Slaying a Monster of My Own Making: paradigmblue(J) vs BillBrown(A) (Full Version)

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paradigmblue -> Slaying a Monster of My Own Making: paradigmblue(J) vs BillBrown(A) (8/12/2017 8:35:02 PM)

When I created the Focus Pacific mod, one of my goals was to create a more engaging early game conflict that created speedbumps for the Japanese steam roller in 1941 and early 1942, while giving Japan more staying power in the mid and late game. I think it's fair to say, however, that in doing so I created a bit of a monster in the new allied OOB.

The allies in Focus Pacific are much better prepared for the coming conflict. They have more carriers, better defenses, and a new, powerful ally in the form of an alt-history French navy along with beefed up Dutch forces. In addition, Japan now has to contend with active Soviets, creating a new front in the war that is worryingly close to home.

In this game, I find myself in a situation where I'm pitted against the very monster of my own creation, and as a very poor Japan player to begin with, I'm going to have to work very hard to try and come out on top of what will be an exceedingly challenging game for me.

December 7th, 1941

For the first turn, my primary goal was to try and eliminate several "speedbumps" before they become major problems for me:


Kwangchowan in Focus Pacific is home to Fort Bayard, a french stronghold left after the fall of French Indochina. With a good airfield, a small detachment of capable destroyers, and skilled pilots flying modern aircraft, it can be a huge thorn in Japan's side.

To address this, I sweep with squadrons from Samah during the day.


My goal here is to start to degrade the CAP over this hex, so my bombers can eventually clean up the airfield. To assist with this, I transferred some of the KB's heavy hitters to the small bombardment group they start in the same hex with, and redirected it to Kwangchowan instead of Midway.


Great, that should give me the advantage I need over the next few turns to overwhelm his CAP and shut down this airfield.


Allied subs are much more dangerous in Focus Pacific, for a couple of reasons. USN boats get the option to convert to an "A" version, which fires a more reliable version of the Mk-14. This torpedo, with its lower dud rate, makes these subs much more of a threat than in stock. Also, there are just simply more allied subs in the water. Most importantly to me right now is all of the Soviet subs, which operate out of bases very close to my home ports. Eliminating those subs has to be a priority so that I can keep my shipping lanes safe.

To that end, I start the game by wrecking a Soviet sub base.

Sweeps go in first.


And then the bombers.


At least 5 subs go down, hopefully more will succumb to damage.

From experience, I know that Vladivostok is a tougher nut to crack, so I intentionally don't hit that port quite yet. It has more subs docked at turn 1, but it also has better AA and more CAP. Hitting the sub base just south of Vladivostok is more of a sure thing.

The Philippines

In Focus Pacific, the Philippines are a significant speedbump. Both Clark Field and Manilla are well supplied, have more aircraft, and are in 4EB range of some of my valuable ports and industry. Moreover, Focus Pacific builds Cebu into a formidable USN air base, with squadrons of Buffalo, Vindicators and Devastators. No invasion can proceed until Cebu's ability to launch strikes is mitigated.

I've always liked a Manilla strike, especially in Focus Pacific, because it leaves the KB positioned to do the most good in supporting the crucial early-game invasions that need to happen for Japan. I'm usually on the receiving end, of course, so it's nice to return the favor to the allies.

Sweeps go in first.

Then the KB strike.
Yes, the KB is a bit bigger in Focus Pacific.

The goal here isn't just to sink the ships in the harbor, but also to degrade Luzon's air power so that LBA can take over for the KB when it leaves. To that end, all of my Vals are set to attack the airfield, not the port.


I wish I had gotten more Warhawks, but damaging those Catalinas and Liberators isn't a bad result either.

The Kates swing toward the port:


Good to see those sinking subs.

Now that the KB has said its piece, it's time for LBA to go to work.

With multiple bases to pull from, it's hard to completely shut down CAP in Luzon.

More subs hit the bottom.

Amazingly, a second KB strike flies in the afternoon. It's only 27 Kates, but they put the finishing touches on a few ships.


I also hit Iba airfield. I could have gone for Clark field, but Iba doesn't have nearly as much CAP or AA as Clark does. Like the soviet sub base I hit, it's not the juiciest target, but it's more of a sure thing.


Grounding that many fighters is going to help quite a bit in trying to achieve air superiority over Luzon. In Focus Pacific, doing so can be a real challenge.

KB-2 flanks the Philippines from the other side, and bombs Cebu airfield. I cobbled KB-2 out of a few different carrier forces near Babeldaob.


Lots of nasty stuff here that can interfere with my invasions. Better to nip it in the bud now.

Finally, to help smooth out the Philippines landings that are coming in the next few turns, I use paratroopers to capture the invasion targets. This will ensure that the landings proceed without the disruption and losses that come from amphibious landings on hostile beaches.


Other Strikes

I reach for more low-hanging fruit and bomb Georgetown, hoping to sink some of the ships in the harbor. At least one xAP goes down. CAP is stronger than expected here, and my Nells get the worst of it.


What's this? Force Z? Unfortunately, my opponent forgets about them, leaving them exposed to my Bettie and Nells. While I get good torpedo hits with these strikes, the cost in bombers is tremendous, and I lose at least 35 bombers due to strong CAP sortieing from Singapore over Force Z.


I get very lucky here. At the least, Force Z will be laid up in yards for the next few months.


Overall, it was a successful first turn, and I achieved my first turn goals of 1)weakening the allied sub force, with strikes on Manilla and a Soviet sub base, 2)reducing Kwangchowan's air strength so that it doesn't interfere with operations in China, and 3)Reducing Luzon's air strength so that my invasions can proceed unhindered.

The huge weakness of this stratagem is that I've left myself completely exposed in the Pacific. BillBrown can now run his carriers unchecked through that theater. I need to pivot quickly before Bill Brown uses this weakness to disrupt my early-game Pacific invasions. To that end, KB-2 will be rendezvousing with one of my CVs that is now attached to the Guam invasion fleet and proceed to cover these Pacific invasions and the Rabaul/Guadacanal region.

zuluhour -> RE: Slaying a Monster of My Own Making: paradigmblue(J) vs BillBrown(A) (8/12/2017 9:26:56 PM)

Attacking the bear on turn 1?

paradigmblue -> RE: Slaying a Monster of My Own Making: paradigmblue(J) vs BillBrown(A) (8/12/2017 9:27:28 PM)


ORIGINAL: zuluhour

Attacking the bear on turn 1?

Soviets are active by default in Focus Pacific.

zuluhour -> RE: Slaying a Monster of My Own Making: paradigmblue(J) vs BillBrown(A) (8/12/2017 9:38:35 PM)

yikes! I 'll look around for a links and bone up.

paradigmblue -> RE: Slaying a Monster of My Own Making: paradigmblue(J) vs BillBrown(A) (8/13/2017 12:29:56 AM)

December 8th, 1941

Sub Ops

One of my subs grabs a Dutch mine layer outside of Palembang.

A Dutch sub tries to sneak up on my Miri invasion force, and gets a mouth-full of depth charges in response.


Another Dutch sub is found by Kota Bharu, and receives a similar welcome.


Surface Ops

Destroyers fleeing Hong Kong clash repeatedly with mine. By the end of the day, two of my destroyers are burning, but one of the allied destroyers is sunk.


Soviet Union

For the second day I sweep here, trying to start the long process of wearing down CAP.

It doesn't start well...


But picks up steam as the defenders tire.


Bill is trying to sneak out his ships from Vladivostok harbor, but I manage to catch a few with some Kates that I relocated to Sapporo.



I sweep Rangoon, with inconclusive results. I need more AV support in Bangkok before I can martial the numbers to make this truly effective.



This is where most of the action is right now, with my bombers pounding Manila and the surrounding bases second day.


KB-2 hits Cebu for a second day as well.


South of the KB, a group of ships tries to escape, but is caught by Kates.



Kota Bharu falls painlessly, the defenders rendered to 0 AV by bombardment and bombing throughout the day.



Makin falls, and Miri is taken painlessly. A Zero squadron and a Betty squadron quickly move in.

Invasion TFs race for Kaiveng and Rabaul, I'm hoping they make it before the allies do.

Ship Losses So Far


If this can be believed, I've managed to sink 25 subs so far. It's a good start.

paradigmblue -> RE: Slaying a Monster of My Own Making: paradigmblue(J) vs BillBrown(A) (8/13/2017 4:34:45 AM)

December 9th, 1941

Sub Ops

SS I-123 engages AS Otus in the Makassar Strait, hits with one torpedo, and then engages again and hits with two more.


Surface Ops

Bill has flooded the South China Sea with fleeing ships, and my TFs engage several of them, including two pairs of fast French destroyers fleeing from Kwangchowan.






My landings continue in the north, and I'm continuing to suppress Clark Field with sweeps.


To try and leapfrog Luzon a bit and start developing a support presence further south for fuel and rearmament, my paratroopers take Taytay. Tomorrow, a second paratrooper unit will take Jolo.


Soviet Union

Quiet here for now, as I continue to sweep. My worst fear here is Bill building up a critical mass of MiG-3s, so I'm going to dedicate quite a bit of my early air power to ensure that doesn't happen.



Things are moving more slowly than I would like here. I'll attack Hong Kong in two days. For now, I'm pushing Chinese units out of the way to clear my back areas.


The Pacific

I take Ocean Island and Tarawa. The allied troops on Ocean Island are easily brushed aside with now losses.


I wish I had taken a picture of it, but I'm in a little problem near Rabaul. I landed at Kaiveng, which will flip tomorrow, but I can see a ship only 3 hexes out from Rabaul, and my invasion TF is 4 hexes out. I think the ship is CL Adelaide. That cruiser can seriously disrupt my invasion, which I can't afford. I detach a light cruiser and two TBs from my invasion TF and run them full-speed toward Rabaul in the hopes that I can force CL Adelaide to retire so my invasion can proceed as planned. Meanwhile, construction regiments and base forces from Truck race toward Kaiveng so that we can get CAP in the area as soon as possible.

I feel naked in this theater without carrier support.

Today's Ship Losses

With so many fleeing ships, my LBA and carriers had a target rich environment.


paradigmblue -> RE: Slaying a Monster of My Own Making: paradigmblue(J) vs BillBrown(A) (8/13/2017 6:59:39 PM)

December 10th, 1941

Sub Ops

One of my subs tries to nab an escaping convoy near Osthaven, and is manhandled for its troubles.


The Makassar Strait is always a productive hunting ground at this point in the game, and my subs nab two xAKLs.

Surface Ops

The South China Sea was a bloodbath this turn, with my destroyer and cruiser groups systematically hunting down shipping escaping from Kwangchowan and Hong Kong.

Last turn I was worried about CL Adelaide disrupting my Rabaul invasion TF, so I dispatched a CL and two TBs to try and fend her off so my invasion force didn't get wrecked. They did their job, soundly defeating the Adelaide. Whew!


Soviet Union

Still quiet here, which I don't mind, as I need some time to marshal and organize my forces before I commit to an offensive. The Kate group that I moved north last turn to hit escaping shipping finds two destroyers trying to slip away.



Landings are going smoothly so far. My paratroopers take Jolo, which will serve as an advanced base of operations as I move south into the Celebes and Borneo. The KB finds a small group of combat ships, and dispatches them.


Solomon Sea

There must be a carrier nearby. Luckily, my Rufe squadron was on point, and managed to fend off the strike. I got lucky here, and I can only hope that luck lasts another turn so my amphibious TF can get away. I brought 150 AV to Rabaul, which should be enough to take the base in short order. I need to move quickly here, as I'm dangerously exposed until I get some fighter cover.


Kaiveng falls at the end of the turn, but aviation support units are still three days out - I should have dispatched them turn one. As I said in my first post - I'm a pretty terrible Japanese player, so a lot of this is a learning experience for me.

Ship Losses This Turn


Aircraft Losses This Turn


The pace of my air operations isn't sustainable, and I'm going to have to dial back my sweeps so that I can maintain my Zero pools. I'm currently producing 4 Zeroes a turn, which isn't keeping up with attrition.

Dirtnap86 -> RE: Slaying a Monster of My Own Making: paradigmblue(J) vs BillBrown(A) (8/13/2017 7:19:53 PM)

I'm kind of surprised Kashima didn't get tromped by Adeliede. Guess Exp and Nav skill made the difference.

Unless Kashima in this mod isn't the training cruiser she was in real life. Top speed of 18! knots, twin 14cm mounts, some light AA and a twin torpedo mount on both sides of the ship. I know later on in the game, some IJN players like to use her to escort convoys. She also carried a float plane iirc.

paradigmblue -> RE: Slaying a Monster of My Own Making: paradigmblue(J) vs BillBrown(A) (8/13/2017 7:27:03 PM)


ORIGINAL: Dirtnap86

I'm kind of surprised Kashima didn't get tromped by Adeliede. Guess Exp and Nav skill made the difference.

Unless Kashima in this mod isn't the training cruiser she was in real life. Top speed of 18! knots, twin 14cm mounts, some light AA and a twin torpedo mount on both sides of the ship. I know later on in the game, some IJN players like to use her to escort convoys. She also carried a float plane iirc.

I was surprised myself on how easily the Adelaide was handled by my small TF. Adelaide took a torpedo early, which I think slowed her down and made her an easier target - you see the "Massive Explosion on CL Adelaide" message early in the combat report.

Bif1961 -> RE: Slaying a Monster of My Own Making: paradigmblue(J) vs BillBrown(A) (8/14/2017 1:06:04 AM)

The animation for the PoW looks off, it appears to be a French BC Dunkerque.

paradigmblue -> RE: Slaying a Monster of My Own Making: paradigmblue(J) vs BillBrown(A) (8/14/2017 1:08:10 AM)

December 11th, 1941

Sub Ops

The Makassar Strait claims another victim, while my Legaspi invasion TF fights off an allied sub.


Surface Ops

Very quiet compared to last turn, with most of Bill's escaping TFs evading their pursuers. However, two of my AMCs manage to chase down two of Bill's xAKLs that fled east from the Philippines.


I bombard Kwangchowan again, in preparation for daytime bombing tomorrow.


I wish I scored some more airfield damage, but I'll take what I can get.

Further north, there's a base hex that starts the game all but surrounded by Chinese forces, and last turn Bill moved in to oust my troops. This turn I bomb the hex, hoping to blunt the attack. Unfortunately, the ground attack was still enough to knock the forts down to one.


I'll probably be forced out next turn.


The Legaspi invasion force lands today. No real movement from Bill here yet, and no air threats at all. Usually in Focus Pacific the Philippines can be costly and annoying, with lots of airbases that the allies can strike from to try and hit invasion TFs. I haven't seen anything come through yet.

The Pacific

The Guam invasion lands today, and my invasion TF has its nose bloodied by the coastal defense guns.


Hopefully I can take the hex quickly.

Solomon Sea

Rabaul Falls!


This is great news, as it means that I'm on schedule to take Port Morseby before it can be significantly reinforced.

Immediately, two Zero squadrons are moved in to provide CAP. Bill's carriers are still a threat, but I can breathe a little easier here.

To the north, three amphibious TFs land simultaneously, taking bases along New Guinea's north coast.


Air Losses Today


All things considered, it's a good day for me, but I'm going to need to ensure that I start using the Oscar more than I have been to take the load off of the Zero. As it is, my Zero pool is empty.

Ship Losses Today

I lose an xAK off of Guam, and my LBA manages to catch several fleeing ships in the South China Sea and the Sea of Japan.


The War so Far

So far I'm on track with my early game goals, which is a first for me as the Japanese. Bill is definitely playing "Sir Robin". I can't argue with the tactic, I've used it many times before. For now that means that I can start thinking about my long-term goals in the game. Any suggestions?

CaptBeefheart -> RE: Slaying a Monster of My Own Making: paradigmblue(J) vs BillBrown(A) (8/14/2017 1:45:29 AM)

Good luck! I think you dodged a bullet at Rabaul, as it's a fairly obvious move for the Allies in FP to send their SoPac CLVs that way.

I look forward to reading this.


paradigmblue -> RE: Slaying a Monster of My Own Making: paradigmblue(J) vs BillBrown(A) (8/14/2017 1:46:15 AM)


ORIGINAL: Commander Cody

Good luck! I think you dodged a bullet at Rabaul, as it's a fairly obvious move for the Allies in FP to send their SoPac CLVs that way.

I look forward to reading this.


I agree completely - I was sweating bullets watching the replay.

PaxMondo -> RE: Slaying a Monster of My Own Making: paradigmblue(J) vs BillBrown(A) (8/14/2017 1:54:02 AM)

Well, with active SOV, you have to settle asia before anything else. If you can ...


paradigmblue -> RE: Slaying a Monster of My Own Making: paradigmblue(J) vs BillBrown(A) (8/14/2017 2:05:37 AM)



Well, with active SOV, you have to settle asia before anything else. If you can ...


And that's going to be a challenge - I feel pretty confident in my air game, but my ground game is lacking. Unlike most players, I don't have a background in hex-based war-games - this is my first (and only) one. It took me several PBEM games until I actually understood why having a front is important instead of moving an individual stack toward a target. Whereas things like flanking, encirclement, etc. come naturally to others, its definitely a learning area for me. Luckily there are some great AARs out there that have given me some insight on how to conduct a ground war.

When in it comes to that point, I'll be leaning on my AAR readers quite a bit for advice. Currently I'm prepping to move a stack of 2,000 AV onto the Soviet rail line by early January. If I can hold that rail line, the southern Soviet Union will rot on the vine. It's a big "if".

paradigmblue -> RE: Slaying a Monster of My Own Making: paradigmblue(J) vs BillBrown(A) (8/14/2017 5:51:27 AM)

December 12th, 1941

Sub Ops

Another ship goes down in the Makassar Strait.


Surface Ops

No major engagements today. I run a battleship group down to Balikpapan to engage some ships that I saw there on Naval Search yesterday, but it was just a couple of xAKLs. Waste of fuel for the BB.


Kwangchowan has been emptied of all planes. With no CAP, my bombers go in un-harassed. This makes operations in this part of the world much simpler.

I attack again at Hong Kong, lowering the forts to 2. I'll rest for a turn to lower my disablements, then try again.


I force the defenders off the road outside of Changsha.


My bombing campaign at Ichang must have done the trick, as now it looks like Bill is moving out of the hex.

Soviet Union

The same story repeats itself at Vladivostok as Kwangchowan. All Soviet aircraft are gone. I know that Bill is trying to conserve his airframes, but I can't help but think that this is a mistake - it's going to make my life much easier.

I'll start some high-altitude (Soviet AA is nasty) bombing in a couple of turns - I want to wreck his airfields to prevent forts from being built and to ensure that he can't just move planes back into these bases.


My sweeps run into stiff resistance over Clark Field in a series of dogfights over his airbase. I come up on top, but only barely. I may need to start night bombing here to degrade his airfield.


As soon as I have some airfields built up here I can supplement the Zeroes with Oscars.

Solomon Sea

I get careless with one of my amphibious TFs on its way to Shortlands, and it runs afoul of a French carrier group. This is my first real setback of the game.


Luckily it's not a serious loss. It looks like the carrier TF is still steaming north - we'll see if my LBA CAP out of Rabaul will be enough to protect my ships here.

Air Losses Today

Again, the Zero is carrying the war on its shoulders.


Ship Losses Today


I'm skeptical of the Soviet sub - I didn't hear the typical sub sinking sounds during the replay, but I'm glad my planes are making ASW attacks.

zuluhour -> RE: Slaying a Monster of My Own Making: paradigmblue(J) vs BillBrown(A) (8/14/2017 1:04:54 PM)

Really detailed and fun read, I am also learning the IJ side and am not used to playing against the clock as it were. What a monster doing turns
it must be with the Soviet front active as well. Even as allied I could spend two hours on China alone, especially early. I look forward to more.

Lovejoy -> RE: Slaying a Monster of My Own Making: paradigmblue(J) vs BillBrown(A) (8/14/2017 4:33:26 PM)

Mod looks really cool. Wishing you the best of the luck! Teach those frenchies why they should have gone to the Caribbean instead!

ny59giants -> RE: Slaying a Monster of My Own Making: paradigmblue(J) vs BillBrown(A) (8/14/2017 4:58:45 PM)

I'm playing Gen Patton as Japan in BTS Lite. We are in early Oct '42.

You can use Fast Transport TFs to good effect as they become SCTF after they unload, which is quickly.

Make sure you place CA or BB in Amphib TF where there are nasty CD guns.

Do as many Amphib operations that you can vs marching overland to keep tempo high. Places like Java and Sumatra are where this must be done as the clock to end of March moves too fast (end of invasion bonus).

Did you send minesweepers to SoPac? Most games/mods don't have any for Japan down there.

In our version of BTS Lite, there are 9 plane chutai of Nell recon. Love them!! Many CVs have 3 planes of Recon Kates (upgrade later to Recon Judy).

paradigmblue -> RE: Slaying a Monster of My Own Making: paradigmblue(J) vs BillBrown(A) (8/14/2017 5:09:47 PM)


ORIGINAL: ny59giants

I'm playing Gen Patton as Japan in BTS Lite. We are in early Oct '42.

You can use Fast Transport TFs to good effect as they become SCTF after they unload, which is quickly.

Make sure you place CA or BB in Amphib TF where there are nasty CD guns.

Do as many Amphib operations that you can vs marching overland to keep tempo high. Places like Java and Sumatra are where this must be done as the clock to end of March moves too fast (end of invasion bonus).

Did you send minesweepers to SoPac? Most games/mods don't have any for Japan down there.

In our version of BTS Lite, there are 9 plane chutai of Nell recon. Love them!! Many CVs have 3 planes of Recon Kates (upgrade later to Recon Judy).

Thanks for the tips!

I have some minesweepers heading south now that I've taken Rabaul.

In Focus Pacific, most of the Japanese carriers start with a small group of recon Kates, which help quite a bit.

ny59giants -> RE: Slaying a Monster of My Own Making: paradigmblue(J) vs BillBrown(A) (8/14/2017 5:24:38 PM)

xAKs - How many have you temporarily converted to xAK (t)? You need them move troops quickly. I don't convert those class of xAKs that have dual capacity troops/cargo and liquid. They burn too quickly when hit.

paradigmblue -> RE: Slaying a Monster of My Own Making: paradigmblue(J) vs BillBrown(A) (8/14/2017 5:48:14 PM)


ORIGINAL: ny59giants

xAKs - How many have you temporarily converted to xAK (t)? You need them move troops quickly. I don't convert those class of xAKs that have dual capacity troops/cargo and liquid. They burn too quickly when hit.

This is one of the parts of the game where my inexperience playing Japan shows - I haven't started any of these conversions. I'm almost finished consolidating my shipping (my god that is a a lot of clicks), so I'll do so now.

What other conversions should I be looking for in the early game?

ny59giants -> RE: Slaying a Monster of My Own Making: paradigmblue(J) vs BillBrown(A) (8/14/2017 5:58:53 PM)

A more comprehensive list once I get back home from work. [;)] Most take around 5 to 6 days, but the port size needs to be 6 or larger. If you try to do too many in a port at size 6 (like Saigon or CRB), you can overload it and the time jumps to over 15 days. I use the biggies - Shanghai, Nagasaki, Hiroshima, Kobe, Tokyo.

Lima - 6 to 10 AKEs, rest to (t). I like their speed and capacity.
Aden - Most stay as xAKs as the are my main resource haulers.
Anryu - all go to PBs (each has cargo of 1000 and great for Fast Transport of supplies to a base)
To'su to ACM
Kiso to PB

TKs - there are some of the fast ones (18 knots) that can convert to AOs. Yes, you lose some small amount of capacity, but gain operational flexibility. Right now these guys are hiding and a great time to do so.

Is this mod using reduced capacity for cargo?

ny59giants -> RE: Slaying a Monster of My Own Making: paradigmblue(J) vs BillBrown(A) (8/14/2017 6:09:31 PM)

Air Production '42 - Planes like the Tojo and Helen will come in soon enough such that R&D will not do too much. The Tojo may move up one or two months. So, I have 2 x 90 size factories for actual production and 2 to 4 x 30 for R&D so once fully repaired, I can advance quickly through the 'b' model to the 'c'. The Helen is set to 1 x 90 factory as the R&D should be focused mainly on fighters across the board. Planes like the Nick and Rufe are set for production numbers rather than a bunch of size 30 factories.

paradigmblue -> RE: Slaying a Monster of My Own Making: paradigmblue(J) vs BillBrown(A) (8/14/2017 6:10:18 PM)


ORIGINAL: ny59giants

A more comprehensive list once I get back home from work. [;)] Most take around 5 to 6 days, but the port size needs to be 6 or larger. If you try to do too many in a port at size 6 (like Saigon or CRB), you can overload it and the time jumps to over 15 days. I use the biggies - Shanghai, Nagasaki, Hiroshima, Kobe, Tokyo.

Lima - 6 to 10 AKEs, rest to (t). I like their speed and capacity.
Aden - Most stay as xAKs as the are my main resource haulers.
Anryu - all go to PBs (each has cargo of 1000 and great for Fast Transport of supplies to a base)
To'su to ACM
Kiso to PB

TKs - there are some of the fast ones (18 knots) that can convert to AOs. Yes, you lose some small amount of capacity, but gain operational flexibility. Right now these guys are hiding and a great time to do so.

Is this mod using reduced capacity for cargo?

That's great, I appreciate it!

No, full cargo is enabled. There are a lot more resources and oil to haul in this mod, as the Japanese player is expected to expand their aircraft production beyond a Scen 1 or 2 game.

ny59giants -> RE: Slaying a Monster of My Own Making: paradigmblue(J) vs BillBrown(A) (8/14/2017 6:16:21 PM)

Ok, then the Lima and Toho are good for conversions as both are 14 knots. The Akasi and Ehime are 12 knots. Keep ALL the Aden to haul resources. Hide the "std -x" xAKs as in June they convert to small TKs, which you'll need.

dcaflak -> RE: Slaying a Monster of My Own Making: paradigmblue(J) vs BillBrown(A) (8/14/2017 6:20:18 PM)

Looks like a very intense campaign! Nice job on hitting fast and hard, I'll make sure to follow it, good luck!

paradigmblue -> RE: Slaying a Monster of My Own Making: paradigmblue(J) vs BillBrown(A) (8/15/2017 4:01:34 AM)

December 13th, 1941

An uneventful day. Right now I'm just working on moving troops to where they need to be for a quick conquest of Malaya and the Philippines. Next steps will be Celebes and Balikpapan.

Once most of Malaya has fallen I'll need to move quickly on Palembang.

paradigmblue -> RE: Slaying a Monster of My Own Making: paradigmblue(J) vs BillBrown(A) (8/15/2017 4:37:56 PM)

December 14th, 1941

Hong Kong falls, freeing up troops to march on Kwangchowan.

Operations are taking a breather right now, as I redistribute troops and amphibious task forces. The Dutch forces in Focus Pacific are dug in much better than in stock, so I have to ensure that each invasion TF is large enough and is properly supported for the job.

In a surprising move, Bill pulls his fighters out of the Philippines as well. This is welcome news, as it means that I will be able to concentrate my air power on Singapore and Burma for the time being.

paradigmblue -> RE: Slaying a Monster of My Own Making: paradigmblue(J) vs BillBrown(A) (8/16/2017 11:55:56 PM)

December 15th, 1941

Sorry for the lack of screenshots, there has been a little bit of a lull in operations now that Bill has withdrawn most of his fighters from the front lines. I'll try to post some maps of what is going on in the different theaters on the next turn.

Currently I'm still moving men and material to where they need to go for the next stage of the war. Amphibious TFs are returning from Malaya and the Philippines, being loaded with more troops, and being sent out to new targets, but everything is still in the preparatory stages.

Malaya will get 4 additional divisions in the hopes of capturing Singapore a bit faster. It looks like Kuantan has been abandoned by Bill, so a fast transport TF rushes in to try and invade on the cheap. The Philippines will get 2 additional divisions to try and take out Clark Field or Manilla a bit quicker as well. Troops are closing in on Burma, and in China I'm pushing Chinese troops north. In the DEI soon I'll try and take my first base on the path to Darwin - Ternate.

The Soviet Union is still quiet, as both Bill and I maneuver forces across the map. Because he has withdrawn his air forces, I'm free to bomb his airfields. I need to keep these fields damaged to prevent Bill from building forts in these bases.

In the Pacific, I start to look eastward, toward Baker Island. Once the KB is refueled at Truck, it will move to support a landing here. In the Solomon Sea, I'm waiting for Kaiveng to build an airfield and am sending a small invasion TF to Green Island. Once that is done I'll start looking at moving south toward Port Morseby, which can be a tough nut to crack in Focus Pacific.

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