GeneralJackDRipper -> Ideal Order of Combat (8/1/2017 2:04:59 PM)
One of the game mechanics that I'm still perfecting is the ideal Order of Combat. What is the best order of combat for the following hypothetical situation? A lvl2 (infantry weapons tech) enemy army has entrenchment 5 in a city, one enemy fighter within intercept range. In the 6 hexes surrounding the city, you have two lvl 2 corps, one lvl 2 army, one lvl 2 Special Forces, lvl 2 mech, lvl 2 Tank. You also have an artillery unit within range as well as one medium bomber and a Tactical bomber. You have two Fighters within escort range. There are likely several ways to skin this cat, but what is the ideal way to attack this hex to maximize damage to the enemy unit while minimizing your own losses (measured in MPP required to repair)? Here's how I would attack: 1. Scout with first fighter to use one intercept from enemy fighter 2. Scout with second fighter to use up second intercept from enemy fighter, clearing way for bombers. 3. artillery to remove as much entrenchment as possible and lower morale 4. med bomber to remove more entrenchment and further lower morale 5. Attack with Special Forces to remove entrenchment and lower morale If entrenchment remains after #5 6. Attack with Mech (to remove last entrenchment), then tac bomber, corps, then Armies, then tanks. If no entrenchment after #5 6. Attack with tac bomber, corps (cheap damage), then Mech, then Armies, then Tanks. The theory behind this order is essentially to reduce/remove entrenchment first while lowering morale/combat effectiveness. Once all entrenchment has been removed, the priority switches to attacking with the cheapest units to repair in ascending order, i.e. corps, mech, armies, tanks. Tanks and armies should be the same price to reinforce, so the goal in saving Tanks until last is to free them up to advance further if city is captured before they've been used. I'm most unsure about the ideal time to use the tac bombers. Immediately after all entrenchment has been removed or later in the order?