RE: Close Combat August Update - Screenshot 2 (Full Version)

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SteveMcClaire -> RE: Close Combat August Update - Screenshot 2 (11/6/2017 10:15:08 PM)


ORIGINAL: Destraex

I also like the old team monitor which shows every man firing and what each mans status is.
Why change something that is fine.

You can still show all of this right?

Yes, you can still display the soldier monitor with the same information on each man as in previous versions.


Destraex -> RE: Close Combat August Update - Screenshot 2 (11/11/2017 8:18:02 AM)

Thanks Steve :)
Been waiting for this for some years.

arnhem1944 -> RE: Close Combat August Update - Screenshot 2 (11/11/2017 12:26:28 PM)

I was a young man when the development off this game started, and then it should been relesed to that years Christmas .... talk about a miss calculation and delay [;)]

SchnelleMeyer -> RE: Close Combat August Update - Screenshot 2 (12/11/2017 3:16:16 PM)

Any news on a Beta release? - Or any news at all would be welcome.

Destraex -> RE: Close Combat August Update - Screenshot 2 (12/17/2017 12:32:25 AM)

Any news at all would be great. This update is now heading to a year old.

Nomada_Firefox -> RE: Close Combat August Update - Screenshot 2 (12/18/2017 3:23:17 PM)


ORIGINAL: arnhem1944

I was a young man when the development off this game started, and then it should been relesed to that years Christmas .... talk about a miss calculation and delay [;)]

Very funny.[:D]

Neogodhobo -> RE: Close Combat August Update - Screenshot 2 (1/4/2018 9:26:48 PM)

Should have just made a regular Close Combat. I have a bad feeling about this 3D Close Combat.
The new graphics and explosion from the last Close Combat were the best so far. I wouldnt have mind a return to the eastern Front with those.

Personally, again, what I really wished for is a Close Combat 5 invasion normandy type, with the new graphics of Caen, set in the Eastern Front. Loved being able to choose my platoon. Really dislike the Caen system.

Nomada_Firefox -> RE: Close Combat August Update - Screenshot 2 (1/5/2018 8:59:48 AM)


ORIGINAL: Neogodhobo

Should have just made a regular Close Combat. I have a bad feeling about this 3D Close Combat.
The new graphics and explosion from the last Close Combat were the best so far. I wouldnt have mind a return to the eastern Front with those.

Personally, again, what I really wished for is a Close Combat 5 invasion normandy type, with the new graphics of Caen, set in the Eastern Front. Loved being able to choose my platoon. Really dislike the Caen system.

A bit late for tell about it............

However, I like more this 3D game made with Archon than any 2D game with thousands of problems. GTC is a piece of **** at comparation. I would not buy any new game which it can not be modded with the level from BF. Units, maps and more.

Justmebeingme -> RE: Close Combat August Update - Screenshot 2 (1/6/2018 1:08:26 PM)

I still find it comical that
B) the only time Maxi-pad....err I mean Matrix responds with an update is when someone calls them out

They cant create a new game,,,,not on a 2 people budget

Nomada_Firefox -> RE: Close Combat August Update - Screenshot 2 (1/6/2018 3:16:39 PM)

If you did not know (probably not), the game is at alpha stage and it was announced for this year in the list from 2018 games.

Justmebeingme -> RE: Close Combat August Update - Screenshot 2 (1/6/2018 7:48:46 PM)

Another Idiot[&o]

All Hail the IDIOT[&o]

Neogodhobo -> RE: Close Combat August Update - Screenshot 2 (1/7/2018 5:19:56 PM)

I find it hard to believe you would be able to measure someone's intelligence by a comment he/she made.

zakblood -> RE: Close Combat August Update - Screenshot 2 (1/7/2018 8:15:42 PM)

please keep all comments on subject and not start a flame war, all comments are monitored and mods will be informed and some accounts will see some warning if you don't watch these comments, there will be no more warnings

Hexagon -> RE: Close Combat August Update - Screenshot 2 (1/10/2018 10:38:56 AM)

Well, lets see if finally is going to be released and 2018 is the year.

Maybe the jump from 2D to 3D for me is not a bonus, oposite, but looks like the creation of content is going to be easier, maybe not the vehicles but maps... if uses a map creator system like the one you can find in CM or in matrix games that use the same engine (even when is not all easy create scens and you expect) could be easier create the battles you want (curious if game is going to support custom campaigns in the moment they look like a simple sucesion of scens like in CC3 and not hte more complex and better CC5 sytle for an operational taste).

I need admit that i expected more in the new engine, like use TRUE squads and not halfsquads or even smaller infantry units because after 20 years i really wait a modern tactical AI capable to made units use terrain related with their size... other strange thing is start with only 1 level buildings specially when more RTS games like Syrian Warfare is capable to made units enter in buildings and deploy inside them (you cant control where infantry is place but at least you can place infantry in buildings when you need it).

Well, lets see how perform game but i really expect something more than old CC in 3D enviroment... at least i want see some of the problems in classic CC solved.

PD: and is not a good start only have 1 side to play in campaign, at least offer BOTH SIDES campaign but...

Neogodhobo -> RE: Close Combat August Update - Screenshot 2 (1/10/2018 5:02:14 PM)

Yes, Syrian Warfare is the perfect exemple to show that everything we want in Close Combat is possible. Realistic graphics, multi level building,
for those who dont know, take a look at Syrian Warfare : . If Close Combat can get to that level, it would be great.

Nomada_Firefox -> RE: Close Combat August Update - Screenshot 2 (1/10/2018 9:38:32 PM)


Yes, Syrian Warfare is the perfect exemple to show that everything we want in Close Combat is possible. Realistic graphics, multi level building,

It is very unfair, Syrian Warfare is a game created by russians (probably the goverment) with the purpose from promote the Syrian war. A real shame but with more money. Other point, they were accused several times from to steal stuff from other engines for their engine.


not hte more complex and better CC5 sytle for an operational taste).

Really I hate the operational way from CC5. It always was a piece of **** which it closed us in the same operation forever. [:-]


Maybe the jump from 2D to 3D for me is not a bonus, oposite, but looks like the creation of content is going to be easier, maybe not the vehicles but maps...

The creation of vehicles is a bonus for me. If it is as CM, it is not difficult. Just you need to know the 3D program, perhaps 3Dmax. For the record, I have a avault created from WWII and Otan era vehicles.[:'(] I am waiting the game.

Anyway, I show me progressive and constructive. I do not claim the best or better in the first version, I want a game which it be improved with the past of the time. It is the logic, if you want some better, you can donate thirty
or fifty millions to Slitherine and probably they can spend more in the game. [:'(]

Do not claim now how Slitherine should put all the earnings from the CC in the BF because while some games sell 100.000 copies or 1 million, probably from GTC, they did not sell more of 50000. ;) I can not give a exact amount because the game is sold in steam and slitherine store, it makes to count it difficult but probably the amount is not bigger.

Hexagon -> RE: Close Combat August Update - Screenshot 2 (1/11/2018 7:55:53 AM)

Well, i dont know who put the money to develop a game but i dont value product based on this... apart that you cant release a product and defend your work saying that evil russians finance your competitors and this is why your product is worst.

And even when i like Syrian warfare by look and tematic for me is still to RTS and i prefer more the CC aproximation.

For me 3D is not a bonus because i see many times how 3D limit a lot the map variety and offer to much simple tactical scens, i doubt we are going to see in 3D the complex maps we can see in original CCs (and i dont enter in mods). maybe i am wrong but lets see. Vehicles.... they need be TODAY excepcional very well done because the vehicles in 3D you can find TODAY in many games have very high quality and release a poor one is not a good idea.

You hate operational part, i like it, but saddly now i dont have the time to invest in operational area and i search now stronger skirmish component... the fun thing is that CC3 is operational like CC5 but in the cheap way where you cant control the movements, if you add operational area in a game CC5 style is the way not the CC3 that is a simple sucesion of battles with no relation between them in space and time.

Well, i simple say what i think game needs to dont be send to trash when see the light... Syrian warfare for example doesnt have multi and skirmish, players ask for it from minute one, devs ignore this and release a DLC... result??? they dont sell a **** and i doubt they are going to work more in the game content... in the CCBF situation??? apart that they start with the handicap of use a burned name (close combat in best situation if you are not a fan sounds you like WTF is CC??? in worst situation could be a buyer of the last CCs) and try enter in 3D with a more pure wargame with the stronger RTS competitors... first iteration needs be more than playable specially after 4 years of delays.

Imagine that somebody search info about CCBF and finish here... what do you think??? if i search info for a game and find that has a 4 years delay and many of the features are a nope even 4 years late...

I think that is bad burn to much game before release like dont be hard with it before release because guys that put money in game are not going to be soft with lack of certain things.

Neogodhobo -> RE: Close Combat August Update - Screenshot 2 (1/11/2018 7:56:09 PM)


ORIGINAL: Nomada_Firefox

Yes, Syrian Warfare is the perfect exemple to show that everything we want in Close Combat is possible. Realistic graphics, multi level building,

It is very unfair, Syrian Warfare is a game created by russians...(unrelated blabla) ... they were accused several times from to steal stuff from other engines for their engine.

Wait a second... Syrian Warfare is unfair because it is a game created by Russians, and because they were accused to steal ? Wow.. Okay. [8|] Did you know, the U.S Government were accused of never landing on the moon and the Canadian government were accused of letting Syrians refugees in so that they could invade Canada. If they are accused of it, then for sure, it means that its true. Forget about a fair trial, off with their heads !

Anyway, obviously, Im hoping for the best for Close Combat.

SchnelleMeyer -> RE: Close Combat August Update - Screenshot 2 (1/15/2018 2:17:47 PM)

Question to Matrix:

Why the total silence? Has something happened with development or is it a business idea to keep quiet at this stage in development ?

No news at all is IMO worse than realistic (bad) news.

PipFromSlitherine -> RE: Close Combat August Update - Screenshot 2 (1/15/2018 3:03:35 PM)

There will be more news soon. Because of the fairly high number of releases and titles we have, we tend to not keep a constant stream of information because it tends to be overload.



SchnelleMeyer -> RE: Close Combat August Update - Screenshot 2 (1/15/2018 6:44:24 PM)

Thanks for the info Pip. Looking forward to any news updates then.
- Information overload it aint - at least for me and other CC fans waiting impatiently. - I will read that as business choice, but I dont think it would hurt sales or anything with a quick forum note now and then[;)] Good luck on your continued work.

Steiner33 -> RE: Close Combat August Update - Screenshot 2 (1/15/2018 8:25:35 PM)

Good news for me too and waiting impatiently for more news

Hexagon -> RE: Close Combat August Update - Screenshot 2 (1/16/2018 10:56:16 AM)

One thing is have a lot of games that generate a great amount of notices-new info enough important to appear in the notices area because they are "fresh meat" and other very diferent a game like this that is in a 4 years delay that is a little like a meme about what you can do between release date in 2014 and the actual date... more "zombie meat" specially if you add the name Close Combat to it [:'(]

I dont see how release info in the forum area for game could overflow info area in the moment the interest in game now is very little after 4 years and who still is interested in game comes here directly and ignore notices area because is not like game never receive a great promo attention.

I really expect game looks better now and specially could offer what CC lacks, strong tactical AI, good use of terrain to move units and return to TRUE squads, not half or even smaller squads.

Other point i want know if game is going to be a base game like FOG2 to buy over it DLCs with new content (that could help have an attractive skirmish-battle generator area) or if the mistake from old CC is going to be repeated with a lot of diferent games in diferent instalations that made only via moding have content in same place.

Steiner33 -> RE: Close Combat August Update - Screenshot 2 (1/17/2018 8:47:21 AM)


Hexagon -> RE: Close Combat August Update - Screenshot 2 (1/17/2018 10:24:08 AM)


ORIGINAL: Justmebeingme

After watching this for years.....It's funny as **** to see how many of you STUPID! people STILL! believe in this game happening.
Your more of a MORON! then the ones announcing this

I suggest you try a diferent tactic to search attention, try cosplay or something, a privileged mind like yours sure could find the way [:D]

PipFromSlitherine -> RE: Close Combat August Update - Screenshot 2 (1/17/2018 5:06:22 PM)

@Just I have deleted your abusive message. A repeat will lead to a ban.



Neogodhobo -> RE: Close Combat August Update - Screenshot 2 (1/18/2018 1:40:11 PM)

We should be allowed a picture of the game every messages deleted. Just sayin

zakblood -> RE: Close Combat August Update - Screenshot 2 (1/18/2018 2:05:00 PM)

remove the user and ban them, and leave the post in place as a warning for another / other idiot's who may post another, then remove them as well, as the board doesn't need the idiots either.

the game and pictures will come, when it's ready, and not before, i can wait, and look forward to it when ever it arrives[;)]

Tejszd -> RE: Close Combat August Update - Screenshot 2 (1/19/2018 2:26:28 AM)

Given the lack of patches for issues still found in the previous CC releases and the long duration it is taking for this to come I must admit I've gone on to other games. If/when it comes and it gets a patch or two I might take a look then....


Benedict151 -> RE: Close Combat August Update - Screenshot 2 (2/2/2018 1:13:48 PM)

Sorry for the silence guys but as Pip mentioned things have been pretty busy recently - not only with Matrix in general but also with Close Combat.

I know you have heard it before (probably more than once) but we'll have a 'proper' update for you all soon

Ben Wilkins

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