RE: Wedge Donovan Wins the War: Apbarog(A) vs Aurorus(J) DBB-B (Full Version)

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apbarog -> RE: Wedge Donovan Wins the War: Apbarog(A) vs Aurorus(J) DBB-B (12/11/2017 1:55:39 AM)

The regiments are not a divided division, like xx Div/A. Could be restricted, I don't know. I don't look at the "other side" of the game to see things like that. Of course, after playing enough, you know what you know, and can't avoid knowing things that the Allies did not know at the time.

Bif1961 -> RE: Wedge Donovan Wins the War: Apbarog(A) vs Aurorus(J) DBB-B (12/12/2017 1:21:00 AM)

True it is good you are not tempted to use the game to get super intelligence that the Allies or other side would never have.

apbarog -> RE: Wedge Donovan Wins the War: Apbarog(A) vs Aurorus(J) DBB-B (12/12/2017 5:50:16 AM)

1 Apr 42

More of the same bombing.
25 Bettys with 45 Zeros escorting bomb Noumea's airfield, but in the terrible weather, they do almost nothing.

Denpassar is attacked, but holds. With heavier Dutch casualties, the base will fall soon.

Here's a few maps to show the current situation, starting with the South Pacific.


apbarog -> RE: Wedge Donovan Wins the War: Apbarog(A) vs Aurorus(J) DBB-B (12/12/2017 5:50:44 AM)

1 Apr 42 - Burma


apbarog -> RE: Wedge Donovan Wins the War: Apbarog(A) vs Aurorus(J) DBB-B (12/12/2017 5:51:15 AM)

1 Apr 42 - Northern China


apbarog -> RE: Wedge Donovan Wins the War: Apbarog(A) vs Aurorus(J) DBB-B (12/12/2017 5:52:36 AM)

Southern China
Recent enemy movements south show that the biggest attempt for a breakthrough will be coming north out of Canton.


Lowpe -> RE: Wedge Donovan Wins the War: Apbarog(A) vs Aurorus(J) DBB-B (12/12/2017 2:01:13 PM)

Troop loading or unloading can trigger the heavy sigint message, or at least I feel that it can. Since it is heavy I would guess more than one unit is loading/unloading. It is a popular base for some CD guns.

Been so hectic irl, I have fallen behind following you.[:(] How about a 10 cent recap....on your thoughts about the game. Done right, done wrong, your current position, Japanese tactics? I don't read your opposition AAR at all...because he is a fair bit like me.

apbarog -> RE: Wedge Donovan Wins the War: Apbarog(A) vs Aurorus(J) DBB-B (12/12/2017 7:11:06 PM)

Recap of the War So Far

Glad you are following Lowpe.

Here's a bit of an outline of the war so far:

No Pearl Harbor. I have all of the slow battleships, and more importantly (to me), all of those Catalinas. I've had excellent coverage of the South Pacific and southern Marshalls because of that. I've known where KB has been 80% of the time.

Mersing landing. Defenders did not flee to Singapore, but held out in the jungle as long as possible. Only a few fragments were flown out of Malaysia. Repulse sunk on day 1 by KB near Singapore. Prince of Wales escaped.

No Luzon landing, and none to date. Mindanao is enemy held except for the inland mountain base, which still holds, and still has supply. Several attacks by 2 enemy regiments have failed miserably over the months. Some shipping did escape the Philippines, notably a couple of AS and big transports. Slower ships generally did not.

Java was invaded very early, but still hasn't been conquered entirely. 3 enemy divisions were used. One division remains, along with about 15 heavy artillery units, pounding Bandoeng, the inland mountain base near Batavia. Supply is plentiful here, but the big guns are taking its toll on the defenders.

Darwin and nearby bases were taken. Tennant Creek was not.

There was no enemy move to Burma until about a month ago. I had already pulled what I could out of Burma, leaving it minimally manned. 3 enemy divisions, along with plenty of support, are rushing north in Burma now.

China has been fairly stable, with most of the time taken up by the enemy clearing out Chinese behind the lines in the south. Just recently the big enemy stack approached the lines south of Changsha. There have been lots of enemy recon and bombing to find my weak spots. It now looks like the push will be in the very south from Canton. My defense is weak north of there, relying on the poor transportation net of trails to give me time to react if needed. I still fear a breakthrough new Changsha or just south of there, as there is no reserve.

The big push so far for the enemy has been the South Pacific. Tulagi, Ndeni, and Luganville were taken quickly. When enemy ships were heading toward Luganville, I decided to send the 2 Marine regiments of the 2nd Marine Division to Noumea. They made it there in time, but being in Strat mode, I didn't have time to unload the guns and support. 4 US carriers tried to sneak around the flank, but were spotted east of Luganville. Yorktown was hit by a torpedo. I decided that 3 carriers with bad planes and terrible pilots weren't enough to do much, so all carriers retired to Pearl Harbor with Yorktown. The enemy landed at Koumac. KB hovered around Koumac for a long time. Prince of Wales sortied from Sydney and caught a big transport force SW of Milne Bay, sinking 2 of 3 huge transports. It appeared that 2/3 of an infantry division was destroyed. A flanking move by a big US TF of heavy cruisers failed in a big way, as it ran into a CL and DD TF, sinking most of those ships, but then ran into a heavy cruiser TF while having low ammo, and got hurt. Then, with daylight, KB appeared in range, and did a lot of damage. A bunch of CAs lost, along with a couple of CLs and 5 or 6 DDs. Painful, and my biggest error of the war so far. KB then made a series of moves to the north, toward Milne Bay, where it would rendezvous with more tranports forces heading to Koumac. Koumac was then being built up faster than Noumea was. KB has moved as far south as Norfolk Island, but did so twice in a sweeping movement, isolating Noumea. Then enemy bombardments started with ships running from Koumac to Noumea, at night. I countered with mines, which haven't worked, and running cruisers into Noumea at night, with limited success. Noumea's airfield is now out of action. I'm flying out base support units with Catalinas. The Marines will stay until it is hopeless, then I'll fly out what I can of those. The 3rd Marine regiment for that division is at Vavu, SE of Suva, where the division will rebuild if necessary.

3 enemy divisions were headed to New Caledonia, or already there, so Noumea won't hold forever. But it has been the speedbump to the enemy expansion. My thoughts are if I hadn't defended Noumea, the enemy would be at New Zealand or Suva or Australia already. I knew that it was too early to defend anywhere that the enemy really wanted, but it had to be done. Delay and defend is my motto.

I've recently gotten SigInt about an enemy regiment prepping for Townsville, and another for Cairns. Could be real, could be fake.

From December 8, I've been prepping regiments and combat engineers for Kwajalein, Roi Namur, Wotje, and Malelop Islands in the Marshalls. Given the right circumstances, I was going to do an early invasion. KB had to be far away. I gathered everything I needed at Pearl Harbor, and when KB was down by Norfolk Island last month, I pulled the trigger, and everything loaded up at Pearl. Over 30 TFs were involved. 5 US carriers and 1 Brit. All of the APs that become APAs. 10 US slow battleships. The gaggle went west, but just one day out of Pearl, they ran over a sub. A slow battleship took a torpedo, and many invasion TFs were spotted, with a slow battleship embedded in each. Pretty obvious what was going on. I changed course to the north for a day, then headed west, going north of Johnston Island. However, KB immediately went north for 3 days toward Tulagi, then turned NE by Ndeni. They were going to the Marshalls. I called off the invasion and everything returned safely to Pearl, where they remain. KB went all the way to Tarawa, then turned around, and went back to Ndeni, when nothing had materialized. Now KB is east of Koumac, and southbound. I will do this northern Marshalls invasion sometime, just not now. I hope to add armor to the landings next time.

April is a huge refit month. I decided to put everything into refit ASAP. Most of the US fleet is at Pearl now. 3 US carriers are in refit, as well as 1 Brit carrier, some heavy cruisers, lots of light cruisers, and many destroyers. It'll take over 3 weeks to have everything complete. I chose not to rush down to Noumea to intervene there. I will be more willing to fight a carrier battle in another month. Another Brit carrier is leaving Panama now, headed to Pearl.

Aurorus is a tough opponent. He was aggressive strategically, skipping Luzon and moving to Java and the South Pacific quickly, but he's careful tactically, usually protecting his assets. When I've surpised him with something, like the Prince of Wales ambush, he adjusts and doesn't allow a repeat performance. I have learned certain tendencies, like leading his carriers with combat ships, with the screening force in the direction that he perceives to be the greatest threat axis. This is a good move, but it tells me which direction he thinks is most threatening.

I've done enough minelaying that he is very careful now. Invasions have been preceded by minesweepers. And AMcs show up very quickly after bases are taken. I've had some success with the submarine war, even with US subs and their dud rate. One enemy carrier ate a torpedo, and several heavy cruiser have. I've flooded the zone near Koumac and Noumea, trying to interdict the nightly bombardment runs, with an occasional success. I haven't seen signs of any enemy ground based ASW aircraft, just carrier ASW. Aurorus uses his bombers heavily, and against units in clear terrain at every opportunity. But I'm just not seeing a commitment to ASW with aircraft yet. I'll have to check how many subs I've lost. Very few. Maybe one US sub, not sure.

I'm sure that I left a lot out, but that's what I've come up with off the top of my head.

apbarog -> RE: Wedge Donovan Wins the War: Apbarog(A) vs Aurorus(J) DBB-B (12/13/2017 9:59:58 PM)

2 Apr 42

British sub Truant finds a target east of Noumea.

Japanese Ships
CV Hiryu, Torpedo hits 1
BB Haruna
CA Chikuma
CS Chiyoda
DD Hibiki
DD Sazanami
DD Amagiri
DD Yugiri
DD Ayanami

Allied Ships
SS Truant

SS Truant launches 4 torpedoes at CV Hiryu

Truant and Trusty are in this area, and both have gotten hits so far. It's worth noting that Hiryu was already smoking in the combat animation, before the torpedo hit. KB may be in need of repairing some damage, damage from heavy use.

No bombing in China, which is very unusual, but troops are on the move here. That big stack that moved to Canton in the south? I've had another thought here. If it doesn't move to attack to the north soon, it's possible that the units are moving to the coast to leave China. There are a number of unrestricted enemy units that start in China. Mostly artillery, I think.

Plenty of bombing in Burma.

KB moves south to a point east of Noumea, and launches a huge Kate strike on Noumea's airfield, but damage is light in the bad weather.

Afternoon Air attack on Noumea , at 115,160

Weather in hex: Moderate rain

Raid detected at 111 NM, estimated altitude 20,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 47 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 72
B5N2 Kate x 144

Allied aircraft
no flights

No Japanese losses

Allied aircraft losses
P-400 Airacobra: 2 damaged

Airbase hits 5
Airbase supply hits 1
Runway hits 14

Denpassar is lost.

[edit: Got the first significant SigInt for Luzon: 14 Div planning for Bataan]

apbarog -> RE: Wedge Donovan Wins the War: Apbarog(A) vs Aurorus(J) DBB-B (12/15/2017 6:40:00 AM)

3 Apr 42

45 Zeros from Koumac sweep Noumea. Koumac is a size 5 airfield now. Noumea is a size 3, but is heavily damaged. No CAP.

Bandoeng, Java is bombed, as usual. I see movement out of this hex, which is interesting. There's an infantry division and over a dozen heavy artillery units. Something must be slated to go elsewhere.

41 Oscars sweep a Burma infantry unit retreating near Akyab. Bombers follow up. A base force near Magwe is destroyed by the 18th Division.

Ketapang on Borneo is invaded. No defenders here.

KB moves ENE. (see below)

The big news today is that the enemy finally did an artillery attack at Noumea. Now we both know what is here. The enemy has twice the strength, but is it enough? I say no, but I say yes if the naval bombardments return, and/or KB helps.

Ground combat at Noumea (115,160)

Japanese Bombardment attack

Attacking force 29099 troops, 314 guns, 97 vehicles, Assault Value = 899

Defending force 12162 troops, 192 guns, 168 vehicles, Assault Value = 380

Japanese ground losses:
28 casualties reported
Squads: 1 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled

Allied ground losses:
25 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Vehicles lost 2 (2 destroyed, 0 disabled)

Assaulting units:
4th Division
16th Division
8th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
1st Medium Field Artillery Regiment
56th Field Artillery Regiment

Defending units:
2nd Marine Regiment
8th Marine Regiment
193rd Tank Battalion
70th Coast AA Regiment
45th Base Group [most of this unit has been airlifted out]
2nd Marine Defense Battalion
223 Group RAF
131st Field Artillery Battalion
Noumea Base Force


Bif1961 -> RE: Wedge Donovan Wins the War: Apbarog(A) vs Aurorus(J) DBB-B (12/15/2017 2:53:56 PM)

He has two division and it is my understanding that Division fight better than Regiments as they have all their organic parts in place, so though they only have you at 2-1, I believe it will workout as being greater in their favor than that.

BBfanboy -> RE: Wedge Donovan Wins the War: Apbarog(A) vs Aurorus(J) DBB-B (12/15/2017 5:05:43 PM)



He has two division and it is my understanding that Division fight better than Regiments as they have all their organic parts in place, so though they only have you at 2-1, I believe it will workout as being greater in their favor than that.

Depends on the terrain at Noumea. If it is Jungle, they need more than 2:1 to attack successfully.

apbarog -> RE: Wedge Donovan Wins the War: Apbarog(A) vs Aurorus(J) DBB-B (12/16/2017 1:09:51 AM)

4 Apr 42

Sub Grayling spots an AO task force north of Tulagi, and fires 6 torpedoes at AO Kokuyo Maru, but misses.

Yesterday, a Chinese corp adjacent to Changsha was bombed by some divebombers, with no escorts. I put the AVG squadron at Changsha at range 1 CAP to cover that hex today. But instead of bombers, 27 Zeros swept the hex, destroying the 1 H81 that showed up.

At Bandoeng, yesterday I noticed that there is movement out of the hex. That is still true, but now I see movement into the hex also. Aurorus may be preparing for a deliberate attack. The defenders have been hit daily with massive artillery barrages, but the bombers stayed away for a couple of weeks, and the 3 engineers in the hex managed to boost the fortifications a level, to 2 now. In the mountainous hex, it could still be a tough fight. There's still almost 30,000 supply here, so that's not an issue.

24 Lilys bombed a Chinese corp in clear terrain near Yenan. The corp is moving to help guard the northern flank.

A single enemy unit has moved NE out of Canton, moving adjacent to the weak front down there. Still to be seen is all of the other units spotted moving to Canton.

KB moved north today, to near Luganville. It could be moving to the previously mentioned replenishment task force in the Solomons.

Note that Noumea is jungle rough terrain.


Nami Koshino -> RE: Wedge Donovan Wins the War: Apbarog(A) vs Aurorus(J) DBB-B (12/16/2017 1:29:02 AM)


ORIGINAL: apbarog

BB Prince of Wales has completed its upgrade at Sydney, and will eventually join the US carriers as an escort, but not now. I don't want to have it chasing behind the carriers now as they move away.

Speaking of British battleships, where did you eventually send the HMS Warspite? A bit late to ask as it begins the campaign undergoing repair at the Puget Sound shipyard. I get the impression most players send it through the Panama Canal or south of Australia to eventually join its British cousins.

Great AAR by the way. Quite the chess match. [8D]

apbarog -> RE: Wedge Donovan Wins the War: Apbarog(A) vs Aurorus(J) DBB-B (12/16/2017 1:36:50 AM)

Welcome Nami Koshino, and thanks.

Warspite was repaired and sent through the Canal to Capetown, where it has remained.

I did send the slower battleships Revenge and Resolution from Capetown to Melbourne. I hope to use them at Noumea before the base is lost. A nice bombardment there could delay the attackers some. Of course, with the slow speed, they are torpedo magnets, so KB would have to be away, and I'd still have to risk the Bettys at Koumac. But it could happen...soon.

apbarog -> RE: Wedge Donovan Wins the War: Apbarog(A) vs Aurorus(J) DBB-B (12/16/2017 10:17:21 PM)

5 Apr 42

Oscars sweep near Yenan, and near Changsha, but he didn't catch me this time. The chess match continues.

Luzon gets some attention after a long respite. 35 Nells with 12 Zeros bomb Manila's port, catching ARD YFD-1 Dewey, which never left, and sub Seadragon, which was in refit. I have had 3 subs still operating out of Manila, at least until their torpedoes are used up. Seadragon takes moderate damage from a couple of bomb hits. It will sit at dock and not in port, and repair a bit, slowly, before leaving the area. Dewey is moderately damaged, but it isn't going anywhere. Sallys bomb later, hitting the airfield. There's just a handful of Catalinas here, and a couple are damaged.

Near Magwe, 25 Sallys with 31 Oscars go after the 1st Gloucestershire Battalion, retreating to the north. 3 fighters squadrons from Chittagong were on LRCAP. 14 P40Es and 9 H81s engage. Losses are 8 Sallys and 2 Oscars, with 4 H81s and 2 P40s lost. As the front moves closer to the Indian border, there will be more of this.

The enemy bombards with artillery at Noumea, with equal minor losses.

Sampit on Borneo is lost.

From several detection levels on US subs being 10/10, KB is now near Ndeni, probably meeting up with that replenishment TF spotted yesterday near Tulagi.

Aurorus has pulled out many heavy artillery units from Bandoeng. Now, instead of one infantry division and about 15 heavy artillery units, there are 2 infantry divisions, 3 tank regiments, and 2 mortar units. The heavy artillery must be headed to the next "big thing", or maybe Luzon, or possibly Mindanao to go after the weaker mountain defense there. At Bandoeng, just a weak artillery attack today, but a deliberate attack is coming.

I consider Bandoeng a victory already. Java was invaded very early, and the enemy still has 2 divisions, several armor units, and many artillery units there, and still hasn't cleared the last holdout.

apbarog -> RE: Wedge Donovan Wins the War: Apbarog(A) vs Aurorus(J) DBB-B (12/18/2017 12:42:48 AM)

6 Apr 42

Continued heavy enemy air activity in China. Too much to counter with just AVG. When the enemy bombs my troops, a big sweep always precedes the attack. And Zeros are here. Much like the Brits in France, I decide to save my air force for future action in India rather than spend it in China.

Yesterday Manila's port was bombed. Today it was Bataan. Nothing hit.

The Betty and Zero raid on Noumea is now becoming a daily thing. Almost no airfield damage today, due to bad weather.

Big enemy attack adjacent to Changsha.

Ground combat at 83,52 (near Changsha)

Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 44896 troops, 290 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 1454

Defending force 17091 troops, 81 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 488

Japanese adjusted assault: 858

Allied adjusted defense: 215

Japanese assault odds: 3 to 1

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), op mode(-), experience(-)

Japanese ground losses:
1940 casualties reported
Squads: 8 destroyed, 134 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 24 disabled
Engineers: 1 destroyed, 14 disabled

Allied ground losses:
5235 casualties reported
Squads: 131 destroyed, 120 disabled
Non Combat: 128 destroyed, 19 disabled
Engineers: 5 destroyed, 8 disabled
Guns lost 16 (5 destroyed, 11 disabled)
Units retreated 2

Defeated Allied Units Retreating!

Assaulting units:
68th Division
58th Division
70th Division
63rd Division

Defending units:
37th Chinese Corps
58th Chinese Corps
27th Group Army

Not sure what caused the op mode penalty. I may have been moving a unit in. I didn't see this attack coming, as there are just 4 units here. A dozen units moved far to the SW to Canton, so I guessed that this part of the front was just a move to contact. I was wrong. Concentrated attack with 4 divisions. This causes a rethinking of the southern China defense, and a general pullback. Changsha and the nearby cities will be held as long as possible, but the main defense will be in better terrain. Everything near Canton is moving north. Enemy units down there are on the move also, although I'm just seeing single units near Canton.

And the anticipated big attack at Bandoeng on Java:

Ground combat at Bandoeng (50,100)

Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 26441 troops, 234 guns, 278 vehicles, Assault Value = 919

Defending force 18153 troops, 158 guns, 55 vehicles, Assault Value = 211

Japanese adjusted assault: 1029

Allied adjusted defense: 526

Japanese assault odds: 1 to 1 (fort level 2)

Japanese Assault reduces fortifications to 1

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), experience(-)

Japanese ground losses:
1851 casualties reported
Squads: 8 destroyed, 176 disabled
Non Combat: 2 destroyed, 13 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 21 disabled

Allied ground losses:
1980 casualties reported
Squads: 30 destroyed, 50 disabled
Non Combat: 47 destroyed, 30 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Guns lost 22 (1 destroyed, 21 disabled)
Vehicles lost 11 (7 destroyed, 4 disabled)
Units destroyed 2

Assaulting units:
38th Division
33rd Division
4th Tank Regiment
2nd Tank Regiment
7th Tank Regiment
15th Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion
2nd Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion

Defending units:
IV Landstorm Cdo
1st Cav Regiment
XII KNIL Battalion
2nd KNIL Regiment
I Landstorm Cdo
Mobiele Battalion
I Marechausse Cdo
Roodenburg Cdo
A-III-Ld AA Battalion
KNI Zeemacht
VkA-1 Sup Afd
A-I-Ld AA Battalion
VLG-V Sup Groep
VLG-III Sup Groep
KNI Leger
Andir ML Base Force
VkA-3 Sup Afd
HQ I KNIL Division
VkA-4 Sup Afd

The enemy attack just misses 2 to 1 odds. I've very happy with this result. The base is going to fall with continued pressure, but a lot of enemy were disrupted, and it takes time to recover. The Dutch were all going to be lost at some point. They are taking as many enemy with them as possible.

The heavy detection levels are in a broader area today, north of Ndeni, west of Ndeni, and SE of Tulagi. KB is out there, possibly split into divisions.


Mark VII -> RE: Wedge Donovan Wins the War: Apbarog(A) vs Aurorus(J) DBB-B (12/18/2017 11:36:12 AM)

Excellent work as Java has now held out +one month from historical.


ORIGINAL: apbarog

5 Apr 42

I consider Bandoeng a victory already. Java was invaded very early, and the enemy still has 2 divisions, several armor units, and many artillery units there, and still hasn't cleared the last holdout.

apbarog -> RE: Wedge Donovan Wins the War: Apbarog(A) vs Aurorus(J) DBB-B (12/18/2017 11:08:11 PM)

Thanks Mark VII. I'd recommend just isolating the mountain base and leaving a regiment or so there, just to pin the units. It's just so costly to dig out the defenders in the mountain terrain, if they have supply. I am tempted to allow reinforcements for the Dutch at Bandoeng. There's lots of supply, and about 50 Dutch squads in the pool. But they are all going to be lost eventually, so I'm not sure it would help enough to offset the additional eventual losses.

7 Apr 42

Sub Sargo spots a couple of xAK near Phuket, either going to or coming from Rangoon. Sargo takes some minor damage and will return to Colombo for repair and refit.

Zeros swept Clark Field today. Interesting. No Allied fighters or bombers on Luzon. Aurorus was probably thinking I'd react to his Bataan and Manila bombing.

Bombers hit troops at Changsha, seeking unit IDs. Changsha is urban terrain, while the other cities nearby are clear terrain. Enemy movement shows that Aurorus isn't moving into Changsha, and will most likely move to surround it. I have a general withdrawal going on now in the Changsha area and to the south.

The hex next to Changsha is attacked again by the enemy 4 divisions, and the one remaining Chinese corp is hurt badly and forced to retreat.

Today's bombardment at Bandoeng shows just 2 infanty divisions and 2 mortar battalions. The armor is no longer attacking (or there, maybe).

Just an artillery bombardment at Noumea. I got SigInt that the 5th Engineer Regiment is planning for Noumea, so there's more on the way.

KB seems to be still near the Solomons, maybe just south of the island chain now. Lots of US subs with 10/10 detection levels.

2 slow Brit battleships are making their way from Sydney to a point near Noumea, in order to bombard enemy troops at Noumea. The mission will be cancelled if the task force is seen ahead of time.

2 notes for today: Cooktown got enemy recon for the first time. And Imphal also got enemy recon for the first time. Imphal has had just a small base unit, but an armor unit had just arrived in time for the enemy recon. Lots of units have mobilized in India and are taking trains to the Burma border. Included are the Chinese units that were bought out of China and have been building up and training in India. The Chinese will hold the eastern part of the line near Ledo.

Mark VII -> RE: Wedge Donovan Wins the War: Apbarog(A) vs Aurorus(J) DBB-B (12/19/2017 11:43:47 AM)

I would allow replacements. Every turn he is attacking in the mountains means more destroyed/disabled elements of those two divisions. At least one of those XX's is going someplace else once Java is secure. Yes, you will be giving him some VP's but in the long run delaying those divisions on their next mission could be worth it.


ORIGINAL: apbarog

Thanks Mark VII. I'd recommend just isolating the mountain base and leaving a regiment or so there, just to pin the units. It's just so costly to dig out the defenders in the mountain terrain, if they have supply. I am tempted to allow reinforcements for the Dutch at Bandoeng. There's lots of supply, and about 50 Dutch squads in the pool. But they are all going to be lost eventually, so I'm not sure it would help enough to offset the additional eventual losses.

apbarog -> RE: Wedge Donovan Wins the War: Apbarog(A) vs Aurorus(J) DBB-B (12/20/2017 12:03:26 AM)

8 Apr 42

Sub Silversides spots an xAK and escorts near Ponape, but elects not to engage. Ponape and Kusaie Island have been getting enemy attention lately.

Nells return to Bataan, and heavily damage the ACM there. ACM Colonel Harrison is scuttled. Zeros were on escort. No shortage of enemy planes if Zeros are available for Luzon. Sallys then bombed Manila.

Lots of bombing in Burma, slowing the retreating Allies.

The daily Betty/Zero raid of Noumea. Now up to 58 Bettys here.

At Bandoeng, the armor is gone, and all of that heavy artillery is back. I start allowing the Dutch to take reinforcements. Plentiful supply and squads in the pools. Trading time for victory points lost, I guess.

KB is not seen. Still very heavy detection levels in the Solomons, and north of Koumac. But lots of bad weather around. Brit battleships move closer to Noumea. SigInt says CA Furutaka is moving to Koumac. So the bombarding cruisers are returning. Which is expected. Once the enemy gets critical mass assembled at Noumea, the base will be reduced by air, land, and sea.

US carriers have finished refit. Another Brit carrier is about to move onto the map from Panama. When it gets to the Hawaii area, I will reassess whether to move out or not. Or maybe resurrect my Marshall(s) Plan.

apbarog -> RE: Wedge Donovan Wins the War: Apbarog(A) vs Aurorus(J) DBB-B (12/21/2017 1:37:54 AM)

9 Apr 42

Sub Perch spots an xAK with a PB just south of Buin, but misses the cargo ship with 2 torpedoes.

Enemy sweeping and bombing in China and Burma.

Bettys and Zeros hit Noumea. Brit battleships still not seen. They make a partial move to get into bombardment range today. If still not seen, they'll bombard the next day. If seen, let's hope the Bettys are busy hitting Noumea. P-39s at Norfolk Island will provide a little LRCAP at range 4.

B-17s from Australia bomb Horn Island. Almost no damage in terrible weather. Just a nuisance raid.

Probable locations of KB are less obvious today. Probably south of the Solomons, closer to Koumac, but it's hard to tell. Lots of bad weather too.

Another Catalina squadron joins the others flying supply into Noumea. Under 10k there now, and ever increasing damage to the airbase and port. Combat ships at Koumac.

apbarog -> RE: Wedge Donovan Wins the War: Apbarog(A) vs Aurorus(J) DBB-B (12/22/2017 10:24:33 PM)

10 Apr 42

Enemy cruisers Kako, Furutaka, Ashigara, and Nachi bombard Noumea and stay during the day. It was a poor effort this time, with just 28 casualties and no base damage.

Nells and Zeros return to Manila's port, knowing that there's still a damaged ARD here. It is damaged more, but not enough to scuttle yet.

The British battleship TF moves to within 6 hexes of Noumea, hoping to make a bombardment run tomorrow. The TF is spotted with 10/10 detection level, and a strike from Koumac arrives.

Morning Air attack on TF, near Norfolk Island at 113,166

Weather in hex: Light rain

Raid spotted at 37 NM, estimated altitude 16,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 12 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 23
G4M1 Betty x 12

Allied aircraft
P-39D Airacobra x 7

Japanese aircraft losses
G4M1 Betty: 4 damaged
G4M1 Betty: 1 destroyed by flak

Allied aircraft losses
P-39D Airacobra: 3 destroyed

Allied Ships
CL Colombo
BB Resolution, Torpedo hits 3 (SYS 11/FLOT 45-36/ENG 0/FIRE 0)

Aircraft Attacking:
11 x G4M1 Betty launching torpedoes at 200 feet
Naval Attack: 1 x 45cm Type 91 Torp

CAP engaged:
8th PG/36th PS with P-39D Airacobra (7 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
7 plane(s) intercepting now.
Group patrol altitude is 12000 , scrambling fighters between 0 and 12000.
Raid is overhead

A few P-39s are lost, but may have disrupted the attack somewhat. The ships will now flee SE and SW. I tend to risk the possible speed damage in order to get out of a high threat area. With between 50 and 100 naval bombers at Koumac, I have to move quickly to have any shot at survival.

SigInt says that 9 Tank is planning for Noumea, and 56 Eng Rgt is at 113,157, which is between La Foa and Koumac. More on the way to Noumea, which we already knew. Delay and defend remains the plan. Noumea is going to be lost.

No sign of KB. Last seen near the Solomons. May not be in the South Pacific. Aurorus may figure they aren't needed for Noumea any longer. He'd be wrong if Allied carriers were nearby, but they are not. Refit and repair continues at Pearl Harbor. Here's the schedule for ships there, with number of days left:

CV Indomitable - 5
BB Prince of Wales - 18 (repair from torpedoes in Coral Sea)
1 CA - 8
2 CA - 11
1 CL - 7
3 CL - 11
4 CL - 17
12 DD - 4
11 DD - 8
8 DD - 6

CV Illustrious just appeared at Capetown. It will go to Panama with CA Devonshire and DD Nestor. Also going to Panama is BB Warspite and DD Isaac Sweers.


apbarog -> RE: Wedge Donovan Wins the War: Apbarog(A) vs Aurorus(J) DBB-B (12/23/2017 10:04:04 PM)

11 Apr 42

Between Truk and Ponape, sub Silversides spots a couple of xAKs but fires 2 torpedoes at a patrol boat, and misses.

The usual bombing in China and at Noumea.

No sign of KB. There's still high detection levels near Tulagi, but that could be from land based planes. My gut feeling is telling me that some of KB is in the Solomons, loitering to see where I show up in force. I was obviously up to something with the invasion shipping west of Pearl Harbor, and they haven't appeared anywhere. The Solomons is close to both New Caledonia and the Marshalls. Some of KB could be refitting, as well as repairing my torpedo hit on the one carrier.

My defensive line on the Indian border is starting to form. I've moved recon planes to the area, and started to watch the enemy as they move north. There's a division that looks like it moving into the jungle from the plains near Magwe, moving directly toward Chittagong. Chittagong is well defended, and my line is forming just to the south of there.

apbarog -> RE: Wedge Donovan Wins the War: Apbarog(A) vs Aurorus(J) DBB-B (12/26/2017 11:03:08 PM)

We're imagining that Wedge Donovan is leading the first SeaBee unit in the game, but look who's been put in charge of the Maryland! There's no doubt that the war is won now!


apbarog -> RE: Wedge Donovan Wins the War: Apbarog(A) vs Aurorus(J) DBB-B (12/27/2017 12:36:52 AM)

12 Apr 42

Near Magwe, an enemy stack is in clear terrain, heading NW toward Chittagong, and about to move into the jungle. It was an obvious place for me to try to bomb, and I expected Aurorus to heavily LRCAP the hex, and he did.

27 P-40Es swept, finding 58 Oscars. More enemy losses than friendly. 8 B-17Ds then arrive to bomb the troops, but find a still strong LRCAP of 38 Oscars. 7 bombers are lost. 13 B-26s then attack, find 14 Oscars, and 1 B-26 is lost on the way home. Next, and a bit late, 23 more P-40E sweep, finding just 4 Oscars, and shoot down a few. Finally, 8 B-17Es arrive, find no enemy fighters, and bomb the troops. This is just a tiny beginning for the Allies to massively bomb enemy troops in the clear, as my opponent does so effectively.

The easy pickings at Manila continue, as Nells return to go after the ARD again. More damage, but still not enough to scuttle.

There are at least 2 enemy subs poking around the south coast of Ceylon. Highly trained Blens attack them occasionally. Today, a small Brit DD task force found I-154 and got a good depth charge hit on it.

Katha is lost in Burma as the front moves toward India.

Mark VII -> RE: Wedge Donovan Wins the War: Apbarog(A) vs Aurorus(J) DBB-B (12/27/2017 3:35:29 AM)

No question now how this war will end. With the Duke commanding two important units you can go to cruise control.


ORIGINAL: apbarog

We're imagining that Wedge Donovan is leading the first SeaBee unit in the game, but look who's been put in charge of the Maryland! There's no doubt that the war is won now!


Bif1961 -> RE: Wedge Donovan Wins the War: Apbarog(A) vs Aurorus(J) DBB-B (12/28/2017 1:45:36 AM)

Next you will have Captain Bligh commanding the Illustrious.

apbarog -> RE: Wedge Donovan Wins the War: Apbarog(A) vs Aurorus(J) DBB-B (12/28/2017 2:37:16 AM)

No Captain Bligh yet, but I do have a Captain Morgan.

13 Apr 42

Pamekasan, near Soerabaja, is lost.

Nells return to Manila's port to hit ARD YFD-1 Dewey. It will be the last time. The ship is finally damaged enough to scuttle.

Usual enemy bombings in China, at Bandoeng, in Burma, and at Noumea.


zuluhour -> RE: Wedge Donovan Wins the War: Apbarog(A) vs Aurorus(J) DBB-B (12/28/2017 2:19:54 PM)

(shhhhh at work)
Just read "cover to cover", a really fun AAR sir. I opened yours because I was looking for a PDU off game. What do you think?
It does not fit in to my style of play as I am a creature of habit, but it does not seem to have been a concern for you. The idea
of having different models in my groups is another logistical challenge in so far as mission deployments are concerned.

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