New Scenario for Beta Testing: REFORGER '87 (Full Version)

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MichaelJCuozzo -> New Scenario for Beta Testing: REFORGER '87 (8/5/2017 7:50:39 PM)

This scenario is going to be different from the majority of those out there. Unlike most scenarios, which revolve around combat in one form or another, this scenario is all about logistics. Set in 1987 as US-Soviet tensions rise, Operation REFORGER has been initiated and a massive wave of reinforcements are preparing to move from the US to Europe. It's up to the player to see that they arrive safely and in time.

This scenario will not be for everyone, I know. But it will give testers/players a look at the mechanics of successful airlift operations and the movement of fighter squadrons overseas in a time of crisis.



HalfLifeExpert -> RE: New Scenario for Beta Testing: REFORGER '87 (8/6/2017 1:13:24 AM)

Great! I'll try it out immediately!

MichaelJCuozzo -> RE: New Scenario for Beta Testing: REFORGER '87 (8/6/2017 1:43:52 AM)


ORIGINAL: HalfLifeExpert

Great! I'll try it out immediately!

Awesome. Hope you like it. [:)]

HalfLifeExpert -> RE: New Scenario for Beta Testing: REFORGER '87 (8/6/2017 1:50:18 AM)

I've started moving my assets. Thankfully the easy part is forward deploying the A-10s from Bentwaters-Woodbridge to Sembach, first group is in the air and over the Channel now. Transports are in the air to pick up 1st ID and III Corps.

I have a couple of comments/questions so far.

First, the wording of the briefing can be confusing, with such language as "these aircraft will deploy to this base and be assigned to this mission and will depart for this base in Germany"

I was a little confused as the missions are already there, but nothing is assigned to them. The way the briefing read made it sound like this would all happen automatically.

Second, Obviously it is too early for me to know if this is the case, but if it isn't there, do you think you could add special messages notifying the player when the fighter squadrons are ready to depart

Third, is the goal basically to get all Combat aircraft to their assigned bases before the scenario timer runs out?

Fourth, the briefing mentions future additions for the final version including Aircraft losses. Losses? is the final version to include combat? I thought this was built as a combat free scenario. Do you mean aircraft lost to running out of fuel or not getting to their bases in time?

MichaelJCuozzo -> RE: New Scenario for Beta Testing: REFORGER '87 (8/6/2017 1:12:54 PM)

The special messages will be put in the next draft. Along with the scoring....and an overhauled brief. [:)] Sorry about that, I was running on fumes when I wrote it out.

The ferry missions are already there. Originally, I didn't have them included, all I had was the list of destinations in the brief. I decided to put the missions because I didn't want to overload the player right from the start. One real challenge of the scenario is going to be in tanker allocation and dispersal, as well as setting up AR tracks for the fighters and transports. As well as making sure the AR tracks are in good locations to support the movement across the Atlantic.

Thanks for the quick feedback. Please send any other comments, questions or rants you've got :)

RSMC -> RE: New Scenario for Beta Testing: REFORGER '87 (8/6/2017 8:36:53 PM)

Ran it through, lost 3 C-141s to confusion about which tanker to go to.

Rhine Main is not big enough to hold all the cargo aircraft. I assumed the C-141s to be dependent evacuation and sent them back to McGuire and Dover via Lajes. I sent the C-5s to Fairford, and then back to central US with a Ferry loadout.

The tanker allowances seem generous. I kept the UK tankers at Shamrock and the US KC-135s at Snowcap. I used the KC10s over the great lakes for the cargo birds. Late in the scenario, I moved a few KC10s to support the Nellis F16s. If I pushed to keep as many tankers in the air as possible, that was enough to support a staggered launch of the reforger aircraft, while not requiring the use of diversion bases. Missions complete with about 12 hours to spare.

Tanker missions should be set up to prevent tankers refuelling tankers
Ferry missions like this should not require a flight of 4 to take off
Instructions for the C-5s at Travis are unclear - I sent them to III corp with the Travis C-141s.

HalfLifeExpert -> RE: New Scenario for Beta Testing: REFORGER '87 (8/6/2017 8:38:15 PM)

Thanks for your response. Unfortunately I did something stupid, i closed down CMANO last night without making a save, so i lost my progress [:D]

So I am going to give it another try.

But before I do, I have a suggestion. It seems to me that there are unused transport aircraft in the scenario. The numbers assigned for used to transport the 1st ID and III Corps leave some others.

Perhaps those could be made use of to transport the support personnel and equipment of the fighter wings being set to Europe? I don't know what the proper loadout would be, but perhaps this could be added to the orders in subsequent versions?

Also, unless you plan to have the scoring system compensate for this situation, having unlimited base magazines seems to allow the player to 'cheat' by loading troops and cargo onto transports at their starting bases.

Finally for this post, If you would like to add some more depth, perhaps we could also need to use the transports after they unload the troops at Rhein-Main to get the US Forces Europe dependents back to the US directly, or to England for commercial flights home.

mikkey -> RE: New Scenario for Beta Testing: REFORGER '87 (8/6/2017 9:59:35 PM)


ORIGINAL: HalfLifeExpert
Thanks for your response. Unfortunately I did something stupid, i closed down CMANO last night without making a save, so i lost my progress [:D] ...
HalfLifeExpert, if you did not play other scenario, then you can continue from autosave files

HalfLifeExpert -> RE: New Scenario for Beta Testing: REFORGER '87 (8/6/2017 10:00:11 PM)

I had autosave disabled......

mikkey -> RE: New Scenario for Beta Testing: REFORGER '87 (8/6/2017 10:16:43 PM)

Hmm, then nothing...

tjhkkr -> RE: New Scenario for Beta Testing: REFORGER '87 (8/7/2017 3:48:10 PM)

Great idea.
You sort of beat me to the punch.
I had a three scenario trilogy in mind... the surge, the convoys, the retake.
(No, I will not steal your ideas... :) )
Thank you, look forward to playing it. :)

MichaelJCuozzo -> RE: New Scenario for Beta Testing: REFORGER '87 (8/8/2017 2:20:50 AM)

Thanks for the replies. I'm working on revisions to the scenario right now, taking into account your comments and some of your suggestions. More airports in Western Europe are being added to accommodate the REFORGER surge, a scoring system is being worked out, tanker numbers could be revised, and special messages are being added. I'm curious to know what you guys think about the missions. Should I keep them in place or leave it up to the player to set them up instead?

HalfLifeExpert -> RE: New Scenario for Beta Testing: REFORGER '87 (8/8/2017 4:18:21 AM)

I think the pre-set ferry missions are fine. I was thankful for the pre established Tanker patterns off Newfoundland, Ireland and the Faroes, but didn't realize there were inactive missions for them. I just made a few simple support missions and assigned tankers to them (calling them Tanker Ireland, Tanker Faroes, and Tanker Newfoundland)

MichaelJCuozzo -> RE: New Scenario for Beta Testing: REFORGER '87 (8/8/2017 1:27:13 PM)


ORIGINAL: tjhkkr

Great idea.
You sort of beat me to the punch.
I had a three scenario trilogy in mind... the surge, the convoys, the retake.
(No, I will not steal your ideas... :) )
Thank you, look forward to playing it. :)

By all means produce that trilogy! :) I'd love to see it and play it!

MichaelJCuozzo -> RE: New Scenario for Beta Testing: REFORGER '87 (8/8/2017 1:28:49 PM)


ORIGINAL: HalfLifeExpert

I think the pre-set ferry missions are fine. I was thankful for the pre established Tanker patterns off Newfoundland, Ireland and the Faroes, but didn't realize there were inactive missions for them. I just made a few simple support missions and assigned tankers to them (calling them Tanker Ireland, Tanker Faroes, and Tanker Newfoundland)

Good point about the AR Tracks. I think I'll delete the ones contained in the scenario now and let the player come up with his/her own. After all, that's a big part of the scenario and if I leave them in, it kills the challenge. :)

MichaelJCuozzo -> RE: New Scenario for Beta Testing: REFORGER '87 (8/15/2017 3:40:20 PM)

REFORGER 87 version 2.0

I've begun making some additions and revisions to the scenario. Thanks to everyone who added their suggestions and input.
This version will include the following revisions:

- A bare bones scoring system has been set up. In the next revision it will be entirely completed and running. For now it will give the player an idea of the penalties that a lost transport might bring on.

- Tanker numbers have been reduced overall.

- The three AR tracks that were included in the previous version have been removed. It's up to the player now to coordinate air refueling entirely.

-Two international airports have been added in Europe to help accomodate REFORGER transports seeing how Rhein-Main could not handle them all.

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