Korvar -> RE: Loading Land Combat Units that belong to a restricted Command (8/2/2017 10:59:27 PM)
So there are two things going on here: 1) Although the command of the task force does not matter, the type of task force does. Amphibious TFs pick up troops which are in Combat mode, and Transport TFs pick up troops which are in Strategic mode. Note that the load requirements on the LCU (land combat unit) screen are in terms of Strategic mode, where everything is packed the most efficiently space-wise, but packed in a condition that is intended for developed ports (i.e. ports of at least size 1, not amphibious landings on beaches). Note that the intended destination port will also need to be of sufficient size for the transport ship(s) to dock, otherwise they'll unload very slowly. 2) On the LCU screen, if the South Pacific Rear Area (R) is a clickable yellow link, then it means the unit is currently restricted but can be reassigned to a new command. You'll need sufficient political points ('PP') to be able to do this. Until you assign the troops to an unrestricted command (that is, a command that is not marked with an 'R'), you'll be unable to load them on any transports or move them (via land routes) to a base which is not under that same command.