatoysandmore -> RE: What games are you currently into? (6/30/2017 6:41:54 AM)

Who likes railroad games? Just found one on Steam that seems pretty good and fun. Looks like 1830; Railroads and Robber Barons but, instead of stock market it has picking up and delivering cargo instead. AI seems good enough in blocking and using your railroads to its advantage.

It's call funny enough: "Steam Rails to Riches" and I suspect it's a steam only game or if you buy it elsewhere you'll still need steam to download it at least though you then can play it offline and not have to use Steam to play it.

Of course there is the DLC which is mostly just new maps of various areas. The first one you get is free and covers the NE portion of America in the beginning of the railroad age. From what I see you only get one train to deliver goods with but you can increase the amount of trip size by the size of the train. Like if you have only 1 engine size then you can only travel from one station to another one station away that has the color of the cargo you want to deliver there. It's by far simpler than Railroads and Robber Barons in that respect; it's more of a simpler game to play. If you have an engine size of 6 then you can pick up an item 6 stations away and deliver it to it's color and get 6 vp's for delivery. It's more based on how many points you can make more than it is how much income. So, you want to get long runs if/when you can. The more engines you can get the longer your runs can be and the more vp's you can earn.

Zap -> RE: What games are you currently into? (6/30/2017 9:03:53 AM)

Yes that is what it appears like

rico21 -> RE: What games are you currently into? (6/30/2017 9:43:45 AM)

I play Hunter x Hunter on the Hunt waiting Hunter x Hunter art of War IV and no I will not play to Hunter X Hunter Command III because when you have conquest half of the map victory is yours [:D]

InfamousMMA -> RE: What games are you currently into? (6/30/2017 11:05:35 AM)


JReb -> RE: What games are you currently into? (6/30/2017 12:53:29 PM)

Just finished a Rome 2 TW campaign and now starting on Civ 5 game

aaatoysandmore -> RE: What games are you currently into? (6/30/2017 6:33:45 PM)

Played Rift all day today. Got last expansion for it for free as a new one is coming out July 19th. Glad I waited.

Aurelian -> RE: What games are you currently into? (7/1/2017 1:00:53 AM)

World of Warships. 287 times so far.

RFalvo69 -> RE: What games are you currently into? (7/1/2017 3:21:13 AM)

I'll will return a bit to ye olde cardboard&tabletop games.

On vacation, I do plan to play "Mansions of Madness 2ed" (the one where the "Keeper" is an App) and Gloomhaven, both with my youngest daughter.

Meanwhile I'll play The Lord of the Rings: Living Card Game. It is a nice mix between storytelling, deck building, and "Legolas, Gimli, and an Italian enter Mordor..." You can play solo (like I do) or co-op. Some adventures are really challenging and need determination and deck-building skill. But, for some reason, I find this specific card game really relaxing - even when the Balrog whacks you into the next timezone...

Titanwarrior89 -> RE: What games are you currently into? (7/5/2017 4:09:02 AM)

Blocks in Afrika...Block board Wargame. excellent. It's foot print is 4'X 6".

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