Issues I hope get fixed (Full Version)

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dave123 -> Issues I hope get fixed (7/25/2017 4:25:32 PM)

I really like this game, but 2 issues are almost making me want to quit.

1. Predicted combat results are crazy bad. I can't count the times that predicted combat was something like 1 attacker, 4 defender and the opposite or worse happened. This really detracts from the game. I know that combat and warfare is unpredictable in nature, but I've played lots of war games - and this is just way off what I would expect. Just a few minutes ago, I attacked a unit, and had predicted of 0 attacker, 2 defender. The defender got a rugged defense, and the actual results were 0 attacker, 3 defender. Really? How is that possible?

Chess mode in multiplayer should be easy to add, and would really help!

2. Retreats are baffling in this game. Many, Many times, I've had a unit retreat forward towards the enemy and into a river when it could have retreated backwards towards friendlies along a road. I've had games that have swung because of a few crazy retreats. This makes the loser feel cheated and makes for a hollow victory for the winner.

So my question is: Is this game still being supported? Any chance a patch will ever address these issues?


dave123 -> RE: Issues I hope get fixed (8/2/2017 4:40:33 PM)

I guess I have my answer :)

Darth Holliday -> RE: Issues I hope get fixed (8/2/2017 8:59:01 PM)

Just a shot in the dark, but why don't you ask this question in the Tech Support Section....?

R35 -> RE: Issues I hope get fixed (8/2/2017 10:11:13 PM)

The main PzC forums are actually at the Slitherines:
Most of the community is there and the developers are also more likely to check that forum. That said, there was a small hotfix released for PzC in March this year:
but development of PzC has pretty much finished I think and I doubt you`ll get that sort of expansions for it, now that the PzC 2 has already been announced:

dave123 -> RE: Issues I hope get fixed (8/3/2017 4:36:15 PM)

thanx, will do.

PoorOldSpike -> RE: Issues I hope get fixed (12/3/2017 7:50:31 AM)


ORIGINAL: dave123

1. Predicted combat results are crazy bad. I can't count the times that predicted combat was something like 1 attacker, 4 defender and the opposite or worse happened...

2. Retreats are baffling in this game. Many, Many times, I've had a unit retreat forward towards the enemy and into a river...

On the other hand unpredictability is what keeps a game fresh as it means no scenario will ever play the same each time you play it..:)
For example when combat results don't go as planned, you can regard it as something unforeseen happening, like some of your attacking tanks breaking down or getting stuck in rough terrain, or a communication foul up spoiling your infantry attack etc.
Likewise retreats could have an element of blind panic in them that makes them run like crazy in any direction.
If PzCorps was a complex expert-level wargame those things might be jarring, but it's more of a "fun" game so we needn't take them too seriously..:)

demyansk -> RE: Issues I hope get fixed (12/3/2017 10:09:19 AM)

I just started the 1939 Campaign again for the tenth time. I love this game. I am glad I don't have the hours counting on this game.

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